Making a Paper Bag Monster Video at Heart Felt Play Store

One day last year, when Sophi-do-It was 5, she made a paper bag monster.

We caught the art work on camera at Heart Felt Play Store.

Today I, No Non-cents Nanna relived the fun of watching her expressions by making the images into a video.

Our little Sophie Do-It is, now 6 years old, is growing up, as children tend to do.

But thanks to the magic of videos we can watch the Making of a MONSTER!

Enjoy the simplicity of childhood with your children and grandchildren. Just for fun try making your own fun vidoes with yoru children, too.

The End

Did you know that No Non-cents Nanna’s Heart Felt Play Store is expanding with More and More diy craft kits and sensory play kits?

Make your own Monster Masks: ( Not all DIY masks kits will be guaranteed to be in stock every week. Use CONTACT FORM on any Heart Felt Play Store

Catalog page to start the conversation.

DIY Monster or Robot foam masks for affordable fall pre-Halloween party craft. Limited stock Heart Felt Play Store.-add to wish list today.

(Shameless self promotion on my own blog post, I know.)

Heart Felt play Store is a divsion of dba More & More

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