6 Skills a Kid Can Learn from a Bag of Bugs
Why would a kids want to play with a busy bag of bugs when he/she can play a video game a parent may ask?
Early childhood educators and pediatric specialists know that the more simple, basic sensory ways a child’s the brain can be stimuate the greater the future learning capacity will be
This post and video will give a brief introduction to you, parents and those studying early childhood developement 6 ways a child can explore a bag of plasric bugs. There is no right way. Note: children under age 3 should not play with objects this small due to choking hazards.

Very cute bug eggs for kids to count, sort, and stuff little plastic bugs in side. Available in limited quantites from Heart Felt Play Store
6 Skills a Kid Can Learn from a Bag of Bugs
- color sorting/ organizing
- size sorting ( small/ big) calssifying; comparing
- math: counting, added, subtracting, multiplying, dividing in simple forms
- language: “smooth” or “bumpy” “flat’ or “rounded”; bug names
- fine motor manipulation
- visual discrimation
You can substitue; plastic dinosaurs, farm animals, jungle or zoo animals, sea shells, plastic fish, rocks craft sticks, apples or green beans. Heart Felt Play Store sells the non-food ideas perfet for filling busy bags, no sugar Trick or Treat or stuffing stockings. NOT for children under age 3
In the video below Sophie-Do-It my youngest grand child and I very quickly showed off a few of Heart Felt Play Store Bug Collections.
- If I were giving a bag of bugs to a former pre-K student I would have approached every thing is a different way. I would have giver her more time and allowed Sophie, now age 6, more open-ended verbal opportunities
- My goal in this video is to show my inventory and a few ways a child can explore bugs etc to have fun learning, and keep the video as short as I can. ( This is a promotion for my Shopify on-line store Heart Felt Play Store.)

Bug/ Insect Finger Puppets are FUN learning tools the encourage counting and verbal creativity.
Perfect party favors and affordable study incentive rewards.
This set of 5 finger puppets are a bit larger and more detailed than some of our other finger puppets. Apx 1 3/4″ to 2 3/4″ . Not for children under age 3. Heart Felt Play Store
Explore the Heart Felt Play Store for the bugs you see in this video. Stock is still limted to small quantites to save young families money. ( Dog ears and noses are also sold from Heart Felt Play Store.)
Copy and paste this CODE at check out Heart Felt Play Store
$10.00 off entire order • Minimum purchase of $49.00 • For From United States customers only• One use per customer per IP adress- feel free to share code iwth family and freinds
Hurry! EXPIRES November 12, 2017
Bug Tattoos for Kids Click HERE
Bug Stickers; bracletes, cyo bug masks for kids Click HERE
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