There is Simple Beauty in a Bottle of Bubbles and a Small Child
This old No Non-cents Nanna loves the simplicity of childhood. Give a small child a small bottle of bubbles and a bubble wand is better than discovering a burried treasure.
I feel very blessed to have been able to capture some beautiful moments with this four year old and her bottle of bubbles.
There is so much simple joy to watch the wide eyed wonderment in a child’s face.
Children learn so much from being able to use their imaginations in a relaxed way.
Encourage your family to relax and explore natural beauty like a simple bubble blown in the wind just for fun.
Meet my model, Sophi-Do-It.
Photography by Malika Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna of Colorado Springs,Colorado
Copy right March 2015. Permission to PIN and social share from this site provided credit is given to Malika Bourne Colorado Springs Colorado copyright 2015 Watermark made on
Source: No Non-cents Nannas Blog

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