Go Cheap and Generic this Halloween
I know, Mom, you’re still buying back to school clothes. You don’t want to think about Halloween yet!
But , in the world of retail it is my duty to hep you plan ahead for the most practical money saving ideas for Trick or Treat night before the kids get their heart set on an over-budget over advertised trend they only wear once. Ages 5 to 10 years old.
I’m called the No Non-cents Nanna for good reasons. I am bluntly encouraging families to go generic and cheap to stay with in your family’s budget. After all that is kind of product offered at No Non-cents Nanna’s Heart Felt Play Store on-line. Click HERE to explore the store’s collections.
- Budget minded
- Practical
- Old fashioned- Note: Hand-crafted may or may not be the safest nor the cheapest.
- I don’t believe small kids need to be overloaded with the scary and macabre. Let’s encourage kids to be kids who feel safe and secure play acting waht they know and what tthey should be learning about.Heart Felt Play Store fun products with an educational twist focuses on animals, dinosaurs and sensory play for the entire year, not just Halloween or Christmas where most retailers bank on the holidays of 80% of their yearly sales.
Encourage your little angels to creatively use the basics for a Halloween character.

Dressing up is fun for kids and kids at heart. But you need not spend a fortune to have a fun costume for Halloween or a school play. Be sure to capture the moment with your camera.
My solutions to a generic Halloween that can be worn for dress-up all year around is appearing on my Heart Felt Play Store inventory...grow with us!

Heart Felt Play Store former display in Old City.
Easy order on-line. https://heartfeltplaystore.nononcentsnanna.com/products/
Heart Felt Play Store is a one grandma operation with no advertising budget and small inventory that keeps prices low for parents of young children. No Non-cents Nanna’s blog will be posting her own ideas as well as sharing link to kid friendly themes that can be viewed on the internet by directing you to Pinterest boards No Non-cents Nanna’s Halloween for inspiration.
….dress-up play costumes that can be cheap Halloween costumes as well!

Black leggings for warmth or as part of a simple, cheap, boy/ girl Halloween costume like animal hooded capes.
- Jungle/ Safari animal hooded capes: zebra; monkey; lion; elephant. Each sold seperately.
- Farm animal hooded capes: cow; horse; pig; lamb. Each sold seperately.( Will work for Nativity play at Christmas , too.)
- Color Your Own Jungle critters to wear as a costume. No Non-cents Nanna can’t wait to show you how cute and afforable them are.
Wear the black legging underneath. Note No Non-cents Nanna got a fabulous deal that is being passed on to you. Bad news is that inventory is limited to only a dozen pairs…with the hope of a few more…hurry if you want them they are one-size fits al for kids maybe age 7 to 17 years…
- Cheap dinosaur T-shirts are coming back to go with dinosaur masks and// or dinoaur tails…too excited!
Use the contact form on Heart Felt Play Store to start the coversation. Tell founder/ owner, Malika Bourne what you are looking for and the price range…will see what she can do for you.
Start collecting you COOL BEANS rewards today!
If you have not done so already, please go to the Heart Felt Play Store Front Page catalog. Look at the lower right for the COOL BEANS icon invitation. Click to join. You will review 100 points worth $1 off store product. ( NO cash value. Be sure to read the rules.)
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