Trusted Resource List Government Agencies to Keep American Families Safe and Healthy
Have you ever wondered about how to find places to help keep your family safe and healthy when you do not have much money?
There may be local, state, and national agencies that could help if only you know what the name is or how to look it up in the phone book.
- What are some resources that can prepare you with basic health plans of action that offer guidelines when your need to call the doctor’s office for an appointment, go to the Emergency room or wait and see?
- If you are a “prepper family” reading the content on basic health questions and home safety will be a real bonus in your preparedness journey. Every family really should have basic knowledge of health and wellness alongside First-Aid and CPR. (See No Non-cents Nanna post: _______
This blunt No Non-cents Nanna blog is written to help you find those resources even if you are not great at looking up stuff on the internet.
- Now is the time to plan ahead.
This image is used under the Fair Use Act for informational purposes. Calcium: Shopping List – MyHealthfinder |
Get those gears in your heads turning. We’ve got some critical thinking to do. Get ready to take a closer look at basic health and find wellness resources from the US Government…
But, first…
No Non-cents Nanna OPNION:
I hope you feel this blog is a safe place to explore new things how health and questions to think about.
With that said, some of you will strongly disagree or even be angry even with all of the credit sources of fact. So, take it or leave – it is nothing personal to disagree with me.
Disclaimer: This is not intended to give medical advice nor replace your own general practitioner, doctor, or medical clinic.
- I am aware of many people who have built up a lot of “mistrust in the government”. No matter what your political views or religious affiliation there are agencies set up by the American government for the people. I encourage you to use programs if they fit your needs. You will not know if anything will work unless you check it out, first.
- I hope you feel good about using No Non-cents Nanna as a responsible clearing house for good referrals that can be easily clicked on and get to where you want to be to find what you want.
(Sorry, I cannot guarantee anything. Please note that No Non-cents Nanna is a blogger, not a charity. I am not associated with any government agency.)
Don’t buy more problems
I am not here to judge( most) of you. I am pulling this post together to make it easy to find answers to your basic health and wellness questions.
I will sternly state that there are far too many fear-mongers click baiters with cultish manipulative traits who know how to get attention on Tick-Tock and YouTube but have no clue about where to find real facts – nor do they seem to care.
That is why I will continue to write my blog post. These posts will be turned into a video format with the full transit and onus clickable links. (No Non-cents Nanna is coming to YouTube in March 2023. The channel already exists with a few old videos that are related to my closed e-commerce store Heart Felt Play store.)
I see poking at people’s emotions as a problem – and I won’t try to sell any more problems than what we already have in the present or future.
For those who care about using critical thinking skills rather than being “sheeple,” I hope this post gets the wheels in your head turning well enough to find and make wise choices.
I will give you ideas on way to find answers to your questions or ways to figure out for yourself:
- What is a health fact?
- What is a health myth?
- What is an opinion?
- How can a health statement be checked out?
Frankly, I am concerned about the people who trust YouTubers X,Y, and Z who are legally forced to give a disclaimer stating that they are not giving medical advice – yet, once you hear them you cannot un-hear that those people have given unproven advice. In another old post, I expressed my thoughts. The links will be posted below.
Look for solutions that we can live with.
WARNING! I express my snarky opinion in the lighter color ink. And I will offend a number of you. I will be rattling some cages. But, let me ask you this? How do you know for fact what doctors do or say or why they charge so much since you have not been to a doctor in 30 years? You don’t know. Then why are you trusting every word that comes out of someone’s mouth who preaches “Don’t waste your money on a doctor – he just wants your money.” “Doctors won’t tell you the secrets I tell you.” And why is that when you never bother to ask?
The clickable links below will take you to safe sites that will give you some very basic information about what you can expect to talk to your doctor about.
Under the Fair Use Act and implies permission the following information was copied and pasted into this No Non-cents Nanna blog post for educational information to help the visitor to this site gain insight on how to find a variety of health and safety resources.
Disclaimer: Sentences written in italics with lighter ink are the expressed opinion of Malika Bourne aka the No Non-cents Nanna. Not to be understood as medical advice. Please consult your own doctor. And be prepared to ask questions inspired by this post.
What is MyHealthfinder?
Explore Health Topics:
- Health Conditions
- Doctor Visits
- Healthy Living
The following links have come from
Trusted information to help your family stay healthy. – MyHealthfinder |
“The information presented on — including information on microsites like MyHealthfinder, Healthy People, and Health Literacy Online — is in the public domain. This means it may be freely distributed and copied — but please include a link to our website and acknowledge ODPHP as the source.”
Regular Checkups?
Why is it a good idea to have a regular family doctor, health practitioner, or clinic where you have already established care?
“Stay on top of your health – get regular checkups with a doctor or nurse.”
Screening Tests
What kind of tests might a doctor “do to you”? I know, we have all heard horror stories. After we think about it a while, is there a possibility that that horror story a bit exaggerated because the storyteller was afraid- not knowing what to expect?
“Find out which screenings (medical tests) you may need this year.”
Vaccines (Shots)
Yes, I know, that many people are against vaccines.
Trust me, I know because way back in the 1950s my own parents were among the original “Anti-vaxers”. When I went into nurse training I quickly realized how uninformed my parents really were when they verbally vomited and repeated every “secret the doctor won’t tell you” statement they hear in their Natural Foods association group meeting they drug my sisters and me to on school nights, when we should have been asleep in our beds inside of inside the car or in the back of a meeting room on folding chairs.
I hear the same exact excuses, today by some YouTubers every week as mythical “proof” that I heard when I was 10. I am alarmed when I know they are dead wrong – and you should be too.
High blood pressure raises your risk for serious health problems — but many people don’t know they have it. Check your blood pressure regularly to find problems early and protect your health. Learn about checking your blood pressure.
This image is used for informational purposes under the Fair Use Act. No Non-cents Nanna has any copyright privileges to the image. Lower Your Risk of Falling – MyHealthfinder |
Healthy Living
Mental Health and Relationships
“Get tips on things like managing stress and talking to loved ones about important health topics.”
Please, before you skip over this thinking, “I’m not ‘CRAZY” or “I don’t have time to be depressed”… I will tell you that you got another ‘think’ coming”, and you are not well informed about mental health.
Have you considered that making judgments because of what “the preacher said” you and he may be a part of the big problem but are too smug to admit it?
“Making small changes to your eating habits can make a big difference for your health. Find out how to get started.”
See the section below about calcium in your diet…
Oh, my! If I had a nickel for every time I have heard this statement I’d be rich, “Your doctor doesn’t talk about nutrition.” or “Did you know that a medical doctor does not know anything about how to eat right?”
OK? How do you know that? Can you prove it with published and peer-reviewed facts?
It may be time for some critical thinking, don’t you think?
With that said, doctors do refer you to people who have college degrees in nutrition: Nutritionists.
If you go to the doctor for a broken leg, what is the focus of that visit?
It is about setting the bones and preventing complications while giving you something appropriate for pain. He/ she may give you a printed sheet that encourages you to drink plenty of fluids and what possible options of food to eat which will support the bone healing process.
Physical Activity
“Regular physical activity is good for your health. Get tips to help you get more active.”
If you have an injury, for example, a doctor may give you a referral to a Physical Therapist to work with you during your recovery.
Doctor and Midwife Visits
Find out how your doctor or midwife can help you have a healthy pregnancy.
Please note that I copied and pasted the Vitamin D section under PREGNANCY will also appear on the post about SNAP and WIC.
Good sources of Vitamin D include:
- Fish like salmon, tuna, and trout
I point this out because of the (In My Opinion) underinformed jump-to-conclusions clickbait comments on some YouTube channels ranting about how “unfair it is for WIC to not allow MEAT” other than cheap tuna fish. Apparently, free speech reigns supreme to garner views and content creators don’t need to do much more than find a biased article written by who knows what sources and then expound on “how the ‘Giverment’ cannot be trusted”.
IMO I feel like the ignorant opinions that are given and excused as free Speech” is more like yelling “Fire in a crowded theater” just for the fun of it.” Then who is responsible for people getting hurt as they try to escape a pretend fire?
Let me know in the comment section whether you can agree, see my concern, or not.
Get enough vitamin D.
Vitamin D helps your body absorb (take in) calcium. Your body makes vitamin D when you’re out in the sun. You can also get vitamin D from:
- Fish like salmon, tuna, and trout
- Milk with added vitamin D
- Some breakfast cereals, yogurt, and juices with added vitamin D
- Vitamin D pills
Talk to your doctor before taking vitamin D pills.
Learn more about:
For information on WIC (Women, Infants & Children) supplemental nutrition program to another No Non-cents Nanna blog post.
Update On Iowa’s Proposed SNAP Restrictions: Everything You Never Asked About Supplemental Nutrition Benefits.
This post will share updates on the concerning proposed Iowa SNAP restrictions quoted from official sources. (See below)
At the time of publishing this post, the SNAP change BILL is not a law, yet.
There will be revisions to what food EBT users can or cannot buy with “food stamps”.
Nutrition and Physical Activity
“Eating healthy and staying active can help you have a healthy pregnancy — and a healthy baby.”
Visit No Non-cents Nanna post on SNAP and WIC
Most people call it ___. But chemists call it NaCl, a chemical compound. (Read below the block quote for shocking insight on the most common chemical used in the home.)
Limit certain nutrients and ingredients.
Sodium (salt)
Sodium is found in table salt — but most of the sodium we eat comes from packaged food or food that’s prepared in restaurants.
Learn how to cut down on sodium [PDF – 881 KB].
Added sugars
Added sugars include syrups and sweeteners that manufacturers add to products like sodas, yogurt, and cereals — as well as things you add, like sugar in your coffee. Learn how to cut down on added sugars [PDF – 898 KB].
Saturated fat
Saturated fat comes from animal products like cheese, fatty meats and poultry, whole milk, butter, and many sweets and snack foods. Some plant products like palm and coconut oils also have saturated fat. Learn how to cut down on saturated fat [PDF – 1.1 MB].
Get a personalized MyPlate Plan to help you choose healthy foods
For informational purposes copied and pasted from Thought Company. Please read the entire article by clicking the link at your convenience.
Table salt is one of the most common household chemicals. Table salt is 97% to 99% sodium chloride, NaCl. Pure sodium chloride is an ionic crystal solid. However, other compounds are present in table salt, depending on its source or additives that may be included before
Does salt have chemical composition?
Here is a question for you. I’m going to guess that you cannot fill in the blank.
All carbohydrates, including _____, contain the same three elements: carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. Is it animal, vegetable, or mineral?
Let me know what you think in the comments.
What are the 3 elements in the formula for sugar?
… all carbohydrates, including sugar, contain the same three elements: carbon, oxygen and hydrogen.
- To make different types of carbohydrates, different arrangements of these elements form single units.
- For instance, glucose is a single-unit with six atoms of carbon, 12 atoms of hydrogen and six atoms of oxygen.
What is the common name of sugar?
- Sucrose is the sugar form that is the most popular.
- Sometimes named “table sugar,” it is a carbohydrate present in many fruits and plants that occurs naturally.
- Usually, table sugar is derived from sugar cane or sugar beets. It consists of 50 percent glucose, bound together, and 50 percent fructose.
Is sugar ‘natural food” or is it a chemical?
Did you know that vegetables can be a good source of calcium?
With out peaking can you name 2 veggies that are good sources of calcium?
You can also get calcium from vegetables like:
- Soybeans (edamame)
- Collard greens
- Spinach
- Turnip greens
- Bok choy
- Kale
- Broccoli
If you buy canned vegetables, check the Nutrition Facts label and choose the option with the least sodium.
If you buy frozen vegetables, check the Nutrition Facts label and choose veggies without butter or cream sauces.
Name 3 to 5 of your favorite or most often eaten vegetables…
Sexual Health
Warning: this content, while of a general nature in content, is meant to provide information to people over the age of 18. Parental guidance is suggested. This page may be helpful to parents when discussing these health topics with their children. I. Malika Bourne believes that it is the parent’s right and responsibility to talk with their children about sexuality and “consequences”. I hope that parents find this well-organized on one page to be able to go from topic to topic. The resources are not meant for the classroom, but for personal use only.
The content in the links is available online from the US Government websites. No Non-cents Nanna is simply providing a collection of resources in print form to support audio/ visual content to be published in March 2023 on YouTube under the channel titled No Non-cents Nanna.
Disclaimer: This post is not meant to replace sound medical advice – see your doctor – take a list of questions inspired by this blog with you. This post is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe. This post is for reference guide for informational purposes only.
In the block quotes below is a sample of what information you may find on a government website. Do you think it is a good idea or not a good idea to have this kind of information handy?
Do you think that these are the kind of topics to talk about with a doctor whom you see for health and wellness checks every year or two?
Questions for the Doctor
You may be more likely to fall if you:
- Have fallen in the past year
- Have a health condition that makes it hard to walk or affects your balance, like diabetes or heart disease
- Have trouble walking, getting up from a chair, or stepping up onto a curb
- Take many different medicines, especially medicines to help you relax or sleep
- Have trouble seeing or have a vision problem like cataracts or glaucoma
Use this checklist to find out if you’re at risk for falling [PDF – 1.8 MB]
If you’re worried about falling, talk to your doctor or nurse about how balance exercises and physical therapy can help. Find out more about preventing falls and fractures
The Basics/Overview
You can make small changes to help prevent falls. More than 1 in 4 older adults fall each year. Falling can lead to broken bones, trouble getting around, and other problems — especially if you’re age 65 or older.
A fracture (broken bone) can cause pain and disability. It can also make it hard to do everyday activities without help, like cooking or taking a shower. Broken hips may lead to serious health problems — and even death.
The good news is there are lots of things you can do to lower your risk of falling. Take these steps:
- Talk with your doctor about falls and how to prevent them
- Do exercises to improve your balance and strength
- Review all medicines with your doctor or pharmacist — some medicines can make you dizzy or sleepy and cause you to fall
- Get your vision checked by an eye doctor every 1 to 2 years — and be sure to update your glasses or contact lenses when your vision changes
- Make your home safer — for example, add grab bars inside and outside your bathtub or shower and put railings on both sides of stairs
A bump on the head can throw your equilibrium off kilter. There are a number of things that can get messed up from a hit to the old noggin’. But, that is something I suggest you don’t wait to talk to your doctor about. Seriously.
Prevention is key.
- There is no good excuse for you to be stubborn about “never going see no doctor”, when imbalance from a blow to the head can make your head swim, which causes you to have another accident on top of it.
- What if you have chronic dizziness after a head injury and you think you are a good enough driver that you can drive – but then your injury someone else?
It is like driving while intoxicated.
Is it worth the risk of not being treated by a professional who can determine what treatment is appropriate?
- A doctor can write an order, based on tests and his training, for you to see a physical therapist to help manage vertigo.
Think, that sounds silly?
“You got another “think’ coming.”
Get yourself properly informed by the people who have the training to help you. – Not some blog, magazine article, or video. – Be inspired to take action.
Remember: To do nothing – is also a choice.
Personally, I have needed multiple sessions with PT for several different balance problems. The “tests’ to determine the origin of the dizziness is ridiculously surprising no extra fee. But heed: a medical professional has to be taught specifics – do NOT try this at home. See a doctor.
Take Action Get Active
Many falls are preventable. Follow these steps to lower your risk of falling.
Get active.
Staying active can help you feel better, improve your balance, and make your legs stronger. Learn more:
- Get tips for staying active as you get older
- Find out how staying active can help you stay healthy [PDF – 1.1 MB]
- Check out this free workout guide for older adults [PDF – 1.6 MB]
Improve your balance.
Exercises that improve your balance can help prevent falls. For example, tai chi is a mind-body exercise that can help with balance. You can:
- Check with your local community or senior center for physical activity classes that can help your balance
- Try these simple exercises to improve your balance
Build your muscle strength.
Do muscle-strengthening activities at least 2 days a week. These include lifting weights or using resistance bands (long, stretchy rubber strips).
I know that many people say they “feel well” or they “never get sick”. In my family, we come from sturdy stock that lives to be 90 to 100.
My own stubborn late father, passed away from pneumonia when he was 90. He had served in WWII – at that time he had his Army Physical. He never had a physical until he was 70 years old. The only reason he gave up seeing a doctor and not treating himself with herbs was when a family member found him unconscious after passing blood. He had colon cancer, but claimed he “felt fine” and he “knew how to treat his own ailments”. Later he did admit that he did not know anything about colon cancer.”
My late father was heavily into “organic food” and supplemental vitamins and minerals the health food store people told him he needed to buy for his family. That was in the 1950s and 1960s. I grew up on overdoses of vitamins that did harm me. I grew up with herbal remedies some of which I was allergic to.
It is not that I pooh-pooh home remedies or good nutrition. What I have a problem with is inaccurate self-diagnoses and not knowing how much or how little is good or bad for people depending on size and age. BTW herbs are not regulated by the Federal government because there is no exact amount of vitamins and minerals in their chemical compounds that are consistent from garden to garden.
WARNING! Some viewers and readers will not want to accept my words about home remedies.
Yes, I did say that herbs are chemical. In the wrong doses, they CAN be toxic or adverse to certain people with undiagnosed or diagnosed conditions. Please never let any YouTuber no matter how much you like them, tell you that “herbs do not have chemicals so herbs are always safe.”
Everything is made up of chemicals whether you want to hear it or not. In fact, pharmaceutical medications do have herbs in their composition. But you’d have to know the chemical name when you actually READ the ingredients. The herbs used must have a specific measurement of certain chemical properties.
Chemists who work in the field of medication do NOT do what we do when we make a salad with fresh dill, mint, oregano, and more. Chemists actually measure very tiny amounts very carefully. They don’t guess by saying, “Oh this looks good.” They don’t act like “too many cooks who spoil the broth” by what tastes good to that cook’s palate. The field of medicine is very precisely measured. Hot herbs like Cinnamon and Oregano, are active ingredients in analgesic medications – but listed under those herbs’ chemical names. Until the post is published, I encourage you to research this on your own to have the heads up if I am making this up or giving it to you straight.
No Non-cents Nanna has an existing old post on this blog. There will be an updated post in April 2023. Let me know in the comments if you are interested in my research and first-hand knowledge.
See a Doctor
There’s a lot your doctor can do to help keep you safe from falls. Talk with your doctor about your risk of falling.
Talk with your doctor about using medicines safely.
Using medicines safely can help prevent falls. Some medicines can make you sleepy or dizzy and cause you to fall.
Take all of your medicines (including over-the-counter medicines) to a doctor or pharmacist and ask if any of them could increase your risk of falling.
Learn more about using medicines safely. You can also print this list of questions to ask your doctor about preventing falls and take it with you to your next appointment.
Get your vision checked.
Your vision changes as you get older. Poor vision can increase your chances of falling.
Get your eyes tested every 1 to 2 years to make sure you’re wearing glasses or contact lenses with the right prescription strength. Be sure to update your glasses or contacts if your prescription has changed. Read more about keeping your vision healthy.
Get a bone density test.
If you’re a woman age 65 or older, get a bone density test to measure how strong your bones are. If you’re a woman age 64 or younger and you have gone through menopause, ask your doctor if you need a bone density test. Learn more about bone density tests.
If you have weak bones (osteoporosis), ask your doctor or nurse what steps you can take to stop bone loss and lower your risk of fractures.
Home Safety
Help prevent falls at home.
About half of all falls happen inside the home. Take these steps to make your home safer:
- Have railings put on both sides of all stairs inside and outside of your home
- Have grab bars put inside and outside your bathtub or shower and next to the toilet
- Use non-slip mats in the bathtub or shower
- Remove small rugs or use double-sided tape to keep rugs from slipping
- Use bright lights throughout your home, especially on the stairs
- Keep stairs and places where you walk clear of clutter — pick up or move things you can trip over, like cords, papers, shoes, or books
- Keep kitchen items you use often in easy-to-reach cabinets or shelves
Use this checklist to help prevent falls at home.
And be sure to follow these safety tips:
- Always wear shoes with non-slip soles, even inside your home — don’t walk barefoot or wear slippers or socks instead of shoes
- When you’re getting out of a chair, stand up slowly
- When you’re getting out of bed, sit up first and then stand up slowly
Healthy Habits
Get enough calcium.
Getting enough calcium can help keep your bones strong and make them less likely to break. You can:
Get plenty of sleep.
Getting enough sleep can help you be more alert so you’re less likely to fall. Find tips for getting enough sleep.
Drink alcohol only in moderation.
Alcohol can increase your risk of falling. If you choose to drink alcohol, it’s important to drink only in moderation to help you stay safe and avoid injuries. Read about drinking in moderation.
Are you worried about a loved one’s risk of falling?
If you’re a caregiver, there’s a lot you can do to protect your loved ones:
Taking charge of your own health involves seeking sound medical advice.
No one knows how strong your bones are unless a doctor orders the proper tests. It is best to know what you can do before your bones start to break without even falling.
At a certain age or with certain conditions your doctor can order a bone density test. (see below)
If the tests show osteopenia or osteoporosis, then your doctor will advise you on some dietary changes or the right dose of supplement for you.
Be aware that “more may not be better”. A major rule in medicine when giving medications is the 5 Rs
- Right Patient
- Right Medication
- Right Dose
- Right Time
- Right Route
Here is a question for you. How do you know that you are taking the right dose of anything in your food or supplement? Leave a comment.
Did you know that when bone density is poor, women, in particular, will have hips break BEFORE they fall? Breaking a hip and then falling could be preventable by visiting a doctor for regular age-appropriate screenings.
The excuse “doctors just want your money” is, frankly, an ignorant statement.
Get a Bone Density Test
Am I at risk for osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is most common in older women, but men can also get it. Your risk for osteoporosis increases as you get older.
Other things can increase your risk for osteoporosis, including:
- Hormone changes (especially for women who have gone through menopause)
- Not getting enough calcium and vitamin D
- Having certain diseases or taking certain medicines
- Smoking cigarettes or drinking too much alcohol
- Not getting enough physical activity
- Having a low body weight
- Having a parent who had osteoporosis or broke a bone
Check out these resources to learn more about osteoporosis and bone health:
Magical thinking is not an accurate measurement of anything. What you don’t know can harm you. Be Franklin said, “A pound of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.”
So if you are the type of person to want to “take drugs” then talk to a real doctor about getting the right blood tests or bone density tests so you don’t have to guess if or if not you need to tweak your levels of vitamin D and calcium before a bone breaks that lead to more complications.
Children used to get a disease called rickets. have you heard of that?
If not check out this link. RICKETS
Example of an anecdotal story: It is a story without any proof of validity. I hope that you get my point from this story.
When I was in nurse training my mentor and nursing program director shared that when she “was young her mother hid her from other people because the doctor said she had rickets.”
This wonderful nurse was older than I was but younger than my parents who grew up in the Great Depression.
Apparently, the mother “was ashamed of the child’s bowed legs”. The mother mistaking thought that “rickets was a dog’s disease”.
Back then paternal doctors were revered as “gods”. No one questioned – they just accepted what doctors told them. Many people had little to no education because time was focused on survival.
Many folks still today 2023 hold on to what their parents believed – right or wrong – they are stuck to one opinion and that is the way it is. And there are still strong religious groups that will say, “We don’t believe in doctors.” Some groups will go as far as to declare, “Doctoring in the work or the devil or witchcraft.”
I grew up around Amish Colonies. I still live about 15 minutes away from one old order Amish. I am within walking distance of one of the local Mennonite churches. Since I’m on the topic of religion, some of my favorite upstairs neighbors are Muslim.
I love living in a very diverse community. I know that when people are not used to people with different ideals it can be uncomfortable. Differences are normal to me.
I ride the bus with some amazing human beings with great personalities and warmth. From what I hear a few YouTube content creators say, and the comments that follow – a number of these terrific human beings would be affected by the ungracious words I hear uttered on some prepper/ homesteads channels.
When I graduated with my RN degree I was on the cusp of change.
Women were allegedly “burning bras”. (That is an urban legend.) The practice of medicine has changed to welcoming patient education. All you have to do is ask and read the printed handouts given to you. It is too bad that my nursing instructor’s mother did not live 70 to 80 years later. She would have learned that Rickets is not a “dog disease” but a PREVENTABLE “Nutritional Deficiency.”
Prepper Parents, please take this anecdote (story) to heart. When the peanut butter hits the fan, I hope you have the right supplements in the right dose and or the right stockpiled food to help prevent rickets in your children or grandma so she doesn’t break any bones.
The following is an informational post from the MAYO Clinic. I cite the source for informational purposes.
Rickets – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic…Rickets is the softening and weakening of bones in children, usually because of an extreme and prolonged vitamin D deficiency.
Rare inherited problems also can cause rickets.
Vitamin D helps your child’s body absorb calcium and phosphorus from food.
Not enough vitamin D makes it difficult to maintain proper calcium and … See more
Signs and symptoms of rickets can include:
1. Delayed growth
2. Delayed motor skills
3. Pain in the spine, pelvis and legs
4. Muscle weakness Because rickets softens the areas of growin… See more
Factors that can increase a child’s risk of rickets include:
1. Dark skin…Dark skin has more of the pigment melan… See more
Your child’s body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium and phosphorus from food.
Rickets can occur if your child’s body doesn’t get enough vitamin D or if his or her body has problems usi… See more
Left untreated, rickets can lead to: 1. Failure to grow 2. An abnormally curved
Your body needs calcium to build strong bones when you’re young and to keep bones strong as you get older. Everyone needs calcium, but it’s especially important for women and girls. Many people — including more than half of all women — don’t get enough calcium.
How much calcium do I need every day?
- If you’re age 19 to 50, get 1,000 mg (milligrams) of calcium every day
- If you’re age 51 or older, get 1,200 mg of calcium every day
- If you’re age 19 to 70, get 1,000 mg of calcium every day
- If you’re age 71 or older, get 1,200 mg of calcium every day
- Babies ages 6 to 12 months need 260 mg of calcium every day
- Kids ages 1 to 3 need 700 mg of calcium every day
- Kids ages 4 to 8 need 1,000 mg of calcium every day
- Kids ages 9 to 18 need 1,300 mg of calcium every day
Calcium can help prevent osteoporosis (weak bones).
Osteoporosis is a disease that makes your bones weak and more likely to break. Some people don’t know they have it until they break a bone.
Five in 20 women and 1 in 20 men over the age of 65 in the United States have osteoporosis. Calcium helps keep your bones strong and makes them less likely to break.
Foods and Supplements
How can I get enough calcium?
The best way to get enough calcium is to eat foods with calcium every day.
Calcium is in foods like:
- Fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk, yogurt, and cheese
- Soy milk or yogurt with added calcium
- Certain vegetables — including soybeans, collard greens, and turnip greens
- Tofu with added calcium
- Orange juice with added calcium
- Breakfast cereal with added calcium
For more ideas, check out this list of foods that are high in calcium
Getting calcium from foods is best. But if you don’t eat enough foods with calcium, you can talk to your doctor about taking a calcium supplement every day. You can take a multivitamin with calcium or a pill that has only calcium.
Note: this post is over 6,000 words with many clickable links to explore…Stay tuned for the audio/ visual version on YouTube in mid-March.
….to be continued mid-March 2023…
Until then, I want to recommend a BONUS post of resources for prepared kids on No Non-cents Nanna: links to amazing resources that will help develop leadership skills in your children. The post has suggested resources not only will teach your child care skills but, how to care for farm critters. Parents, you may get some ideas on side hustles, as well.
5 Things Babysitters Should do BEFORE Parents Leave the House – No Non-cents Nanna
I am Malika Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna encouraging you to Make Good choices.
Have you read this No Non-cents Nanna post yet?
You CAN Report Faulty Products – How to Find Resources – No Non-cents Nanna
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