Working on Farm Theme for Kids Activities: behind the scenes sneak peak

I used to love preparing fun themes for pre-K learning experiences when I was an early childhood educator/ nurse in my younger years.

Working on the Farm activites for kids. Introduction to new farm theme for kids activies and grand Opening of Heart Felt Play Store Products. 4 blogs with tgreat ideas to follow coming soon.

View this short video how my grand daughter Sophie-Do-It plays with some of the farm animal theme stickers and more.

Keep in mind that we grown-up people may encourage our children to use their imagination any way they want.

There are basically no rights nor wrongs in imaging as long as the kids are safe.

No Non-cents Nanna blog followers got sneak peak behind the scenes fun stuff with an educational twist from the former Heart Felt Play Store Catalog. The on-line store closed to due my illness, but, my images and videos remain on the posts. Try Oriental Trading if you wish to purchase some of this fun stuff.

Visit my Pinterest board On the FARM Theme for kids for On the Farm Activities , songs and games, thanks to our fellow PINNERS.

Heart Felt Play Goal:

  1. Expose the young child to farm animals and facts about where our food comes from before the grocery store.
  2. Enrich the learning experiences with fun colors, shapes and media that encourages the use of as many of the senses as possible.
  3. Organize, by themes, affordable collections of child safe products to sell to busy parents and/ pre-K teachers (plus). I know from my experiences kids will love.
  4. The No Non-cents-Nanna blog posts often share my decades of experience on childhood development with young parents and teachers related information. I hope you find my updated posts helpful
  5. Inspire others to make good choices with creative fun when caring for children as a way to prevent child abuse.

Do Chickens Have Lips and Other Silly Farm Questions:

My next blog post with have what may sound like silly questions about farm animals that make kids LOL and think.

Hen and chicks finger puppets.

Hen and chicks finger puppets. Hand crafted and designed by Malika Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna.

Update 12/01/2019

The above items were on Heart Felt Play Store I photographed all my images and wrote the descriptions, too.  I had fun even tho’ I had a lot to learn and improve. Heart Felt Play Store is closed. the No Non-cents Nanna is still typo-ing her opinion and a new sequel novel.

This blog, No Non-cents Nanna, is powered by The Edge of Etrernity Networks.

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Farm Animal Theme Inspiration for Kids Play: Resource

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