Snowman that Doesn’t Melt: It’s Felt
Who wants to build a snowman inside where it’s warm?
I’m curious about how many little kids are singing, “Do you Want to Build a Snowman” from Disney’s movie Fozen. I know, our family sings that song over and over whether or not I wear the snowman suit made of felt that won’t melt.
With temperatures dropping and snow on the mountain tops its time to start thinking about gathering fake snow for crafts big and small; singing some songs about snow and playing some bone chilling games with out even goin gout side in the freezing cold and snow.
- My adult size felt snowman apron is stuffed with polyester fill.
- My buttons are big round black felt cirlces. I used puffy paint to made fake button holes and thread.
- I already had the hat, scarf kit top and sun glasses.
What craft medium makes good snow?
- cotton balls
- styrofoam peanuts
- white out
- white pearl nail polish
- white felt
- Epsome salts
- pony beads in white light sparkle blue
- glitter
- cheese clothe with glitter or epsome salt sprinkels
- white tulle
- powdered donuts
- marshmellows
- white play dough
- white yarn and glue
- white socks
- white spools
- salt and glue
- white gloves or mittens.
- white pipe cleaners
- white buttons
- shredded coconut
Here is a snow man craft that you can make yourself:
- Cut 3 sizes of white felt circles
- add google eyes (glue on or allow chidl to keep mkaing theri snow man over adn over.)
- use scrapes of oragne for the carrot nose and black felt for the hat and long piece for a scarf
- set out odds and ends of craft supplies like buttons or pom poms
- store in a small zipper lock bag.
For more inspiration on snow that doesn’t melt crafts:
Check out No Non-cents Nanna’s Let it Snow Man board on Pinerest.
Lets this snow ooze through the kids fingers…it won’t melt!

Snow ooze recipe that is tried and true . Sotre is small zipper lock bags. to lat a bit longer be sure kids wash their hands before and after playing with.
In my opening line of this post I mentioned only one song from Frozen that most of us have heard a little too often.
How about adding a new little diddy to go along with the coming freezing weather and snow?
Does your tot know the snowman song below?
I’m a Little Snowman
(Tune of I’m a Little Teapot)
I’m a little snowman round and fat.
Here are my buttons
Here is my hat.
When the sun comes out to play
I wil slowly melt away.
Note from No Non-cents Nanna:
As I look around for gifts that may interest my youngest grandchildren I see too many toys that do EVERYTHING! This concerns me because growing children need to use their imganiations to explore even if the results are not perfect in the adult mind.
With sensory play items, like my felt manipulatives, pre-school children can try placing pieces any way they wish; there are no wrong ways and no right ways. Confidence is built along with developing find motor skills.
Note: Malika Bourne, author of the No Non-cents blog is also the founder and owner of No Non-cents Nanna’s Heart Felt Play Store. Posts may include links to related products sold on the on-line Shopify merchants store for self promotion/ marketing.
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