Kids Can Explore Dinosaurs
The dinosaur collection was GROWING BIGGER and BIGGER at Heart Felt Play Store!*
You don’t have to be an archeologists to want to explore affordable collecton of dinosaur products.
- Due to the Closure of our on-line store we would like refer you to our former wholesale suppiy source Oriental Trading Company we enjoyed dealing with for many years.
As a couresty to all the Pinners who have pinned our images on Pinterest we are leaving up as many edited posts as possbile with the referal to where you can purchase these fun dinosaur items. Be aware that the wholesalers quantities will vary from the way we had re-packaged in smaller quantites fo ryour convenience.
No Non-cents Nanna’s Heart Felt Play Store permanently closed so Nanna may spend more quality time caring for a chronicaly ill family member.
Feel free to contact owner Malika Bourne via Facebook to offer a buy out on current remainling inventory.
What’s new in Dinosaurs and Dragons?
Pterodactyl wings and Dragon Wings flew in

What do you do with blue Pterodactyl wings? Wear ’em just for fun. Heart Felt Play Store #pterodactylwings
The No Non-cents Nanna knows that parents and teachers are always searching for the cheap learning opportunities that will capture attention and continue to encourage thier children’s/ students love of learning.

Kids love to learn with the dinosaur theme. Heart Felt Play Store is the place to go to order from a collection of dinosuar masks; dinosaur bone; dinostattoos, dinosaur stickers and more…

Dinosaur Shine & Reveal interactive spiral activity book is fun for young prehistoric explorers in the classroom or at a dinosaur party.
Shine a light through the page to reveal a young “archeological’ discovery.
Little archeologists can have fun discovering their own dinosaur (fake) fossils with this educational dinosaur excavation kit.
Each 3″ x2′ x 2 1/4′ boxed kit contains
- 1 earthen block with a plastic dinosaur claw (Sh-h-h! Let is be a surprise discovery.)
- 1 dusting brush
- 1 digging tool
- 1 information sheet
Buy these by the dozen wholesale from Oreintal Trading Company
Last but not least are Heart Felt Play Store most popular item:
Dinosaur masks

Foam dinosaur masks add to the Dinosaur Dig experience. See Heart Felt Play Storeorder 2 – 3 weeks in advance of a kids dinosaur birthday party.
Do you own a snall toy store? Make an offer to buy out our remaining inventory. Email

Sophie-Do-It models new manufactured dinsoaur tails and foam dinosaur mask for Heart Felt Play Store
Fun for kids to play their favorite pre-historic beast. Each mask is a different color combination and different shape dinosaur face.
Perfect party favor for a dinosaur birthday party. Also a great addition to a pre-school dress-up/ dramatic play area. but, order early..they sell out faster than a dinosaur can walk.
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