True Magic is Found in the Imagination of a Child
Before you get into debt buying Christmas holiday presents, parents, think about what your children REALLY need to as a gift from you to help them grow up to be productive adults. I think we need to encourage imagination skills as part of learning the problem solving process.
What IF every child could wish for whatever they want then receive everything at anytime? Would a magic wishing well be a great idea or not?
This post was originally was published on Bubblews in 2013 by No Non-cents Nanna who encouraged readers to explore our value systems of realistic life in a 10 part post. Updated, agin 11/02/17
“Many parents of today’ generation rob their children of childhood by buying them their own fantasies as they attempt to buy developing minds “magic“* to be loved in return.
This is so heartbreaking.
Part One:
The greatest magic gift a parent can give to a child is to encourage imagination. Note, that I did not write “lies”.
- It is normal for us, as parents, to want to wish our kids to have better than we had when we were young. But, you MUST hold back or you will be withholding the greatest gifts of all.
- Please don’t be stifling a child’s own creativity; a stepping stone to their destiny.
- Getting every fantasy wished for would not be a good choice for any one. Neither would eating ice cream day after day be a good thing, either.
- We all grow stronger because of our disappointments.
- Sure, as kids we all cried with at times when our parents said we could not have that one thing we dreamed of. As a child I wished to Mommy with 100 kids. I sure am glad I got another think on that one. One of my children dreamed about living at K-Mart. That may be a much smarter idea than I had at age 3.
Why would I say that when we can buy our kids every toy today that we old folks used to only dream of?” asks Malika Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna.
Part two:Reward for effort.
One of my 6 grandchildren painted this picture a few years ago when she was in kindegarten. Is this refrigerator art as valuable as Micheal Angelo’s painting in the Sistine Chapel ceiling? That anser is “No.”
What child does not believe their painting the is best-er-est any kid EVER did in the whole wide world?
“As valuable?” Ha-ha! I kid you not, that art is more valuable to me becasue I love the child who painted it.
This old No Non-cents Nanna says it is more priceless than any famous art work ever! But let’s not over-inflate the ego nor cut them to shreds over their creativity not being marketable.
I know, most grown ups look at a crappy piece of paper with blobs of paint on it knowing full well that no one would pay $1,000,000 for that ‘junk’, yet, exclaim “Oh pretty!” before we throw that masterpiece in the trash.
(Not me! I try to keep every one of those creations until they become a fire hazard or grape juice gets spilled on it..)
We can dismiss the imagination as garbage…we are too busy working for money to buy the kid what they want…but,
- all our children really want is for us to appreciate their efforts by taking time to explore the magic of their dreams, not those things with a price tag.
Part three: When talking to a child…
- Make eye contact face to face.
- Be quiet to listen what the child says.
There will be magic in his/ her words as she uhms and a-a-a-a-h’s with inept wording to describe the painting or a picture on a stick. Let me tell this: your child will always treasure these moments when you listened, really LISTENED to their words even if their ideas are only imaginary.
Part four: Don’t we ALL want to live in Sleeping Beauty’s Castle?
Well, yeah! Who as a child did not dream of being a fairy tale protagonist or princess?
We can’t all live at Disneyland even if you live within walking distance -and we did in the 1970’s. (My family actually DID leave within walking distance of the Magic Kingdom. That property is now a parking lot , I think.)
I can tell you this:
As thrilling as it is to go on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride 6 times in a row-just because you always dreamed of it-becomes as boring as making your bed and brushing your teeth everyday!
- But, every kid will appreciate that dream come true when earn the fantasy vacation after a lot of sweat from hard work of daily chores.
My grandson mowing the lawn is building character. I know, he may not be so hot on this idea this year.
Reality check:
- Parents have to work to pay the bills and admssion. Unless you work at the magic Kingdom playing a character for minimum wage.
- Fulfilling fantacies now and then is so much fun! YAY!
- What is even better that going to Disneyland every day is planning as a family on how to save up to pay the admission; buy the food and transportation to get there.
Part five: “Princess Charlotte has a Grand Jewelry Box to Borrow From” the headline read.
I’m not jealous of the wealth that William and Kate’s new baby girl will inherit.
I AM a bit concerned that the new little princess will ever be able to experience the real beauty dreaming and hoping and wishing or scheming how to get her royal parents the present EVER just because she loves them!
Here is on of my 6 grandchildren all decked up in cheap plastic beads she strung herself feeling like a beautiful princess.
- There is so much wealth in the true magic in the imagination of a child.
Part six: Don’t steal away a child’s dreams…
In Disney’s version of Cinderella, Ella, sings, “A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes.”
- As much as we parents want to protect our kids or the cruel harshness of the world, we should not steal their dreams by fixing everything for them.
- Children have to learn to fail a number of times before they appreciate success.
When do buy them every fantasy it is kind of like buying them tickets to a Magic Show them revealing all of the tricks of the trade of the Magician’s illusions.
- There is no magic when you know how the illusion is pulled off; Not FUN!
Part seven: The best play things are gifts from the Earth for imagining.
Part eight: Fun ideas from Nanna family albums.
Oh, yeah, I love to make a mess as long as we clean it up. It is all a learning experience and that is 1/2 the magic!
Look at Nanna get a relaxing facial with fruit…
Moving boxes can be a child’s fantasy come true!
We made a car from a box.
Read to chidlren when they are small.Then encourage them to make up their own stories.
Not exactly a best selling novel, noraninvitation to dine at the White House…
Encourage kids to explore nature to discover the gifts of the Earth.
Well Bibity Bobbity -BOO! With imagination, a silly hat and decorated empty paper towel roll there is MAGIC! in the air!
Part nine: conclusion
- I encourage all you families to spend quality time together using creativity and imagination* vs buying the kids every thing they wish for.
In life there are no magic wands nor would getting every wished for wish be a good idea.
Imagining the what if I did this or what IF I did that what could happen? (Hopefully not blow the house up.) How far would that imagination cary the child into the future when they figured it out them selves?
I am Malika Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna saying,” Make good choices.”
Part ten: Now it is your turn.
After reading this take a look at your family photos. Doe any part reflective creativity that promotes imagination or spending money?
Source: No Non-cents Nanna’s Blog
Check it out:
* Imagination – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“Imagination, also called the faculty of imagining, is the ability to form new images and sensations in the mind that are not perceived through senses such as sight …”
** Magic (paranormal) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“Magic or sorcery is the use of rituals, symbols, actions, gestures and language that are believed to exploit supernatural forces. Modern Western magicians …”
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