3 Things I HATE About Crafting
Among my many interests and titles I am pleased to say that I was a crafter.

Girls eyes will light up when they see these tiny purple nut cup hats on a head band Each hat is unquely hand crafted.
I love imagining the end product then breaking down the steps to complete my creation. BUT, I hate 3 things about the process of crafting.
- I have adjusted to the fact that at mage I need glasses to thread a needle.

There was a time when I could thread any tiny needle with out the use of glasses. But, now I have a problem that irritates my crafting mind.
3 THINGS I Hate about Crafting:
- I can’t SEE where I laid my glasses without a pair of glasses over my eyes.
2. Even when organizing little pieces parts, doo-tads and trim, one little tip over seems like a wreck of my train of thought. I hate that when it happens. Oh well! This time it wasn’t straight pins spilling.
Crafting is messy at times. OK! I admit it! For things get way more messier for me. I’m ok with creative flow. However other can be annoyed by progress messes.
3. I hate it when I run out of bobbin thread 6 inches away from the final seam. There is no way to peak at the bobbin when a seamstress is merrily sewing a long. “It is just not fair!” a 5 year old was say. but I’m 65, so I mumble that staetment under my breath to keep up mature appreances.
- The word HATE is a strong word for feeling distracted when our creative juices are flowing in how creative crafters heads. THAT word did get your attention didn’t it?
- Won’t you help me out by sharing your feelings when thing go awry when sewing, crafting, cooking or simple making a family meal.
End Post
Update: I had to stop crafting. I had finger injuries and carpel tunnel. You know what they say, “it is better to have loved then to never have loved at all.” I loved sewing.
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