No Church Should Hide Sexual Abuse Under the First Amendment part 2

Hits: 2641No Church Should Hide Sexual Abuse Under the First Amendment – this is part 2 includes the link to the new that the New York State Assembly and Senate both passed the Child Victims Act (Senate bill 2440/Assembly bill 2683).* Included will be links to current cases of allegations of sexual abuses in church/ […]

No Church Should Hide Sexual Abuse Under the First Amendment – part 1

Hits: 275Trigger Warning: This post will contain a growing list of MeToo related links to articles on church sexual abuse for the convenience of my followers who need a quick and easy resources to learn more about the overwhelming issues of abuses in churches who harbor criminals instead of notifying the police first. I have […]

Sunday School Lesson Before the Cult Invaded

Hits: 636I am grateful for the Sunday School Lessons that I had learned when I was a child. Little did I or any of the congregation of the church I attended realize that our Mid-western Bible-based church would be systematically seduced by a cult leader. In retrospect, I can recall that there were red flags […]

Iowa Girl Sees Home Town Terrorized by Youth Group

Hits: 259This is my personal history of how a good Christian girl, an active member of a loving church, Christian Tabernacle, in a small town in Washington, Iowa was ashamed of her youth group peers who were members of a religious group known as The Walk. Now, that the cult has fallen, I want people […]

Sunday School Lesson Before the Cult Invaded

I am grateful for the Sunday School Lessons that I learned when I was a child. Little did I or any of the congregation of the Christian Tabernacle church I attended to realize that our Midwestern Bible-based church would be systematically seduced by a cult leader from the West Coast. In retrospect, I can recall […]

Should Cults Survivors Forgive and Forget?

This post will explore the “forgive and forget” advice given to survivors of toxic relationships. I am a survivor a religious movement that turned into an abusive cult. I have rarely discussed this in public, but I think it is time to open up about many things people on the outside wonder about.the #MeToo movement […]

Should You Trust Home Caregivers Who Work Fast?

Can you trust health care workers to do their job? What happens when you do not trust a health-care-giver who is very nice and get the work done very fast? Only in a perfect world can you trust a stranger. No employee is perfect- not even me.  When a family with a disabled person needs extra ordinary care-taking life is stressful enough – then hire a kind acting stranger who  seem to have all the necessary skills to help out – but, they are only there for the pay check and all the extras they can rip off. This  post will address some issues with health-care  employees that willfully cross the line of neglect and fraud, from my per-spective. Trust in God, but lock your door… For the last 6 1/2 years we have had some very good people in and out of our home to care for my adult son who – BAM! – got hit […]

Are we There Yet?-Traveling with Kids

The most common question children will ask when traveling is “ARE WE THERE YET?” This post will share some of our old fashioned traveling games and some newer ideas from cheap to very nice and neat and more modern… Granny tips for traveling with kids …plus my travel picks from the fun products I just […]