10 Silly Ice Breakers for Effective Communication with Kids
Getting to know someone can make even grown ups feel uncomfortable.
Kids feel nervous too when meeting some like a new baby sitter. No Non-cents Nanna shares 10 silly icebreakers to help you make kids feel more comfortable.
Keep reading for links to busy bag ideas from No Non-cents Nanna

Effective communication with kids can be fun! 10 silly icebreakers from No Non-cents Nanna Love it when you share-Go directly to post to pin and leave a comment for persimssion. Copy right Malika Bourne
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- When we set effective boundaries those around us know what is expected of us.
- Busy Bags for kids are helpful tools for baby sitters to carry in the Baby Sitters Bag of Tricks.
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I love it when you share but, don’t be a silly goose: Let the copy right owner know first.
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