5 Things Babysitters Should do BEFORE Parents Leave the House
This old No Non-cents Nanna post on silly babysitting tricks of the child-care trade has been updated to include outstanding resources:
- Where to find classes for babysitters certification.
- Develop new skills
- Where to find CPR and First Aid Classes
- Learn more with 4-H
- Learn to critter-sit chickens and other farm critters.
- Prepared parents can rely on a prepared babysitter
Read 5 tips on what to do before parents leave you as the babysitter alone with the kids!

No Non-cents Nanna Trick of the Trade for Baby sitter and grown up in general. Copyright Malika Bourne all rights reserved. Permission to share only when shared directly from the post.
I want to tell all of you parents who plan ahead for the worst-case scenarios and hope for the best, that I the No Non-cents Nanna have an overwhelming but awesome list of youth organizations where children can learn self-sufficiency skills to prepare for life while having fun.
Did you know that the Red Cross offers Baby Sitting Courses?
- Are you moving out of the city and you want your kids to enjoy helping with the chickens and getting their hands dirty pulling weeds in the garden as an amazing prepper family experience?
Yes, there are adult-mentored organizations to offer hands-on learning.
Your 11-year-old tween and older can gain confidence watching neighborhood kids, volunteering in the church nursery, or watching younger siblings.
- Baby-sitting another parent’s/family’s child is not child’s play.
- This is the perfect age for your young prepper to learn to prepare for new areas of growing responsibility – with a certificate of accomplishment on top of the deal.
You can be assured that with an instructor your prepper kid will be closer than they were to be able to assist you, parents, in the event the peanut butter hits the fan. (Earth Quake, Hurricane, Tornado, Snow storm…you name it.)
Frankly, parents, if/when the peanut butter hits the fan, you are going to need all the support from every family member that you can get.
A trained babysitter will know how to follow your directions and take clues from your body language.
But wait, there is more…far more than you expected.
Skills to learn:
- choosing age-appropriate activities,
- basic child care,
- bottle feeding,
- child behavior,
- leadership,
- professionalism,
- safety,
- starting a babysitting business
American Red Cross babysitting and child care courses can help you provide quality care to children of all ages.
Developed by experts in the industry, our online and in-person courses are available to those ages 11 and older…
Babysitting & Child Care Education and Training
American Red Cross babysitting training and Advanced Child Care courses can help you gain the skills you need to take care of the kids in your neighborhood when their parents can’t be with them….
First Aid and CPR/AED certifications (good for two years), which can help you learn how to provide care during an emergency.
Online and in-person classes are available for participants of all ages.
Find a child care training course near you and earn the certification you need
Babysitting and Child Care Courses
Designed for new babysitters and childcare professionals alike, our childcare training courses allow you to gain the skills necessary to care for kids of all ages. The courses currently available include:
- Babysitting Basics: Created for those ages 11 and older, our online babysitting training course…
- Babysitter’s Training: Recommended for those ages 11 to 15
- leadership skills,
- build their business,
- help keep themselves and others safe,
- help children learn how to behave,
- basic child care
- basic first aid.
Online Babysitting and Child Care Courses
Although child care is a hands-on activity, some courses are available online – and offer interactive modules that allow you to test your skills in a simulated environment…
…online babysitting classes deliver the information you need in a convenient, easy-to-use format.
BONUS for Boys and Girls to Develop More Leadership Skills
4-H is a Non-governmental & Non-profit organization that has been around for more than 100 years.
Every county and parish in the US has a 4-H.
Contact your local office to learn what they may have to offer your prepper kid. Maybe your offspring will be willing to teach you something about agriculture or science. Learn how to join or start a 4‑H club by contacting your local 4-H office.
Types of 4‑H Programs
- science,
- healthy living
- civic engagement
…backed by a network of 100 public universities … 4‑H volunteers and professionals.
- hands-on learning,
- confidence,
- creativity and
- curiosity,
- life skills
- leadership
- resiliency
4‑H programs and resources are available AT HOME or through local in-person and virtual 4‑H clubs, 4‑H camps, in-school, and after-school programs.
…kids and teens ages 8-18. 4‑H
Cloverbud programs are available for kids ages 5-7.
Your local 4‑H office is your best resource to find out which programs are available in your area and how you can enroll your child.
Future Farmers of America
FFA is perfect for youth in grades 7 to 12 to develop critical thinking skills and leadership.
Career and Leadership Development Events develop college and career readiness skills.
The competitive events serve as an outgrowth of instruction in the agricultural education classroom …
Through Career and Leadership Development Events, participating FFA members in grades 7 to 12 are challenged to develop critical thinking skills and effective decision-making skills, foster teamwork and promote communication while recognizing the value of ethical competition and individual achievement.
Cause IQ is an awesome online resource – this site is the motherload of a youth development gold mind. Youth agricultur
- A number of the organizations can be found by clicking on the links,
- This resource might be an Employment or Side-Hustle lead for Mom or Dad.
There are 13,817youth agriculture organizations in the United States. Combined, these youth agriculture organizations employ 2,074 people…
Directory of youth agriculture organizations
Youth development programs
There are 39,542 youth development programs in the United States.Combined, these youth development programs employ 65,087 people…
- List of youth development programs
Boys clubs and girls clubs
There are 4,742 boys and girls clubs in the United States. Combined, these boys and girls clubs employ 86,964 people, earn more than $3 billion in revenue each year, and have assets of $6 billion.4-H and youth agricultural programs
There are 13,817 youth agriculture organizations in the United States. Combined, these youth agriculture organizations employ 2,074 people, earn more than $289 million in revenue each year, and have assets of $548 million.Skip to:Scouting organizations
There are 1,350 scouting organizations in the United States. Combined, these scouting organizations employ 41,227 people…
www.usda.gov › youth › future-leaders
Empowering Young Leaders | USDA
4-H is USDA’s positive youth development and education program.
The unique partnership with the Cooperative Extension System through land-grant universities and the National 4-H Council empowers young people to lead for a lifetime.
4-H uses experiential learning—learning by doing—as a primary teaching approach to learn life skills such as leadershi…
Agriculture Future of America
Agriculture Future of America provides personal and professional development experiences for college students and young professionals in food and agriculture.
Parents, you may be wondering why I did not offer any referrals to kids in the kitchen preparing the food grown in your family’s garden.
Kids Cooking can be found in the next post…To BE Continued…
Yes, Mom and Dad, you can use the resource list to inspire your food prep and safety skills, too
These tips are shared with you by Malika Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna who encourages you to Make Good Choices!
BONANZA on Childcare Assistance
BONUS for Mom and Dad. Check out this blog post from No Non-cents Nanna.
Keep in touch because in Mid March these posts will be in audio/ video format on No Non-cents Nanna’s YouTube channel.
Government programs and subsidies
- 1. State assistance child care subsidies The federal government provides money to individual states to help offset the costs of child care, but the aid available to families varies widely by state. …
- 2. Military family assistance …
- 3. Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit …
- 4. Child Tax Credit …
- 5. Earned Income Tax Credit …
https://childcare.gov/consumer-education/get-help-paying-for-child-care1. Sliding fee scale:Some providers allow families to pay a rate based on their i…
2. Local assistance and scholarships: Local nonprofit organizations and indi…
3. Sibling disc… See more1. Child care subsidies (also called vouchers and fee assistance): Each s…
2. Head Start and Early Head Start: Head Start and Early Head Start programs h…
3. State-funded prekindergarten: State pre-k programs serve children … See more1. American Indian and Alaska Native Assistance: Many tribes and tribal org…
2. Native Hawaiian child care and preschool programs: In Hawaii, there … See more1. Assistance for high school students: Some states offer financial help for hi…
2. College or university child care:Some colleges and universities offer child c…
3. Employer-assisted dependent care:Some employers may allow empl… See moreTax credits reduce the amount of tax you owe and may result in a refund. To claim tax credits you need to meet certain qualifications and file a return, even if you have no other filing require… See more
Home | Childcare.gov
https://childcare.govWebPaying for Child Care. How to find help to pay for child care. Choosing Quality Child Care. What does a quality child care program look like in your State? Start here to learn more …
https://www.acf.hhs.gov/ecd/programsWebThe federal government funds early childhood programs for young children and their families across the country. Through partnerships with States, Territories, Tribes, and local community organizations, early childhood …
According to the Care.com 2022 Cost of Care Survey, 72% say they spend 10% or more of their household income on child care, compared to 70% in pre-pandemic 2019. And more than half of families (58%) plan to spend more than $10,000 on child care this year, which is more than the average annual cost of in-state college tuition ($9,349) per EducationData.org.
address the proposed SNAP restrictions and the final bill.
Changes to SNAP Benefit Amounts – 2023 | Food and Nutrition Service
Resource Materials. There are several changes that may affect SNAP household’s benefit amounts over the coming months. The temporary boost to SNAP …
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