12 Kinds of Toys Do Pre-School Kids REALLY Need

In my last No Non-cents Nanna post Registered Character Gifts Versus Generic Toys

I promised to continue with a list for kinds of toys pre-school children, aproximately ages 2 to 6 really need.

Below is my very simple list based on decades of experience from working with early childhood developmental teams.


Plan for craft time for kids.

Simple Supplies to Begin to Collect for Pre-K Children’s Learning Fun:


  1. Housekeeping toys: play stove and sink (can be home-made cardboard; dishes; pretend food; dolls; small broom.


  1. Playing with play food help children choose to try different colors of new foods. Theese are felt. Hand made from designs by Malika Bourne.

      Playing with play food help children choose to try different colors of new foods. Theese are felt. Hand made from designs by Malika Bourne.


    KIds can create their own pizza for pretend. No calories; no salt and non-digestible felt pizza.

    KIds can create their own pizza for pretend. No calories; no salt and non-digestible felt pizza.


2. Gardening toys: plastic rakes; shovel; pail; dirt; sand; water.

Garden can be as simple as sitting in a pile of leaves

Gardening for a small child can be as simple as sitting in a pile of leaves

3. Construction sets: Legos; Lincoln Logs; wooden blocks; cardboard boxes. 

Duct tape magic white and a box.

4. Alphabet items: magnets, puzzles, stencils; 

Foam Farm Stickers: pig, tractor, barn, farmer, dog, horse, chick, cat, farm girl, cow; 2 of each-large and small

5. Play animals and people: store bought or homemade from felt or a sock.


No Non-cents Nanna's 8 inch flat felt doll. is an example. Girl doll hair and clothes unless special ordered as a boy doll. Choice of colors: white; black; brown; ginger; pink; yellow; light blue; orange. Set includes a doll size fleece blanket with a cotton covered doll size pillow. Each doll comes with rndom colored underwear: 2 shirts; a dress; 2 pairs pants; outside wear.

No Non-cents Nanna’s 8 inch flat felt doll. is an example.


6. Small manipulatives: beads; buttons; pattern cards; pegboards, lacing cards.

Small children enjoy Peg Board games. They don't have to play by any rules yet.

    Small children enjoy Peg Board games. They don’t have to play by any rules yet.

7. Rhythm instruments: store bought or home made from an oatmeal box and dired beans or pot and pan

8. Art and craft supplies. 8. Can be as simple as cotton balls, an old socks and short peices of yarn as shown above in addtion to paper and crayons.

 9. Lotto and matching games. Laundry time can be fun when pairing socks

 10. Books and collections.

11. Dress up clothes. store bought; home made or hand-me down boots, shoes mittens, hats, shirts etc.

Malika's grand daughter playing dress up as a "Home Maker"

Malika’s grand daughter playing dress up as a “Home Maker”


12. Imagination encouraged by you.

  • Children really only need a safe and loving environment to imitate what they see you, the adult, doing.
  • Most of the time, we parents or grand parenst can provide the basics right from our own cupboards ar home, first.
  • Other items such as a chair or crib would be safer to buy a reputable brand from a store.
  • Personally, I prefer the cheap home made materials for the best learning experiences.

However, I do not ever discount the value of purchasing a store bought brand name with a registered character that a grand child has been dreaming about. Definetly there is a time and place to help a child make a wish list with an anticipated plan of action to attain that dream of a store bought toy they saw advertised.







I am Malika Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna encouraging you, families, to Make good choices!




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