How to Laugh about Bugs in Your Hair: April Fools Fun!
Most of us parents and camp nurses, like me, who have nit picked heads of hair will tell you bugs in the hair is no laughing matter.
But there are times when we need put away our fine tooth combs a for a good laugh when we exclaim, “You have bugs in your hair!”

Find this Heart Felt Play Store ad in Lets Be Local Colorado coming this October. Clip the coupon then apply CODE discount online or any events you see Heart Felt plays Store
Introducing: Bug in Your Hair Head Bands by No Non-cents Nanna’s Heart Felt Play Store!
….pictures, please!

Great party favor for a bug theme party. YIKS! THERE’S A BUG IN YOUR HAIR HEAD BAND Created uniquely for Heart Felt Play Store. Frogs eat bugs, so not to worry.

THERE’S A BUG IN YOUR HAIR HEAD BAND! One of a kind gag gifts or party favors created by Malika Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna for her Heart Felt Play Store.

Amongs the pretty blue petal lurks a creepy bug. Bugs in hair happen! Now, it is time to laugh it off with BUGS IN THE HAIR HEAD BANDS! aLL UNIQUE for HEART FELT PLAY STORE.

So lovely a (fake) rose with a hinntof baby’s breath..EEEK! What is in your hair?
For fun party favor or a trophy to nit picking paretns now youcan LOL with new THERE’S A BUG IN HAIR HEAD BANDS CREATED FOR HEART FELT PLAY STORE.

THERE’S ABUG IN YOUR HEAD BANDS with be sold online in random sets of 3. Who know what creepy thing will e hidden in the pretty flower? Indiviaul head bands are for sale locally at Creative Expressions in Colorado Springs ad select event like Springs Spree in August.All one of a kind.
As every flower in nature is uniquely beautiful so it is withe these charming head bands, THERE’S A BUG IN YOUR HAIR!
The No Non-cents Nanna believes we all need to have some fun in life after surving ickey stuff like bugs in hair. Once when I was Camp Nurse in the Moutians…the short story is…we had 1000 kids with head lice but only 3 bottles of RX to treat them with. ..and a few lizards in my bed.
I knew one day I would laugh fondly about the itchty situation. LOL!
- You may purchase these one-of-a-kind headbands by clicking HERE There’s a Bug in Your Hair Headband at Heart Felt Play Store
Dare to be different…Enjoy having bugs in your hair.
Heart Felt There’s a Bug in Your Hair Headbands are perfect for gag gifts, Bug Birthday Party Favors and April Fools Day.
Or Dare to wear a buggy headband every day to school to see if the teacher sends you to the school nurse. Not to worry. the bugs are only plastic!
- SORRY! There is no choice when it comes to getting a bug in your hair. You get what you get: randomly selected by Heart Felt Play Store.
End of Post
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To clarify any confusion of names:
- The name of my retail for kids things is Heart Felt Play Store which can be easily Googled.
- The URL for the store actually has No Non-cents Nanna in it because that is how I first set up the account.
- The business registration is a old EIN under the name of MORE & MORE to honor my late father when we shared a small business.
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