Developmental MIlestones Should Not Include Praying for the Death of Pastors Abandoned Ex-wives
In a previous post titled “Normal Child Growth & Development was “Demonic,” Said the Shepherds in The Walk of JRS Church of the Living Word” I promised to write and publish specific details on why that particular cult got child rearing all wrong.
Are ages and stages of transforming from infancy to toddlerhood and early childhood normal or are growth and developmental exploring, immature relations to disappointment, wet diapers, and hunger from a demonic origin?
Sorry for the interruption: No Non-cents Nanna blog on the Cult of the Living Word Cult is under a DDos attack. Someone doesn’t not the content concerning my history with the exposed cult.
This post is only in the rough draft form – but in light of the attack I am publishing this as is. You are a visitor and are in no danger – someone is deliberately trying to target this expose’. there are so many robotic hits designed to overload this site hoping to shut it down. The Edge of Eternity Networks, my site admin is experienced and expert tech support.
The authorities have already been contacted about the attack.
Welcome Church of the Living Word Cult survivors to my No Non-cents Nanna blog’s subsection that explores the harm that John Robert Stevens, his relatives, and one of his former mistresses deceitfully disrupted normal family life.
And I also want to welcome curious escapees from other religious cults who are trying to figure out why the leaders want every ounce of devotion to him/ her over your gut instinct to nurture your children.
To Be Blunt
If you are here reading this blog on Child Growth and development, you know what I am talking about. And you simply need the validation that the preacher and religious cult leader was shoving disinformation down your throat in an attempt to keep you under his/ her power and control.
Let’s explore the basics of normal growth and development of children.
The experts all agree to very much the same hierarchy of needs beginning in infancy to the teen years regardless of the country of birth or the culture. But time and time again, I know of countless ‘preachers’ who want no part of this normalcy in their organization.
Fingers are pointed at “the breakdown of the family unit”.
If you look from a detached point of view you might see the patterns of words projecting something other than a cohesive structure with Daddy and Mommy supporting an infant through milestones like rolling over or taking their first steps.
In reality, under a cult leader’s thumb, Mommy and Daddy are too busy serving the King and Queen of the “Kingdom of God”, rather than nurturing their family unit.
That is all about a toxic leader’s dysfunctional need for power and control over other human beings.
As I type out this true story without names, I realize that when my loving hometown church, Christian Tabernacle in Washinton, Iowa pastored by WJ Stevens was getting turned into a cult – how were any of the children and youth supposed to be responsible for the future outcome of our children born into the full-blown cult?
Reality takes your breath away more than my run-on sentences, doesn’t it?
Why did the same community in Washington, Iowa see the problems with a grade school principal, but not see the moral turpitude in the local pastor’s son when he’d be the guest speaker at church?
Tip: Keep a tally of repeated themes for more ah-ha! moments about The Walk.
Similar Key Elements:
- Trusted adults behaving badly due to addictions.
- Unprepared and immature you put in charge of positions over their heads.
- Parents who assume their children should know how to appropriately assert themselves in unsafe situations.
- Adults who see RED FLAGS fail to follow through appropriately as a parent to protect the position their child has fallen into.
Let’s weigh in with the experts…
- a safe and loving home
- spending time with family―playing, singing, reading, and talking―are very important.
What are Developmental Milestones?
Developmental Milestones
- Birth to 18 months: … children learn to identify familiar people, use basic utensils or respond to facial expressions. They may also learn a few words, and stand and walk on their own. .
- 18 months to 3 years: Children may start playing pretend games, playing with other children or following two-part directions. They may say the names of familiar people, throw balls or run.
- 3 to 5 years: … children start naming their likes and dislikes, learn to count to 10 and identify colors. They may recite nursery rhymes, know their name and address, and play on a playground on their own.
- 5 to 12 years: In grade school, children grow their problem-solving skills and confidence. They may build close friendships, develop personal interests and increase their reading skills.
- 12 to 18 years: Adolescents gain increasing levels of independence. They generally develop their own opinions, go through puberty and become interested in dating and sexuality.
What is self-regulation?
institute.crisisprevention.comSelf-Regulation Strategies – Improve Self-Regulation
Help students learn adaptive ways to manage their feelings and use prosocial behaviors. Teach, Practice, and Reinforce Self-RegulationSkills
For informational purposes below in the block quotes, I added more snippets on self-regulation. You can read more from the resource at your leisure.
This is a good resource to look at and/ or apply the guide tools for each developmental stage.
Now that you have had a peak at the suggested guides, were you or your child ever introduced to that kind of activity in Kingdom School or not? Do you know why?
Activities Guide: Enhancing and Practicing Executive Function Skills with Children from Infancy to Adolescence
16-page guide (available for download, below), describes a variety of activities and games that represent age-appropriate ways for adults to support and strengthen various components of EF/SR in children.
Please do not read the next paragraph if you are not in a stable position to recall and reflect.
I would like to ask you to think of 1 or more situations at Shiloh where examples of self-regulation did or did not exist.
- Was violent intercession good role modeling for children?
- Were sessions such as Grils Turn it Off with Marilyn good role molding of self-regulation for young girls?
- Was drinking leftover communion wine from the bottle after the communion trays were collected an example of self-regulation?
- Were new leaders after JRS, demonstrating self-regulation to the young people who wanted family relations but denied the privilege?
- What did or did not teach minors about loving, nurturing family life for a growing and developing child separating from parents?
SKIP to here
- Arlin Cuncic
On a personal note:
My husband got moved back to Shiloh to work with the Dump Trucks. I tagged along with our 2 children who were 18 months and 3 1/2 years old.
I worked 2 jobs and got very little sleep. (Another story)
I spent as much time with my children as I could – that was my priority.
But what I knew was best for my babies was not shared by my father-in-law who often prompted his son to, Press-in boy”. Apparently, my husband would take our children to Shiloh while I worked at the hospital.
Hold this thought because, in another post or 2, I reveal problems from Shiloh with the Public Health Department and Social Services. That you may not have been aware of how Shiloh nearly got shut down due to the action or lack of appropriate actions by a few couples with children who lived at Shiloh. Parenting or Childcare skill classes were not on the list of extracurricular activities
On several occasions, when I took my children grocery shopping at the grocers whom I had known all my life, my children started loudly singing intercession songs.
Do these words sound familiar?
“Jezebel, you mother harlot…” Coming out of preschool kids’ mouths may not have sounded like discernable words. But, when my children violently uttered “KILL the WHORE” near the cashier…OMG! I knew that my goodie 2-shoes Christian Girl image was shattered in my hometown.
So what do I care what other people think?
First of all, it is not anybody else’s place to tell me how I want to keep the reputation I always had in my hometown. I do not care what delusional position they have at the right hand of Christ in the Flesh when the Kingdom of God came in 1979.
As the Nursing Coordinator in the real world, of 3-day care centers in Washington County, I had ethical standards to meet. But, wait…there is more…
The other job that I was lucky to be recruited for was in the Labor and Delivery ward of the County Hospital. My supervisor was well-known and loved by all. She was of the opposing opinion to my daycare position. She had the belief that Day Care was Communistic. The supervisors of my 2 part-time jobs were on opposite sides of a political position in our community. I needed a paycheck to feed my children.
“Kill the Whore” over and over in the grocery store was not acceptable verbiage in this mother’s mind.
I really never did agree with the way John Stevens trashed his wife Martha for his full-time mistress who lived in the upper room with him. I was up in the upper room with John and Marilyn before the diverse from Martha. It was obvious that they were living together – don’t even try to talk me out of this. If you don’t already know this, JRS claimed that his wife Martha was a Nephelum Spirit or sometimes a Jezebel.
I was opposed to praying for other people’s deaths if JRS was not pleased with them.
Come on Dude! Set the example of taking responsibility for your own actions and misdeeds such as adultery, and fraud.
JRS had ‘self-regulation’ issues with women. Allegedly, I suppose I have to say tho’ I believe it had been proven. It seems that when he got caught there tended to be a big crisis. One time, the crisis was a witch in CA churches. And for those who have not already figured it out about RED alerts at Shiloh when JRS was in battle…my theory is that Martha had been nagging him about being drunk. It was all a cover-up. A red herring to throw the little people off-track and conjure up more devotion for the narcissist.
Stimulation adrenalin in crowded theatre bonds the crowd to a cause. The same thing happens when cheerleaders get the energy going in a crossed football stadium.
What a piss poor example of handling relationships, don’t you think?
Moving right along…
- Stability. Stability comes from family and community. Ideally, a family remains together in a stable household, but when that’s not possible, it’s important to disrupt the child’s life as little as possible.
- Consistency. No “good cop, bad cop.” Parents should synchronize their parenting and make sure important values stay consistent.
- Emotional support. Parents’ words and actions should encourage kids’ trust, respect, self-esteem and, ultimately, independence.
Child development describes the changes children experience as they grow older.
As children grow physically, they also develop in their knowledge, skills, and behavior.
Parents and other adults, such as grandparents and childcare providers, play important roles in children’s development.
This means that they enjoy adequate nutrition and good health, feel safe and secure, and have opportunities for learning beginning from birth.
Exclusive breastfeeding, immunization, and timely care during illness all contribute to a child’s healthy growth and development.
IN processing of editing to completion……
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