Recycling is a Farce: Can Americans Rethink Our Pandemic Trash?

Hits: 8I have prided myself on being eco-friendly. I reused*, repurposed*, and thought that I was recycling to keep America beautiful while saving our planet. I was wrong to believe a fantasy. For one thing, I was overloading the globe with plastics jugs I thought that could be recycled. I fell for an effective feel-good marketing campaign all these years – I am concerned about the growing toxic world I will leave to my great-grandchildren. After a tiny bit of research, I learned that my ‘recycled’ laundry detergent jugs and more were piling up on foreign continents. The disposable plastic cups and straws we are served if we go through the Drive-thru Fast Food may be floating in the oceans. […]

Source: No Non-cents Nannas Blog

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