Gas Stove Recalls Twisted to “The Government Won’t Let You Cook or Heat with Gas”.

A small study linked asthma in children to gas stoves. (See below.) Some major T.V. networks commented on this study that triggered an emotional outcry on social media that I personally believe was underinformed of facts on the hazards of gas for fuel.

Why do I seem to have an entirely different interpretation of safety regulations than other nonprofessional content creators on legitimate health and safety concerns of gas stoves in the kitchen? This post will attempt to explore the many-sided complex debate.


Content in these video may not be suitable for all audiences. Contain bleep language and raw emotions.

The Subject of This Post

The subject of this post is whether or not the “U.S. government is going to send troops to take away your gas stoves” and how this became a public relations disaster.

The blunt conclusions expressed may be offensive to some.

Malika Bourne, the No Non-cents Nanna says that social media has twisted the facts to cause panic in some “groups” and “they” ran with it so far that who knows what will happen to our freedom to make our own choices in America?

  • I do not believe that the “government” is coming to take away gas stoves and I have sources to support my belief.
  • I think some Youtbers have hyperbolic notions a bit too often.

What confuses the matter, there are so many opinionated click-bait videos taking advantage of the already paranoid.

Crapper Trolls with hidden agendas.

  • And don’t forget those crapper trolls who lobby with an agenda.

Then mix it all up with the rest of us who may have naively trusted anything published online to be the “whole truth and nothing but the truth”.

What are we “normal” folks supposed to think, now?

  • In reality, twisted agendas contain nuggets of facts stirred into emotionally charged titles and images.
  • Any agenda could be politically motivated and somebody lit fire under this gas stove inflammatory drama.
  • Repeat Sh!t often enough that the people cannot un-hear it and then crap seems like “truth” when it never was.
  • What IF the agenda is as simple as wanting to be publicly admired for scooping a trending topic that will yield ad revenue?
  • The more a title “bleeds” the more likely people are to click on their tech device to read or listen to.


I think the alleged gas stove fire got out of control.

But, maybe the big story burnt itself self by now…until the next bandwagon comes along carrying the wanna-be town crier who can’t bother to take the time to do some critical thinking before he/she sounds a false alarm.

 Below is No Non-cents Nanna’s idea of research specifically on whether or not gas kitchen appliances will be ‘banned” or not. 

There will always be stove parts recalled whether gas, electric, conduction, wood burning, microwave…you name it. 

Over-stuffed With Information

For me, the No Non-cents Nanna – I just like to gather and hoard information to write about especially when I see so much stupidity. The whole panic with your kitchen range wit could easily be looked up on the internet or at the Public Library by using a few keywords before one declares to thousands of video viewers bad information.

Examples: allegedly “The government wants us to starve” or “..another example of ‘control the food, control the people'”. That makes absolutely no sense. But, I’d be rich if I had a d$ for every time I see some troll slip those words into any video comment they can. You’ve seen those phrases, too, I know.


And who wants to be left out of the trending emotions? Who wants to be considered a traitor in the group if you don’t agree?

I admit that I love to engage in debates in the comment sections with real people. But, there are times that I wonder what Youtube stranger with an anonymous handle is going to come out of the woodwork at my front door that really does not agree with my debate.

Supposedly we Americans have learned from the mistakes of history so want to speak up about the flaws of the American government. (See quotes below…) 

How many people gripe on social media using quotes from Edmund Burke to “prove their point” that they are speaking up against the wrongs of the government?


Warnings to fellow preppers of ‘Gas Stoves Bans’ is only one point used in social media fear-mongering which may or may not be what we could face in America. But those phrases offer no solution other than to be on the defense 24/7. Instead, we all could be writing a strongly worded letter to our elected representatives/ lawmakers about the future of energy in the U. S.


Below are some common quotes by Edmund Burk that pop up any time there is a hint of an opportunity to warn the world how “corrupt the government is”.

*Edmund Burk Quotes

The essence of tyranny is the enforcement of stupid laws. Edmund Burke

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke’

Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.


  • So what are We the People going to do about government agency warnings about any harmful effects of having a gas stove in your home?
  • Who is behind the making of ‘stupid laws”?
  • Are you going to sit in your Lazy Chair and complain to your friends who BTW still live in their mother’s basements? Or are you going to put it n writing that the proposed Bill is not what freedom in America is all about?


Most people want to do the right thing.

But, how do we know facts from misguided fabrications blowing out of someone’s behind?


  1. No Non-cents Nanna suggests that We the People stay alert to current Bills. (See below.)
  2.  Subscribe to: Energy & Commerce Republicans. You too can get subscriptions as well directly from the source.

Disclaimer: This post is not intended to be politically biased or give political advice. The subject of gas stoves and rumors of banning is political, though in nature.

I’m sorry to say that I am not subscribed to any Democrat version, yet. I am subscribed to emails from my elected representatives who are Democrats. I will add anything that I get on this subject in order to try to keep things fair and balanced.


Energy & Commerce Republicans energycommer…@ecrep.housecommunications.govvia House Energy and Commerce Committee Republicans are

continuing to push back against Democrats’ radical efforts to ban gas stoves nationwide.

Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) joined Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson on Sinclair to discuss how this attack on common household appliances, like natural

gas stoves will make life unaffordable for Americans, especially middle- and low-income families.

Apr 21, 2023, 2:09 PM


“The Biden Administration’s extreme proposed regulation that will ban nearly every gas stove on the market is just another example of out-of-touch bureaucrats trying to control Americans’ everyday lives,” said Congresswoman Lesko. “I am proud to join Congressman Armstrong in introducing these important bills to protect Americans’ consumer choice and stop this egregious power-grab.”

CLICK HERE to read H.R. 1640, the Save Our Gas Stoves Act.

CLICK HERE to read H.R. 1615, the Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act.

It’s not just Congress that agrees banning gas stoves is wrong. A federal three-judge panel unanimously agreed that Berkeley, California’s ban on natural gas piping was unlawful.

In addition, the House just passed H.R .1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, with a bipartisan vote to restore America’s energy dominance, lower the cost of living, and ensure American continues to lead the world at reducing emissions.

Let’s break it down from the beginning where social media got into a panic…

Every one of us should care about asthma triggers whether or not you or a loved one has asthma or any kind of respiratory health concern. I recall a number of content creators on YouTube mocking such a small number of 12% of asthmatic children in this study after they heard Tucker Carlson chuckle. – I am appalled not only by the lack of empathy but the repetition of Fox’s Tucker Carlson rhetoric.

Sorry folks, I cannot find Carlon’s video on Youtube. There are plenty of professional journalists who are also taken aback by his statements. Check out this title on The Majority Reports video: “Tucker Carlson Leads Moronic Crusade To ‘Save’ Gas Stoves” or “Will gas stoves be banned? ‘Hidden hazard’ comment ignites debate TODAY.

Update: Perhaps I could not find the video on Carlons’ re the stoves and kids’ asthma – Fox fired Tucker Carlson. He didn’t see that coming…

I had actually read some of this information from an email subscription prior to hearing Tucker Carlson on Fox chuckle’ when he made a statement about 12% of kids with asthma. I cannot find that original video. Check out these Youtube titles instead:

The Asthma Linked Study…

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Population Attributable Fraction of Gas Stoves and Childhood Asthma in the United States

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 202320(1), 75; – 21 Dec 2022

Cited by 2 | Viewed by 128836


Indoor gas stove use for cooking is associated with an increased risk of current asthma among children and is prevalent in 35% of households in the United States (US). The population-level implications of gas cooking are largely unrecognized. We quantified the population attributable […] Read more.
It seems that the cited study did not come up with good enough proof that having a gas stove in the home was the cause of the kid’s asthma in the study…better luck next time proving a hypothesis, gang…

Gas cooking and respiratory outcomes in children: A systematic review

We caution against over-interpreting the quantitative evidence synthesis estimates from meta-analyses of these studies…

How many children have asthma because of gas stoves?

It looks like more people are cooking g with gas in Illinois, California, and New York than in other states.

by Ben Adler Senior Editor

Combining that with data on the prevalence of gas stoves, which are present in 35% of U.S. homes, the researchers estimated how many more childhood asthma cases exist because of their presence…researchers found that 650,000 American children have asthma because of gas stoves in their home.

continue reading…


A few examples from legit publications:

  1. › environment › 2023One in eight cases of asthma in US kids caused by gas stove …

    Jan 7, 2023 · A new study has now sketched out the risk being posed to children exposed to pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide that spew from the stoves, finding that 12.7% of all current cases of childhood…
  2. › view › gas-stove-smoke-accounts-forGas Stove Smoke Accounts for 12% of Childhood Asthma in the …

    Jan 25, 2023 · Additionally, the researchers estimated the proportion of children aged 18 and older exposed to gas stove smoke in the United States and certain states using the 2019 American Housing…
    1. › gas-stove-asthmaA Federal Agency Says It Won’t Ban Gas Stoves in the US

      A recent study found that cooking on a gas stove carries similar risks for childhood asthma as secondhand smoke. The study, published in the peer-reviewed International Journal of…
      •  Catherine Boudreau
    2. › 6246316 › gas-stove-potential-ban-impactsWhat the Potential Ban on Gas Stoves Means If You Have One

      Jan 10, 2023 · A new peer-reviewed study published last month in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that more than 12% of current childhood asthma cases in the U.S. can …
    3. › gas-cooking-is-associatedGas cooking is associated with worsening asthma in kids. But …

      Dec 16, 2020 · The authors estimated 12.3% of the asthma in children who were exposed to gas stoves was due to the stove exposure itself. Again, this analysis cannot say whether gas stove


The above partial quotes all said basically the same thing only worded slightly differently to avoid plagiarism or the alternative that No Non-cents Nanna uses: a lot of block quotes and clickable links to read more. I have no intention of twisting words. I’ll just point a finger at the louder voices.


However, if you follow any social media sources such as Facebook or YouTube you can read a range of emotionally triggered comments on quickly published opinionated content. None of us can un-hear or un-think words and phrases that we had read or heard over and over. In that case, it can be easy to be swayed by “propaganda” when we only want to know the whole truth – not the cherry-picked version.

For that matter, no one person can keep up with every current event happening in the world without a team. And then you broadcast every newsworthy time. You have to pick and choose what will grab and hold onto the audience’s attention while making the sponsors happy.


Why do you think people get emotionally triggered about their gas stoves and the government?

The No Non-cents Nanna has some ideas…

The Problem with Emotional Social Media Triggers

Who wants to be a part of the solution to the world’s problems?

Do you want to buy a problem? Or do you want to sell a problem?

  • Emotion sells.
  • Triggering emotions such as guilt or helplessness of the vulnerable is an old marketing trick. (See the block quote below for a better understanding of this concept.)


…..just a minute… I want a solution…I don’t want to buy someone else problem…


  • Emotional selling is a strategy that leverages customers’ feelings—rather than logic or the features of what’s being sold—to influence a purchasing decision. It’s used both in sales interactions and marketing materials to appeal to prospects and customers.


You don’t want to buy a problem either. Do you?

What is the pay rate for enablers of a nefarious organization of criminals? Would you sell out?


Would sell out to be an enabler?



Have you been influenced to react before thinking through the facts of why gas is not clean energy and all of the possible solutions to get better cooking control results when you are cooking with gas?


Now we are cooking with gas.

Or is that a wood stove?

Are you a modern woman who is cooking with gas? Or are you still hauling in sticks for your wood stove?
No Non-cents Nanna




1915 Transition took over 24 years +

Did you know that giving up a wood stove and replacing it to cook with gas was an emotional transition?

Currently, there is a new transition to get rid of the gas stove.

Let’s explore a little more just for fun, how “cooking with gas” became a household phrase that still sticks with us today. Besides, we have a lot of gas pipes buried underground. We the People are attached to those gas pipes before we were even born.

Is it possible that some folks feel safe and secure with a gas stove in their homes?

Could some Americans feel that a recall or news that a Greener America seems like a threat to the American apple pie and baseball democracy they are accustomed to?

Professional chefs and cooks all know that a gas flame is easier to control the temperature of the food we are “frying up in the pan” than on an electric stove. Am I right? All you good homemade meal cooks know what I’m talking about.

On a personal note: I have my own respiratory diagnosis. I know that every time I live in a cheap apartment with a crappy gas stove, I have far more ER visits and hospitalizations than I do when we have an electric stove.

But, my words are only anecdotal. Any of us can share stories that are good bad or ugly about gas stoves, but without proper documentation, we are only telling stories for others to consider.


For Clarity Sake:

What influenced people to buy gas stoves in the first place?


According to English Language and Usage: “Now you’re cooking with gas…”


Gas cookers began to replace wood-burners around 1915, and the actual phrase was used by Hollywood radio comedians around December 1939, and then appropriated by gas companies to promote gas cooking from around 1941 onwards.

The phrase has been attributed to Deke Houlgate, who after working in the gas industry, wrote the line for Bob Hope.


The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms (1997) by Christine Amme says it’s 1940s slang, and it:

… alludes to gas stoves, which began to replace slower wood-burning stoves about 1915.


Gas Companies and Free Advertising


The expression “NOW YOU’RE COOKING WITH GAS” … cleverly ties gas cooking to local food products and restaurants.


American Gas Association monthly – Volume 23 (1941) offers an origin:

“Now you’re cooking with gas” literally took the gas industry by the ears around December 1939 — Remember? — when it flashed forth in brilliant repartee from the radio programs of the Maxwell Coffee Hour, Jack Benny, Chase and Sanborn, Johnson Wax, Bob Hope and sundry others. Gas men began to listen …FREE publicity on TIME interpreted in terms of national hook-ups involving hundreds of thousands of dollars all told.


Radio show hosts/ comedians like Bob Hope made people laugh by using phrases like “cooking with gas” which ended up being household words becoming free advertising to scrap the wood-burning stove. This all worked out and gas pipelines were buried all over the U.S.

And that constant talking about ___ can make us vulnerable when we listen to a charismatic speaker. (Nazi Germany and Hitler are often the first to come to mind for most Americans when we think of negative consequences.) Who wants to have a guilt trip on their shoulders for not doing the right thing?

Edmon Burk-quoting*, propaganda manipulating cult leaders who name-call seem to effectively use dysfunctional marketing methods with calls to action that seem to market the fear of being the only one to not do the right thing.  (To keep or not keep a gas stove.) Their followers hung on to every word, (alleged secret revealed) to save their souls. (In my blunt opinion.) 


Are you beginning to see how marketing influenced the use of the gas stove? It is possible that “marketing” is using emotional controversy to debate the use of gas stoves in green energy?

What do you think?


Sneaky Brain Washing

Are you getting what I am trying to say about subtle manipulation when you hear and see the same concept over and over again, a little bit at a time until you eventually accept that concept as real truth when it may or may not be valid? It can be hard to un-hear words in your head like a song on the radio playing over and over every time a bell rings…

I think every adult human should have been thinking about all of the waste products we have been piling up on the planet for a long time now. Hopefully, it is not too late to make on-course corrections to Save the World with small steps. But, this choice-making needs to be rationally and civilly by the people after appropriate education rather than emotional fear-monger or manipulation. 

That is what I think, anyway. And you?


Whose Problem is it to Solve Toxic Air Emissions?

Are solutions offered on how to prevent the problems involved with the problems of toxic emissions in our air?

Maybe not – but, why? Could it be that We the People fear having our foundational support system disrupted?

It took decades to get to the point where we are as far as toxic pollution is concerned.

And it is going to take a good long time to fix it but never will get back to the pure atmosphere when the Earth was new. Humans have a lot of habits to change and they won’t be changing overnight. Gas stoves are one drop in the bucket of a trashed atmosphere.

It is too bad that we cannot turn back the clock to rethink the consequences of pollution and energy waste. But, we can think this problem through right now without being tricked or bullied into jumping out of the pan and into a fire, can’t we?


Fry it up in the pan…or jump out of the pan into a fire.

How did we get so confused about what the Government is going to do?

The following is my theory on how and why Americans are distrusting what the U. S. government is doing or not doing. This is a mess – but we can think it through before we make any long-term plans.

Social Media Instead of Encyclopedias

We Americans have been lured by memes and brazen blurbs promising us to look younger, thinner, and smarter than we really are.

Amateur gurus promise to reveal secrets that “they” don’t want you to know. (Secrets the government won’t tell you: Secrets your doctor doesn’t want you to know.)

Most of the time with the highly visited emotion-packed poorly researched publications, I don’t think real solutions are offered other than being entertained.

(I’m referring to quickly produced click-bait videos published by amateur wanna-be journalists vying for your attention. America is a “free country” where you can pretty much say what you have on your mind whether or not you know what you are talking about and get paid to do so on your monetized channels. I’m not jealous in the least bit. I am concerned about misinformation and disinformation from people who stray from their expertise.)


This post is about whether or not the Biden administration is planning on taking away every gas stove in America or not.

This fear is right up with there about the military taking our guns, ammunition, and food supplies. I don’t even think that the root causes, faulty parts, for the recalls of gas stoves are researched before quickly publishing a Youtube video on the subject “The government is coming to take it away” videos.

How many average consumers ask ‘Why do the Democrats want to Go Green so quickly‘? If you are a Democrat, do you understand that going green is part of the debate on gas stove recalls and the fact that some cities are banning the installation of new gas pipelines?

We need to take a good look at both sides and then some before we get our country into a stupid civil war over the best kind of oven to bake bug protein bread in since “they” want us to eat bugs instead of grilled steaks on a gas grill. (Do not repeat that – I made this up as an example based on thousands of comments I have read.)

(No Non-cents Nanna is not trying to fight for the Left or Right. I want to be an eye-opener for making the best decisions for most people and the environment as a whole. I do not have a political agenda. My goal is for the health and safety of American families in general.)

This post is offering TMI – too much information, I know, I always do days’ worth of research as if I was writing a required research paper for a college class grade. I take the responsibility seriously to be certain I share accurate information.

 I want to encourage more people to think things through before jumping to emotionally charged conclusions. There are a lot of moving parts in this gas stove drama.

Pick what you want to focus on and leave the rest.

Of course, there are many news sources and blog posts to read. In fact, far more than what I present in this post is available to anyone who wants to dig deep. Some of the best publications may not even be the most widely read. It all has to do with marketing.

It seems to me that fewer people read anymore when it is so easy to turn on a video and then voice your opinion under the video using an anonymous handle and without having to sign in as No Non-cents Nanna requires. (That is to reduce SPAM that plagues written content like crazy.) Is it possible that when reading is replaced by video, do think there could be a correlation to a reduced amount of thinking things through?

In reality, twisted agendas contain nuggets of facts stirred into emotionally charged titles and images.

  • An agenda could be politically motivated.
  • Or perhaps, the agenda is as simple as wanting to be publicly admired for scooping a trending topic that will yield ad revenue.

Republicans thrust gas stoves, Biden’s green agenda into the culture wars

Republican lawmakers are claiming that the Consumer Product Safety Commission wants to take away people’s gas stoves, in what they say is the latest example of the Biden administration’s regulatory overreach, Maxine reports.

In reality, the commission is not going to snatch anyone’s stove. It is merely considering regulations that would seek to curb pollution from new gas stoves on the market, rather than existing appliances inside people’s homes. 

For No Non-cents Nanna – I just like to gather and hoard information to write about especially when I see so much stupidity that could easily be looked up online by using a few keywords. Ouch!

And who wants to be left out of the trending emotions or to be considered a trailer in the group? I admit that I love to engage in debates in the comment sections with real people.

Supposedly we Americans have learned from the mistakes of history so want to speak up about the flaws of the American government. (See quotes below…) How many people gripe on social media using quotes from Edmon Burke to “prove their point” that they are speaking up against the wrongs of the government? Warnings to fellow preppers of ‘Gas Stoves Bans’ is only one point used in social media fear-mongering which may or may not be what we could face in America’s future.

But that offers no solution – only more distrust – that is not mentally healthy.

So what are We the People going to do about any harmful effects of having a gas stove in your home?

We caution against over-interpreting the quantitative evidence synthesis estimates from meta-analyses of these studies…


We the People can educate ourselves on facts about why gas stoves might be part of “global warming”, “Climate change”, “weakening the Ozone layer”, pollution, and cancer…

I am not a doctor, but I will guess from personal experience, that it can take more than a gas stove to make anyone with asthma wheeze.

For me, it is the perfume that can send me into full-blown anaphylaxis. Can you imagine all of the women who love to wear heavy doses of perfume when they go to church to have their perfumed banned because of all the asthmatics in the congregation? From personal experience, it does not go over well due to the high emotional attachment to the offending perfume product with some people.

The thing is that you can smell perfume. But you cannot smell toxic gas that is odorless. You may not even notice that there is a toxic gas leak making you sick.

Now back to the topic…



How many children have asthma because of gas stoves?

by Ben Adler Senior Editor

Combining that with data on the prevalence of gas stoves, which are present in 35% of U.S. homes, the researchers estimated how many more childhood asthma cases exist because of their presence…researchers found that 650,000 American children have asthma because of gas stoves in their home.

continue reading…



But wait…there is more to be said about this study in question…


If you have a gas stove…

…will there be trouble on the horizon?

    1. › 6246316 › gas-stove-potential-ban-impacts What the Potential Ban on Gas Stoves Means If You Have One

      Jan 10, 2023 · A new peer-reviewed study published last month in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that more than 12% of current childhood asthma cases in the U.S. can …
    2. › gas-cooking-is-associatedGas cooking is associated with worsening asthma in kids. But …

      Dec 16, 2020 · The authors estimated 12.3% of asthma in children who were exposed to gas stoves was due to the stove exposure itself. Again, this analysis cannot say whether gas stove…

There is more than just asthma to be considered in this debate…


Recalled ZLINE RG30 (30-inch) gas range

This is not the first nor the last gas stove to be recalled. This is only one example that does have a solution to the problem of death from carbon Monoxide Poisoning.

A gas stove recall is not always about Carbon Monoxide. There have been some brand models that were tip-over hazards as well.

ZLINE Recalls Gas Ranges Due to Serious Risk of Injury or Death from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

  • Recalled ZLINE RG30 (30-inch) gas range
Name of Product:

ZLINE 30-inch and 36-inch RG gas ranges


The oven of the gas ranges can emit dangerous levels of carbon monoxide (CO) while in use, posing a serious risk of injury or death from carbon monoxide poisoning.

Remedy: Repair
Recall Date: December 29, 2022
Units: About 28,000

Consumers may continue to use the range tops which are unaffected by the issue. Contact ZLINE, who is working to develop repairs for all affected units.

Consumers should review Protect Your Family from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning | for more information about preventing carbon monoxide poisoning.

What is Carbon Monoxide?

In case you need a refresher about carbon monoxide, I am including a partial quote for the government agency the CDC.

Click HERE to read the information in its entirety along with the recommendation for a CO detector. Please note that if your CO detector keeps alarming – you need to figure out the problem and fix it. Don’t take out the batteries of the device.

BTW: in this case, CO does not stand for Colorado. CO stands for carbon monoxide a chemical. Carbon monoxide has one carbon atom to one oxygen atom.

Preparedness Includes Prevention

Be safe. Plan ahead.

Carbon monoxide, or “CO,” is an odorless, colorless gas that can kill you.

Carbon monoxide detector

Carbon monoxide detector

Where is CO found?

CO is found in fumes produced any time you burn fuel in cars or trucks, small engines, stoves, lanterns, grills, fireplaces, gas ranges, or furnaces. CO can build up indoors and poison people and animals who breathe it.

What are the symptoms of CO poisoning?

The most common symptoms of CO poisoning are headache, dizziness, weakness, upset stomach, vomiting, chest pain, and confusion. CO symptoms are often described as “flu-like.” If you breathe in a lot of CO it can make you pass out or kill you. People who are sleeping or drunk can die from CO poisoning before they have symptoms.

  • Never use a gas range or oven for heating. Using a gas range or oven for heating can cause a build up of CO inside your home, cabin, or camper.
  • When you buy gas equipment, buy only equipment carrying the seal of a national testing agency, such as Underwriters’ Laboratories.
  • Make sure your gas appliances are vented properly. Horizontal vent pipes for appliances, such as a water heater, should go up slightly as they go toward outdoors, as shown below. This prevents CO from leaking if the joints or pipes aren’t fitted tightly.

Under the Fair Use Act, the above block quote is for informational support purposes only. The source is from the US government agency the CDC.

What is the solution to the above-recalled stove?

Good News! This stove/ oven is not the first to be recalled. This oven part can be repaired/ replaced without anyone removing your gas stove.

How in the world does this and a few other government agency articles go from a Recall to “HIDE your RANGE”? Or to: “The government is out to get preppers and homesteaders by confiscating your gas stove,” conspiracies Like this Click Bait phrase, “It’s in the Works”? (See below) Let me know if I interpreted that wrong.

Yes, my opinion IS critical of this kind of misguided mindset. I have — clickable titles of random videos below in no particular order. I suggest that you click on 2 to 5 to read for yourself. Then let me know what you think in the comment section.


I hope to use critical thinking skills by noting which of these titles grab your attention first. There is a lot to choose from.

Here are 10 of my off-the-the-of-my-head points to ponder when considering the credibility of a source.

  1. If you did find the time to view x amount how do you think the content lined up with the title?
  2. Can you rate the content as accurate and based on what facts?
  3. Or is the content speculative opinions?
  4. What solutions are offered to remedy their fear?
  5. Note the dates.
  6. Did you read the disclaimers?
  7. Are there any disclaimers that state the author is intending to give your advice as your doctor or lawyer or represents a government agency?
  8. Has the content creator cited their sources of information?
  9. Is the author biased? (Political, religious, gender, country of origin or culture…)


No Non-cents Nanna suggests that whenever you hear a speaker say that they “hated school/ dropped out in 10th grade” to think real hard on how that person could be an authority on so many subjects. Why should you take their advice?

Disclaimer: Malika Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna is not endorsing any other content creators’ website, opinion or content for accuracy. Each and every author is responsible for their own content. This No Non-cents Nanna is simply posting pro and con sides or interpretations for you to compare and then make your own decision as to the accuracy or not.

Pick several clickable links to read on Banning Gas Stoves:

Will any article affect your opinion?

I check out all of the articles found in the clickable links below. I do not expect you to do the same.

I would encourage you to pick a few to click and read.

  1. 🔥 Is A Wood Burning Stove Worth The Cost And Work? 🔥
  2. New warning for homes with natural-powered gas stoves
  3. Natural Gas Lobby
  4. ‘We are not banning gas stoves’: Consumer product safety commission | Rush Hour
  5. GAS RANGE BAN: It’s in the works- Hide your Range! | Prepping for SHTF
  6. Gas STOVE BANNED – This is JUST The Beginning
  7. Federal agency begins examination of whether gas stoves should be banned in USA
  9. California to Phase Out Gas-Fueled Furnaces, Water Heaters by 2030
  10. As federal agency considers gas stove ban, doctor explains health risks
  12. BANNED! Why they’re coming after natural gas stoves
  13. Is the US government really considering a ban on gas stoves?
  14. Federal agency begins examination of whether gas stoves should be banned in USA
  15. Will gas stoves be banned? ‘Hidden hazard’ comment ignites debate
  16. Gaslighting: Clarifying Fox News, GOP outrage on gas stove ‘ban’
  17. Biden admin considering banning your gas stoves
  18. Sen. Joe Manchin sounds off on Biden admin over potential gas stove ban
  19. No, there’s not a ban on gas stoves
  20. Gas stove safety concerns
  21. Richard Trumka Jr, a US Consumer Product Safety commissioner, clarified on Twitter that the federal agency is not actually … (see below)



  • “Linked to” is not the same thing as “causes”. Keep in mind that some gas stoves are faulty, have caused harm, and need to be recalled for repairs.
  • Remember that you have a gas line buried underground in the city. Call before you Dig.
  • Why would an army of Storm Troupers come to haul out millions of gas stoves anyway? It is not rational.

What would a city, state, or Federal Dump with 1,000,000s of those gas appliances any way?

Recycle for tanks or bombers? I don’t know – do you or anyone else know if any sane person really thinks this through about where gas stoves would end up?


I envisioned the Commies coming to town in jeeps to take our bibles in 1957. Now some folks claim the US Military will take our gas stoves. I think both scares were over-blow manipulations.



I would not be surprised if some folks lost credibility after claiming that the military will be confiscating stoves soon. I advise that if this applies to you, apologize for the inconvenience and admit you were wrong.

No Non-cents Nanna did some treasure hunting for you with plenty more articles for you to read or not – chose to believe or not. Here are more articles to choose from to read. (Yes, I read every one of them.)

Disclaimer: I am leaving you to form your own educated opinion. Malika Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna may or may not agree or disagree with any of the posted links. It is up to you to make your own informed opinion and solution.



For more information about the Facts of Carbon Monoxide from the CDC click HERE.

Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless, colorless gas that kills without warning. It claims the lives of hundreds of people every year and makes thousands more ill. Many household items including gas- and oil-burning furnaces, portable generators, and charcoal grills produce this poison gas. Following these important steps can keep your family safe.

CO Detectors

  • Install battery-operated or battery back-up CO detectors near every sleeping area in your home.
  • Check CO detectors regularly to be sure they are…

Randomly Pick a Few of the Links to Click and Read:

Environmentalists push D.C. to ban natural gas stoves, furnaces

Goodbye gas grills?

California set to ban gas-powered heaters to go carbon neutral by 2045

Gas Cook Stoves To Be Banned?

Gas stoves in California leak cancer-causing chemical, study finds

Environmentalists pusWould you get rid of your gas stove and go electric?

Wash D.C. to ban natural gas stoves, furnaces

HINT: You are supposed to actually read the researched articles. not only the titles, before telling other people what to think about what the government is doing.


Something to consider when choosing what content to read or listen to:

Headlines: titles are designed to grab your attention enough to make you want to read a book or a newspaper article. The Headline does not necessarily give you the entire conclusion of any event.

You don’t have to take my word for it. If you like you may take a side track on headlines in the block quote below to better understand why some content creators are more popular than others content creators. Popularity does not necessarily mean one content creator is more or less reliable.



Do you want your blog to gain more traffic, and higher conversion rates? Then, you should learn about the secret of the world’s highest paid bloggers. They use these catchy headlines & attention grabbing blog title templates. …

You need catchy headlines to grab attention is because you only have seconds to capture your readers attention

Why do I get the SEO results that I do?

Once you open and read a number of articles with the same type of keywords, the built-in algorithms will continue to pull up the same kind of content. With that said those algorithms may only be showing you “your bias” of the kind of content you like rather than a variety of viewpoints.

So if you are against banning gas stoves and do an internet search, depending on what words you use, you may only get results about “how the evil empire is coming to destroy your gas stoves.” You stacked your own biased deck.

That is why I purposefully attempted to share with you a variety of viewpoints/ sides of the story on gas stoves and other in-home air pollutants. Besides, as a content creator, I am expanding my post’s searchability in order to be more easily found. (It also increases the risk of my research being plagiarised by students who are too lazy to do their own work. Thus my writings are full of my unique quirks that if not edited out will be huge red flags to a professor.)

Keep in mind that Vlogers are NOT journalists who have researched all the facts without bias. Americans can abuse the right to free speech without even having read that Amendment to our Constitution. Mull that over for a while in the context of exploring the facts about a potential gas stove ban occurring or not.

No Non-cents Nanna is not a journalist – she is a blogger with a medical and early childhood education background who researches in depth on the subjects of family health, wellness, and preparing for emergencies.

Some “NEWS” Programs are Educated and Biased Opinions. There is a big difference between reporting facts and opinion pieces.

No Non-cents Nanna recommends to stop accepting every content creator or personality fstar or face value – do your own research to more fully understand the subject BEFORE you repeat their words as facts on social media. Or at least learn how to quote. the source. (Tucker Carlson said, “__________”.)


Are All Gas Stoves Really on the Chopping Block to be Banned or Not?

IMO I don’t think ALL gas stoves need to be terminated. If there are parts that can be fixed or replaced in order to make a gas stove safe to use in your home, I believe that is what the Commisioner meant. That includes if any item is a total piece of crap get that particular item out of the home and make the manufacture refund money.


Gas stove safety concerns

It’s Time To Break Up With Our Gas Stoves | Climate Town

Federal Agency Mulls Ban on Gas Stoves Due to Health Concerns

  1. › Recalls › 2021Camp Chef Recalls Portable Gas Stoves Due to Fire Hazard

    Dec 16, 2020 · Recall … involves Camp Chef portable stoves with model numbers MS40A, MSHP, or MSGG and with component gas regulators date coded “1923” through “2030” inclusive. The model number is located on the manufacturer’s label on the bottom of the stove. The gas regulator date code is engraved on the regulator.
  2. › en-us › moneyA recall of about 28,000 gas stoves that might emit deadly …

    Dec 29, 2022 · Stoves should cook, not kill, which is why ZLine recalled about 28,000 RG gas ranges on Thursday. “The oven of the gas ranges can emit dangerous levels of carbon monoxide (CO) while in use …
  3. › press-releases › 2023Recall of Gas Ranges Underscores the Need for Oversight and …

    Jan 9, 2023 · Contact. WASHINGTON, DC — The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has issued a recall for thousands of gas ranges due to a serious concern about carbon monoxide poisoning from the oven compartment.

    This recall underscores the need for CPSC to enact rules to ensure the safety of new gasstoves, an effort that the agency says it is exploring.

  4. · Gas stoves aren’t only a risk medically. They are also harmful to the environment, with a 2022 study by Stanford University revealing that even when the appliance is not in use, it releases…



The New York TIMES article cited in the block quote below spells out the debate between Left and Right. This is the best of all the content I have reviewed on gas stove recalls and potential banning. Please go directly to that article to read the entire publication.

How Gas Stoves Became the Latest Right-Wing Cause in the Culture Wars

Nik Popli

new political firestorm lighting up Washington, and it has nothing to do with inflation or the new congressional leadership. Instead, all eyes are on gas stoves.

… common kitchen appliance … after a Democratic member of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), an agency charged with protecting the public from dangerous household products, told Bloomberg News gas stoves could potentially be banned due to their health hazards…. sharp rebuke from the oil and gas industry, but also many Republicans who used the issue to push back against .. Democrats’ overzealous environmental regulation.


Please note that you have to be careful to read more than a title to be well-informed.

Great titles are meant to get your attention well enough to want to read the content as well. › the-economist-explains › 2023How gas stoves became part of America’s culture wars

Jan 17, 2023 · Why have gas stoves become part of America’s culture wars—and could they actually be banned? Around 38% of American households have gas stoves, although that varies › 2023/01/21 › 1150397853Why gas stoves quickly became part of the culture war : NPR

Jan 21, 2023 · Gas stoves became part of the culture war in less than a week. Here’s why January

Is the Era of Gas Stoves Over? Here’s Everything We Know About the Potential Ban

7Medgina Saint-Elien


Let me repeat the statement that I think has been twisted out of context: Tho’ I don’t see how anyone could take these words so extreme.

“…considering a nationwide ban on the installation of new gas stoves. “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned,” says Commissioner Richard Trumka Jr.”



Malfunctioning Appliances

Don’t take for granted or assume every appliance is safe under all conditions.

  1. Read and follow all directions.
  2. Try out the product before an emergency
  3. Don’t be smug about “bad things never happen to me.”
  4. Please don’t let your loved ones be the first to die when using a new product.


For informational purposes: › Safety-Education › Safety-Education Carbon-Monoxide-Questions-and-Answers |

On average, about 170 people in the United States die every year from CO produced by non-automotive consumer products.
These products include malfunctioning fuel-burning appliances furnaces, ranges, water heaters and room heaters; engine-powered equipment such as portable generators; fireplaces; and charcoal that is burned in homes and other enclosed areas.
In 2005 alone, CPSC staff is aware of at least 94 generator-related CO poisoning deaths. Forty-seven of these deaths were known to have occurred during power outages due to severe weather…
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that several thousand people go to hospital emergency rooms every year to be treated for CO poisoning.


Keep in mind that the toxic dangers are not just CO2 (carbon dioxide) there are other odorless gases that can cause harm when not properly ventilated or even when not in use.

For those prepper families who have emergency generators or wood stoves, clay pots, and candles, we had better be sure that we all know how to use our stockpile of equipment safely.


Why aren’t you asking yourself about safety reasons for recalls of gas stoves?

Are you stuck on being so stubborn that you are not thinking about safety first?

IMO the government has agencies working to keep Americans safe from faulty products and unsafe food -the reasons for rules and regulations that you seem to think are cramping your style in this country. That is what comes across to me when I hear and read, “The government wants to control you.”

I’ve known some stubborn people in my life that never wanted to admit they made a mistake. There was never a point in arguing with them. You had to take a different approach to allow them to see the light on their own accord and save face. (I loved my dad who was stuck on being stubborn but his conclusions were often faulty.)

For some reason, some stubborn folks are not in favor of the government setting standards (telling you what you can or cannot do) on anything be it gas appliances, alternative medicine, or organic farming. Who knows why certain people are wary of the government telling them what to do? Perhaps we should listen to their history.

Would it hurt to listen to a different side them what we are also stubborn about? Someone might learn something they did not know before.


The Gas Stove Study Controversy Proves It’s Time to Prioritize Airflow in Your Kitchen

Who wants to pay for all this?

Gas companies won’t be the only ones left bearing the cost of old energy infrastructure. Ratepayers have in turn invested in the current pipelines, which will become stranded assets if everything electrifies.

“… under the name of decarbonization, who is left holding the bag of the things that are already in the ground?” said Michael Colvin, director of California Energy for the Environmental Defense Fund.

… full electrification, the affordability component…

report released in June cautioned that as more people leave the gas grid, the same fixed infrastructure costs will be spread across a smaller number of customers, raising prices for everyone left.

“We don’t want to have low-income communities the only ones left paying for the natural gas – these are already folks who pay a disproportionate amount of their income for energy and we don’t want to make it worse,” said Bartholomy.

More Food for Thought on Cooking With Gas…

According to E&E : DOE rule may block 50% of current gas stove models

By Brian Dabbs | 02/24/2023 06:43 AM EST

Half of gas stove models sold in the United States today won’t comply with a first-ever efficiency regulation on cooking appliances, according to a new analysis from the Department of Energy.

… rule’s release Jan. 31, aims to provide more clarification on the expected impact of a proposal earlier this month that is now receiving comments from the public (Energywire, Feb. 1).

DOE says the cooking regulation will preserve some market share for gas stoves that have at least one high-input rate burner and continuous cast iron grates, two features that DOE determined are priorities for the public. Both features use a lot of energy.

Under the Fair Use Act, this block quote is for educational information published by Energy W. Malika Bourne is not the author.


For those who want a great resource on energy check out: Energywire

Energywire is the key source of news across the energy sector. Coverage ranges from technological developments and issues facing energy infrastructure to relevant legislative and regulatory changes. A go-to publication for professionals within or impacted by the everchanging utility sector.


Disclaimer: This block quote is for informational purposes. Please use the clickable link to read the entire article. Do not quote from this blog page. Quote from the original source, please.


Is your home too high on the methane meter?
It is a good thing that indoor pollution is “Unregulated”.

Does anyone know what “Unregulated means?

Unregulated means that the government is not telling you what your home can smell like or how much CO or NO2 etc. can be in your family’s living space.

No government agent will come in to tell you that you should eat fewer beans because you are too high on the methane meter.









OPINION: The New York Times

This article is part of the Debatable newsletter. You can sign up here to receive it on Wednesdays.

.. indoor air pollution, which is largely unregulated.

Since at least the 1970s, researchers have been studying the negative health effects of gas stoves, which are the only major indoor gas appliance that isn’t required to be vented outside.

….meta-analysis estimated that 12.7 percent of childhood asthma cases …

The validity of that particular finding has been questioned by the economist Emily Oster, among others, who believes the health risks of gas stoves are being overstated. Oster pointed out in her newsletter

…tests and studies is that gas stoves can easily raise the amount of nitrogen dioxide inside the home to levels that would be illegal outdoors. …other air pollutants that are known or suspected to cause cancer, even when turned off.



The study in question is quoted from the NY Times opinion piece. Also quoted in the Times is Economist Emily Oster, who according to her expertise, believes the health and safety risk may be blown out of proportion if I understand that correctly. I tend to agree with Emily Oster’s expert opinion. And you? Do you think this gas stove media disaster is overblown?

Over blown statements eventual POP!
How many viral social media posts are Hyperinflated?

My point is that after doing in-depth research on other people’s work, experts are not coming to the same conclusion that the small study concluded about asthma and children in “gas stove houses”.

So, why is it then that the doomsday paranoid prepper community on Youtube is “locking and loading and threatening to chain themselves to their gas stoves” if the fictional “Storm Troopers’ come to haul off their gas stove?

Wouldn’t it be easier for the “Can’t-be-trusted evil government’ to simply shut off the gas pipes everywhere if they did not want Americans cooking with gas?

Or am I misunderstanding the intent of other people who plan ahead to live free and self-sustaining?

There seems to be little accountability on social media in a country where we enjoy Freedom of Speech. IMO

Don’t we all live under the assumption that our major kitchen appliances are always safe to use – we don’t give it a thought do we?



But, I just had to go on and research some more about gas stove recalls and I found some doozies…if you were paranoid before, the next block quote may keep you up tonight…


Now I lay me down to sleep…
Are your CO detectors working?

According to the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA), cooktops accidentally turning on or not turning off caused 8% of the average 172,900 cooking fire incidents each year from 2014 to 2018.

Over a quarter of home cooking fire deaths were people who were sleeping at the time of the fires.

Over half of the related injuries were reportedly caused by people trying to control or put out the fire by themselves.

Even if a fire isn’t started, a leak of natural gas could be dangerous. Although natural gas isn’t toxic when inhaled, it displaces oxygen which can lead to asphyxiation – a large danger to unaware, sleeping homeowners.

Free Stove Top Knob Defect Fire Hazard Lawsuit Case Evaluation

Your gas stove knobs may be defective if brushing or bumping against them causes your gas stove to:

  • Turn burners on
  • Leak gas from stove top
  • Ignite

Some gas stove brands subject to this sensitivity knob product defect include (but are not limited to):

  • LG
  • Whirlpool
  • GE
  • Electrolux
  • Samsung
  • Viking Range
  • Jenn-Air
  • Maytag
  • Amana

…amongst others. Gas Stove Knob Fire Hazard: Are You at Risk? – Top Class Actions

The above block quote is for informational purposes only. It is not an endorsement of this legal agency. though I much appreciate the content for which under the Fair Use Act I quote for the educational purposes of my blog readers.


Options other than gas stoves

I want to remind you that heating your home with your gas range and oven is not safe.

In an emergency, you’ll need some other safe method for cooking and heating.

But, no matter what you cook with there will always be some not-so-good particles that you and your family will breathe in.

Wood and Pellet Stove Costs at a Glance

  • Wood stove installation cost: $2,500-$5,000
  • Firewood: $120-$180 per cord
  • Pellet stove installation cost: $2,000-$4,000
  • Pellets: $250 per ton

Heating your home with a wood or pellet stove can be incredibly cost-effective when compared to running an oil furnace or gas fireplace.





A wood burning fire place can e so cozy in the winter. When was the last time you swept your flu? No Non-cents Nanna




  1. › news › 2022Gas stoves and mythical health risks – Washington Times

    Feb 16, 2022 · The release announcing the study was blunt: “Stanford scientists find the climate and health impacts of natural gas stoves are greater than previously thought.”. The study spawned countless …
    •  Daniel Tormey
  2. › are-gas-stoves-dangerousAre Gas Stoves Dangerous? This Recent Harvard Study Suggests …

    Jan 11, 2023 · The study looked at the makeup of natural gas along with how much stoves are leaking when not in use. Brett Tyron The study also found that about one in 20 stoves (5%) had gas leakage when not in …
  3. › 2023/01/13 › 1149135773What you need to know about gas stoves and health risks : NPR

    Gas stoves have been in the news as the Consumer Product Safety Commission researches emissions and health effects. NPR Climate Desk’s Jeff Brady sorts the misinformation from the facts.

  4. › article › 13773028-are-gasAre Gas Stoves Dangerous? Experts Weigh in if You Need to …

    Jan 11, 2023 · Here’s what we can conclude about gas stoves: Using one — particularly without ventilating … — has a real effect on indoor air quality. And that air plays a similar role to outdoor air when it comes to developing or exacerbating pulmonary disease, Dr. Moore says.



Recalling faulty products is nothing new in the U.S. and other countries nor has the banning of an unsafe product always been a political agenda. Faulty product parts can possibly be fixed without trashing the entire unit.

  • Tara Kahan, a Canada research chair in environmental analytical chemistry and an associate professor at the University of Saskatchewan, has been sounding the alarm on gas stoves for five years now.

More critical thinking:

Are leaky gas stoves the only factor in our Earth’s climate change and toxic air in homes?

No, not by a long shot.

And there are plenty of other favorite things that can contribute to indoor pollution such as candles.



Indoor Pollutants and Sources according to the EPA

It is not just gas stoves that leak. Check this out…



Candles add a warm glow to many celebrations of love.


Are candles toxic?

  • Some people claim that candles release potentially harmful toxins.
  • However, people on the other side of the argument say that candles don’t contain enough of these toxins to be a health threat.
  • …what science has found about burning candles and separate the facts from common misconceptions.

Are Candles Bad for You? Myths and Potential Side Effects – Healthline


Health and Safety concerns over any product that burns something include far more than leaking valves on gas ovens.

Let’s expand our knowledge about something else that lights a room or you can use to heat a fondue pot to melt cheese or chocolate to dip food into other than gas.

What did people do for night light before the electric light bulb was invented?


The traditional glow of a birthday candle melts your heart.
Are burning candles safe?

Have you considered how safe or unsafe burning candles might be?

  1. Do scented candles have dangerous toxic chemicals?
  2. Are scented candles actually bad or good for you and your family?
  3. Are scented candles making your home toxic or therapeutic?


Are scented candles harmful to my family’s health?

If you love to burn 100s of scented candles for a romantic evening and have a dozen cats

that like to jump on the counters – WTF are you thinking?

Are you a pyromaniac or just plain not thinking rationally?

Never mind – that is too extreme an example of a health and safety disaster. There are other concerns that we may assume are well and good simply because something comes in an attractive package.

Are Candles Bad for you?

Most candle manufacturers stopped using lead in their candles in the 1970s….


Below I randomly chose some ad-type results that I found when doing a search…while on the topics of health and safety, I included copied and pasted tips on candle smoke in the quote below as a bonus. I’m not picking on any candle company.

FYI: did you know that some rental properties include in their lease agreements with tenants that no candle-burning or live Christmas trees are allowed? My informed guess is that there had been far too much damage done by one or more careless renters that they had to set some boundaries.

What do you think?

  1. Goose Creek Official Site – Made In the USA

    Keep Your Home Smelling Fresh Day and Night With Our Candles and Other Scented Products. 

  2.· Curbside Pickup

    Shop Scented Candles Safe – Scented Candles Safe at Target™

    Shop Now

    Save on ScentedCandlesSafe. Quick & Easy Returns In-Store. Shop ScentedCandlesSafe & More. Get ScentedCandlesSafe at Target™ Today.


    Outdoor Safe Candles – Scented Candles

    Buy Outdoor Safe Scented Candles. … Find Outdoor SafeCandles You’ll Love. Shop Now at Wayfair!


    Candles Made in the USA – Hand Poured In The USA

    Personalized & Custom Candles | Lola and Maeve. Personalized photo candles for life’s best memories

      • You’re pretty safe burning natural scented candles in your home without the fear of trace amounts of formaldehyde and other toxic chemicals.
      • However, it is essential to note that breathing too much smoke in, whether from a candle with a natural scent or not, is never a good thing.

      People also ask

      Do scented candles have dangerous toxic chemicals? › health › are-candles-bad-for-youAre Candles Bad for You? Myths and Potential Side Effects
      Is candle smoke toxic?
      Don’t burn candles in a drafty area.
      Trim the wick if it gets longer than 10 to 15 millimeters.
      Instead of blowing out a candle, use a candle snugger or dip the wick in wax. 
      Ventilate your room after extinguishing a candle.
      Which candles are best for your health?
  1. › 2021/11/09 › wellAre Scented Candles Harmful to Your Health? – The New York Times

    Nov 9, 2021 · ...scented candles do produce various vapors and particles that can be unsafe to inhale at high doses, research suggests that with typical use, the dose you get is far below what is…
  2. › entry › scented-candles-toxicThe Big Problem With Scented Candles | HuffPost Life

    Jun 16, 2015 · … According to Anne Steinemann, an environmental pollutants expert who is a professor of civil engineering and the chair of sustainable cities at the University of Melbourne, certain candles may emit numerous types of potentially hazardous chemicals, such as benzene and toluene. 
    They can cause damage to the brain, lung and central nervous system, as well as cause developmental difficulties.
  3. › scented-candle-dangersScented Candle Dangers – Whole Home Scenting

    Jul 13, 2021 · A scented candle may be a relatively small source of VOCs compared to all the others polluting the atmosphere, both inside and outside your home, on a daily basis. However, longer exposure to scented candles at close proximity over the course of many years may cause cancer or other negative health effects over time.
  4. › fire-safety-candlesFire Safety & Candles – National Candle Association

    • Before Lighting: Before burning, always trim the wick to ¼ inch. You can use a wick trimmer, nail clippers, or scissors. Long or crooked wicks can cause uneven burning, dripping or flaring.
    • Burn candles in a well-ventilated room: Avoid drafts, vents or air currents. This will help prevent rapid or uneven burning, sooting, and excessive dripping.
    • While Burning: Never leave a candle unattended. Never burn a candle on or near anything that can catch fire. Keep burning candles away from furniture, drapes, bedding, carpets, books, paper, flammable decorations, etc.
    • When Extinguishing a Candle: Use a candle snuffer to extinguish a candle. It’s the safest way to prevent hot wax from splattering. Never use water to extinguish a candle.



Disclaimer: Block quotes are used for informational purposes only. The sources are cited without direct expressed permission on this blog. Please refer to the sources for complete information from the original sources.

Indirect Methods to Determine the Risk of Damage to the Health of Firefighters and Children Due to Exposure to Smoke Emission from Burning Wood/Coal in a Controlled EnvironmentAbstract 

People are constantly exposed to particulate matter and chemicals released during fires. However, there are still few studies on gas and particulate emissions related to exposure to burning firewood and charcoal during forest fires, making it difficult to understand the effects on the […] Read more.


CPSC Must Make Rules Around Safety Of Gas Stoves To Protect Consumers

Limiting nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) in the air protects human health and the environment.

No, NO2 does not stand for double-no.

Nitrogen dioxide can be a significant problem from a gas stove with poor ventilation.

Check out this hot topic…

What is NO2 and how does it affect the environment?

  • NO 2 forms when fossil fuels such as coal, oil, gas or diesel are burned at high temperatures.
  • NO 2 and other nitrogen oxides in the outdoor air contribute to particle pollution and to the chemical reactions that make ozone.
  • It is one of six widespread air pollutants that have national air quality standards to limit them in the outdoor air.
  1. › no2-pollution › setting-and-reviewing

    Setting and Reviewing Standards to Control NO2 Pollution

    Feb 27, 2022 · National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for NO 2 specify maximum amounts of NO 2 to be present in outdoor air.
    See primary NAAQS …Federal Register citations and fact sheets.
    See secondary NAAQS for NO 2 for an in-depth explanation of the current NO 2 secondary (welfare-based) standard and EPA’s…
  2. › en › nitrogen-dioxide-no2Air Pollution Nitrogen Dioxide – GreenFacts

    •  (NO2)? Nitrogen dioxide is part of a group of gaseous air pollutants produced as a result of road traffic and other fossil fuel combustion processes.
    • How does Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) affect human health? … 2.1 Studies on human populations indicate that long-term exposure to NO2 levels currently observed in Europe may decrease lung function and increase the risk of respiratory symptoms such as acute bronchitis and cough and phlegm, particularly in children.
    • How are we exposed to Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)?
    • 3.1 In Europe, NO2 air pollution is mainly caused by motor vehicles and…by energy production.
    • 4.1 No significant reductions in ambient NO2 concentrations have been witnessed….it is not known how such reductions could affect public health.
  3. › clean-air › outdoorsNitrogen Dioxide | American Lung AssociationNov 17, 2022 ·

    fossil fuels such as coal, oil, gas or diesel are burned at high temperatures…


To confuse matters, there are so many opinionated click-bait videos that advantage of the already paranoid and those lobbying with an agenda mixed in with the rest of us who may be naively trusted anything published to be the “whole truth and nothing but the truth”.

Part of understanding the issues with indoor or outdoor pollution requires a basic understanding of chemistry, anatomy, and physiology. If one doesn’t have a basic understanding one may skip over an important part of this gas stove debate or get confused over words they are not familiar with.

Of course, there are many news sources and blog posts to read. It seems to me that fewer people read anymore when it is so easy to turn on a video and then voice your opinion under the video using an anonymous handle and without having to sign in as No Non-cents Nanna requires. (That is to reduce SPAM that plagues written content like crazy.)


The Asthma Linked Studies…

  1. › environment › 2023One in eight cases of asthma in US kids caused by gas stove …

    Jan 7, 2023 · A new study has now sketched out the risk being posed to children exposed to pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide that spew from the stoves, finding that 12.7% of all current cases of childhood…
  2. › view › gas-stove-smoke-accounts-forGas Stove Smoke Accounts for 12% of Childhood Asthma in the …

    Jan 25, 2023 · Additionally, the researchers estimated the proportion of children aged 18 and older exposed to gas stove smoke in the United States and certain states using the 2019 American Housing…
    1. › gas-stove-asthmaA Federal Agency Says It Won’t Ban Gas Stoves in the US

      A recent study found that cooking on a gas stove carries similar risks for childhood asthma as secondhand smoke. The study, published in the peer-reviewed International Journal of…
      •  Catherine Boudreau
    2. › 6246316 › gas-stove-potential-ban-impactsWhat the Potential Ban on Gas Stoves Means If You Have One

      Jan 10, 2023 · A new peer-reviewed study published last month in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that more than 12% of current childhood asthma cases in the U.S. can …
    3. › gas-cooking-is-associatedGas cooking is associated with worsening asthma in kids. But …

      Dec 16, 2020 · The authors estimated 12.3% of the asthma in children who were exposed to gas stoves was due to the stove exposure itself. Again, this analysis cannot say whether gas stove…

Did you get the idea that the studies were poorly run so they were not conclusive when peer-reviewed?

The Problem with Social Media Triggers

Who wants to be a part of the solution to the world’s problems?

I know I want to be a part of the solution rather than an enabler of a nefarious organization of criminals. How about you?

And that can make us vulnerable when we listen to a charismatic speaker. (Nazi Germany and Hitler are often the first to come to mind for most Americans.) Who wants to have a guilt trip on their shoulders for not doing the right thing?

Edmon Burk-quoting, propaganda manipulating cult leaders who name-call seem to effectively use dysfunctional marketing methods with calls to action that seem to create a fear of being the only one to not do the right thing. Their followers hang on to every word, (alleged secret revealed) to save their souls. (In my blunt opinion.)

The rest of us are confused about what is really going to happen as a result of hyperbolic predictions of a proposed Bill in the legislature without having read that Bill. (Bills on the environment.)

Are solutions offered on how to prevent the problems involved with the problems of toxic emissions in our air? If not, why are we still subscribed and getting excited about a new video notification?

Why are we not exploring new resource options on our own on how to reduce the costs of heating while reducing toxic emissions? If you are already – good for you.

Most of the time with the highly visited emotion-packed publications, I don’t think real solutions are offered about gas stove problems.

Heck, I don’t even think that the root causes for the recalls of gas stoves, in viral videos were being researched before quickly publishing a Youtube video on the subject.

How many average consumers ask why the Democrats want to go Green so quickly?

(No Non-cents Nanna is not trying to fight for the left or right. I want to be an eye-opener for making the best decisions for most people and the environment as a whole. I do not have a political agenda. My goal is for the health and safety of American families in general.)

This post is offering TMI – too much information – to encourage more people to think things through before jumping to emotionally charged conclusions. Pick what you want to focus on and leave the rest.

What do you know about CO or NO2?

Consumers should review Protect Your Family from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning | for more information

What is Carbon Monoxide?

In case you need a refresher about carbon monoxide, I am including a partial quote for the government agency the CDC. Click HERE to read the information in its entirety along with the recommendation for a CO detector. Please note that if your CO detector keeps alarming – you need to figure out the problem and fix it. Don’t take out the batteries of the device.

BTW: in this case, CO does not stand for Colorado. CO stands for carbon monoxide a chemical.

Carbon monoxide, or “CO,” is an odorless, colorless gas that can kill you.


  • Never use a gas range or oven for heating. Using a gas range or oven for heating can cause a build up of CO inside your home, cabin, or camper.
  • When you buy gas equipment, buy only equipment carrying the seal of a national testing agency, such as Underwriters’ Laboratories.
  • Make sure your gas appliances are vented properly. Horizontal vent pipes for appliances, such as a water heater, should go up slightly as they go toward outdoors, as shown below. This prevents CO from leaking if the joints or pipes aren’t fitted tightly.

What is the solution to this recalled stove above?

This stove/ oven is not the first to be recalled. This oven part can be repaired/ replaced without anyone removing your gas stove.

How in the world does this and a few other government agency articles go from a Recall to “HIDE your RANGE”? Or to: “The government is out to get preppers and homesteaders by confiscating your gas stove,” conspiracies Like this Click Bait phrase, “It’s in the Works”? (See below) Let me know if I interpreted that wrong.

Yes, my opinion IS critical of this kind of misguided mindset. I have — clickable titles of random videos below in no particular order. I suggest that you click on 2 to 5 to read for yourself. Then let me know what you think in the comment section.

I hope to use critical thinking skills by noting which of these titles grab your attention first. There is a lot to choose from.

Here are 9 of my off-the-the-of-my-head points to ponder when considering the credibility of a source.

  1. If you did find the time to view x amount how do you think the content lined up with the title?
  2. Can you rate the content as accurate and based on what facts?
  3. Or is the content speculative opinions?
  4. What solutions are offered to remedy their fear?
  5. Note the dates.
  6. Did you read the disclaimers?
  7. Are there any disclaimers that state the author is intending to give your advice as your doctor or lawyer or represents a government agency?
  8. Has the content creator cited their sources of information?
  9. Is the author biased? (Political, religious, gender, country of origin or culture…)

No Non-cents Nanna suggests that whenever you hear a speaker say that they “hated school/ dropped out in 10th grade” to think real hard on how that person could be an authority on so many subjects. Why should you take their advice?

Disclaimer: Malika Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna is not endorsing any other content creators’s website, opinion or content for accuracy. Each and every author is responcbile for their own content. This No Non-cents Nanna is simply posting pro and con sides or interpretaitons for you to compare then make your own decision as to the acuracy or not.

“Linked to” is not the same thing as “causes” I see that some gas stoves are faulty.

Remember that you have to a gas line in the city. Why would an army of Storm Troupers come to haul out millions of gas stoves anyway? What would a city, state, or Federal Dump with 1,000,000,000s of those gas appliances any way? Recycle for tanks or bombers? I don’t know – do you or anyone else if any sane person really think about it?

No Non-cents Nanna did some treasure hunting for you with plenty more articles for you to read or not – chose to believe or not. Here are more articles to choose from to read. (Yes, I read every one of them.)

Disclaimer: I am leaving you to form your own opinion. Malika Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna may or may not agree or disagree with any of the posted links.


HINT: You are supposed to actually read the researched articles…

Headlines: titles are designed to grab your attention enough to make you want to read a book or a newspaper article. The Headline does not necessarily give you the entire conclusion of any event.

Once you open and read a number of articles with the same type of keywords, the built-in algorithms will continue to pull up the same kind of content. With that said those algorithms may only be showing you “your bias” of the kind of content you like rather than a variety of viewpoints.

That is why I purposefully attempted to share with you a variety of viewpoints/ sides of the story on gas stoves and other in-home air pollutants. Besides, as a content creator, I am expanding my post’s searchability in order to be more easily found. (It also increases the risk of my research being plagiarised by students who are too lazy to do their own work.)

Keep in mind that Vlogers are NOT journalists who have researched all the facts without bias. Some “NEWS” Programs are Educated and Biased Opinions. Stop accepting every content personality for face value – do your own research to more fully understand the subject BEFORE you repeat their words as facts on social media. Or at least learn how to quote. the source. (Tucker Carlson said, “__________”.)



  1. › Recalls › 2021Camp Chef Recalls Portable Gas Stoves Due to Fire Hazard

    Dec 16, 2020 · Recall Details Description: This recall involves Camp Chef portable stoves with model numbers MS40A, MSHP, or MSGG and with component gas regulators date coded “1923” through “2030” inclusive. The model number is located on the manufacturer’s label on the bottom of the stove. The gas regulator date code is engraved on the regulator.
  2. › en-us › money

    A recall of about 28,000 gas stoves that might emit deadly …

    Dec 29, 2022 · Stoves should cook, not kill, which is why ZLine recalled about 28,000 RG gas ranges on Thursday.
    “The oven of the gas ranges can emit dangerous levels of carbon monoxide (CO) while in use …
  3. › press-releases › 2023Recall of Gas Ranges Underscores the Need for Oversight and …

    Jan 9, 2023 · Contact. WASHINGTON, DC — The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has issued a recall for thousands of gas ranges due to a serious concern about carbon monoxide poisoning from the oven compartment.

    This recall underscores the need for CPSC to enact rules to ensure the safety of new gas stoves, an effort that the agency says it is exploring.

  4. › explainers › gas-stoves-harmfulAre gas stoves harmful? Why is there a call to ban them in …

    · Gas stoves aren’t only a risk medically. They are also harmful to the environment, with a 2022 study by Stanford University revealing that even when the appliance is not in use, it releases…


Gas companies won’t be the only ones left bearing the cost of old energy infrastructure. Ratepayers have in turn invested in the current pipelines, which will become stranded assets if everything electrifies.

“… under the name of decarbonization, who is left holding the bag of the things that are already in the ground?” said Michael Colvin, director of California Energy for the Environmental Defense Fund.

… full electrification, the affordability component…

report released in June cautioned that as more people leave the gas grid, the same fixed infrastructure costs will be spread across a smaller number of customers, raising prices for everyone left.

“We don’t want to have low-income communities the only ones left paying for the natural gas – these are already folks who pay a disproportionate amount of their income for energy and we don’t want to make it worse,” said Bartholomy.

Cost of Gas Alternatives

Many are looking to be self-sufficient or for more cost-effective energy-efficient alternatives to gas appliances.

The Gas Safety Debate Continues…

Opinions Are Not Facts – especially when wrong…

Recalling faulty products is nothing new in the U.S. and other countries nor has the banning of an unsafe product always been a political agenda. Faulty product parts can possibly be fixed without trashing the entire unit.

I’ve had to take a break from Youtube.

I lost track of how many content creators have stated. “I’ve never heard of this happening before.” Meaning they had not heard of x, y, or z happening but that does not mean x,y, or z did not happen before. These errors on gas stoves need to be corrected even if this is the first time you have thought about gas stove safety.

What galls me is that x, y, and z was a headline in the mainstream news, so a content creator jumped in to scoop the latest ‘conspiracy’ without even bothering to Google the history of x.y. or z. (

Factory fires, train derailments, food shortages, bankrupt businesses, water contamination, gas stove recalls…then the comment troll copies and pastes something like, “This is all planned – not a coincidence. The government wants us to starve.”…)

Some of these Youtube content creators seem like really nice people.

But, when I know for a fact that they have it all wrong and they are spreading misinformation, I have a hard time letting it go. As I said before, they don’t want to be called out or redirected in the comments so they can make an on-course direction. What happens is that YouTube “censors them” – takes down a video. – and they grow in popularity because they see themselves as a “martyr for truth and justice and the American way”. But, they did it to themselves – I tried to warn a few. No, I did not report them tho it was inevitable certain posts would come down. Too late, viewers cannot un-hear disinformation.

(There are too many to single out here that irritate my knowledge base.)

Who recalls what Edmund Burke said about good men doing nothing?

Well, I have to do something about trying to undo faulty opinions heard by the naive who fall into conspiracies that were not aware of.

Keep this in mind as we move forward with real facts from real experts.

  • … Tara Kahan, a Canada research chair in environmental analytical chemistry and an associate professor at the University of Saskatchewan, has been sounding the alarm on gas stoves for five years now.

More critical thinking:

Health and Safety concerns over any product that burns something include far more than leaking valves on gas ovens. Let’s expand our knowledge about something else that lights a room or you put under a fondue pot to warm cheese or chocolate to dip food into other than gas.

  1. Have you considered how safe or unsafe burning candles might be?
  2. Do scented candles have dangerous toxic chemicals?
  3. Are scented candles actually bad for You?
  4. Are scented candles making your home toxic?

Are scented candles harmful to my health?

If you love to burn scented candles for a romantic evening and have a dozen cats that like to jump on the counters – WTF are you thinking? Are you a pyromaniac or just plain not thinking rationally?

Never mind – that is too extreme an example of a health and safety disaster. There are other concerns that we may assume are well and good simply because something comes in an attractive package.

Below I randomly chose some ad-type results that I found when doing a search…while on the topics of health and safety, I included copied and pasted tips on candle smoke in the quote below. I’m not picking on any candle company.

FYI: did you know that some rental properties include in their lease agreements with tenants that no candle-burning or live Christmas trees are allowed? My informed guess is that there had been far too much damage done by one or more careless renters that they had to set some boundaries. What do you think?



Some of these search results have valuable tips on candle safety within their website blurbs.


      • You’re pretty safe burning natural scented candles in your home without the fear of trace amounts of formaldehyde and other toxic chemicals.
      • However, it is essential to note that breathing too much smoke in, whether from a candle with a natural scent or not, is never a good thing.

      People also ask

      Do scented candles have dangerous toxic chemicals? › health › are-candles-bad-for-youAre Candles Bad for You? Myths and Potential Side Effects

      Is candle smoke toxic?
      Don’t burn candles in a drafty area.
      Trim the wick if it gets longer than 10 to 15 millimeters.
      Instead of blowing out a candle, use a candle snugger or dip the wick in wax. 
      Ventilate your room after extinguishing a candle.
      Which candles are best for your health?
  1. › 2021/11/09 › wellAre Scented Candles Harmful to Your Health? – The New York Times

    Nov 9, 2021 · …scented candles do produce various vapors and particles that can be unsafe to inhale at high doses, research suggests that with typical use, the dose you get is far below what is…
  2. › entry › scented-candles-toxicThe Big Problem With Scented Candles | HuffPost Life

    Jun 16, 2015 · … According to Anne Steinemann, an environmental pollutants expert who is a professor of civil engineering and the chair of sustainable cities at the University of Melbourne, certain candles may emit numerous types of potentially hazardous chemicals, such as benzene and toluene. They can cause damage to the brain, lung and central nervous system, as well as cause developmental difficulties.
  3. › scented-candle-dangersScented Candle Dangers – Whole Home Scenting

    Jul 13, 2021 · A scented candle may be a relatively small source of VOCs compared to all the others polluting the atmosphere, both inside and outside your home, on a daily basis. However, longer exposure to scented candles at close proximity over the course of many years may cause cancer or other negative health effects over time.
  4. › fire-safety-candlesFire Safety & Candles – National Candle Association

    • Before Lighting: Before burning, always trim the wick to ¼ inch. You can use a wick trimmer, nail clippers, or scissors. Long or crooked wicks can cause uneven burning, dripping or flaring.
    • Burn candles in a well-ventilated room: Avoid drafts, vents or air currents. This will help prevent rapid or uneven burning, sooting, and excessive dripping.
    • While Burning: Never leave a candle unattended. Never burn a candle on or near anything that can catch fire. Keep burning candles away from furniture, drapes, bedding, carpets, books, paper, flammable decorations, etc.
    • When Extinguishing a Candle: Use a candle snuffer to extinguish a candle. It’s the safest way to prevent hot wax from splattering. Never use water to extinguish a candle.

Indirect Methods to Determine the Risk of Damage to the Health of Firefighters and Children Due to Exposure to Smoke Emission from Burning Wood/Coal in a Controlled EnvironmentAbstract 

People are constantly exposed to particulate matter and chemicals released during fires. However, there are still few studies on gas and particulate emissions related to exposure to burning firewood and charcoal during forest fires, making it difficult to understand the effects on the […] Read more.

CPSC Must Make Rules Around Safety Of Gas Stoves To Protect Consumers

Limiting nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) in the air protects human health and the environment.

(One Nitrogen to two Oxygens is what NO2 means. This does not mean two “no’s” in a row.)

What is NO2 and how does it affect the environment?

  • NO 2 forms when fossil fuels such as coal, oil, gas or diesel are burned at high temperatures.
  • NO 2 and other nitrogen oxides in the outdoor air contribute to particle pollution and to the chemical reactions that make ozone.
  • It is one of six widespread air pollutants that have national air quality standards to limit them in the outdoor air.

Nitrogen Dioxide | American Lung Association

Carbon monoxide, or “CO,” is an odorless, colorless ga

The most common symptoms of CO poisoning are headache, dizziness, weakness, upset stomach, vomiting, chest pain, and confusion. CO symptoms are often described as “flu-like.” If you breathe in a lot of CO it can make you pass out or kill you. People who are sleeping or drunk can die from CO poisoning before they have symptoms.

  • Never use a gas range or oven for heating. Using a gas range or oven for heating can cause a build up of CO inside your home, cabin, or camper.
  • When you buy gas equipment, buy only equipment carrying the seal of a national testing agency, such as Underwriters’ Laboratories.
  • Make sure your gas appliances are vented properly. Horizontal vent pipes for appliances, such as a water heater, should go up slightly as they go toward outdoors, as shown below. This prevents CO from leaking if the joints or pipes aren’t fitted tightly.

What is the solution to this recalled stove?

This stove/ oven is not the first to be recalled. This oven part can be repaired/ replaced without anyone removing your gas stove.

How in the world does this and a few other government agency articles go from a Recall to “HIDE your RANGE”? Or to: “The government is out to get preppers and homesteaders by confiscating your gas stove,” conspiracies Like this Click Bait phrase, “It’s in the Works”? (See below) Let me know if I interpreted that wrong.

Yes, my opinion IS critical of this kind of misguided mindset. I have — clickable titles of random videos below in no particular order. I suggest that you click on 2 to 5 to read for yourself. Then let me know what you think in the comment section.

I hope to use critical thinking skills by noting which of these titles grab your attention first. There is a lot to choose from.

Here are 10 of my off-the-the-of-my-head points to ponder when considering the credibility of a source.

  1. If you did find the time to view x amount how do you think the content lined up with the title?
  2. Can you rate the content as accurate and based on what facts?
  3. Or is the content speculative opinions?
  4. What solutions are offered to remedy their fear?
  5. Note the dates.
  6. Did you read the disclaimers?
  7. Are there any disclaimers that state the author is intending to give your advice as your doctor or lawyer or represents a government agency?
  8. Has the content creator cited their sources of information?
  9. Is the author biased? (Political, religious, gender, country of origin or culture…)
  10. Are there other news sources that give similar insight? Or do the sources not agree?

No Non-cents Nanna suggests that whenever you hear a speaker say that they “hated school/ dropped out in 10th grade” to think real hard on how that person could be an authority on so many subjects. Why should you take their advice?

Disclaimer: Malika Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna is not endorsing any other content creators’s website, opinion or content for accuracy. Each and every author is responcbile for their own content. This No Non-cents Nanna is simply posting pro and con sides or interpretaitons for you to compare then make your own decision as to the acuracy or not.

Pick several clickable links to read on Banning Gas Stoves:


Disclaimer: I am encouraging you to form your own opinion. Malika Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna may or may not agree or disagree with any of the posted links.


HINT: You are supposed to actually read the researched articles…not just the titles.

  • Headlines: titles are designed to grab your attention enough to make you want to read a book or a newspaper article. The Headline does not necessarily give you the entire conclusion of any event.

Key Words

If you open and read a number of articles with the same type of keywords, the built-in algorithms will continue to pull up the same kind of content. With that said those algorithms may only be showing you “your bias” of the kind of content you like rather than a variety of viewpoints.

That is why I purposefully attempted to share with you a variety of viewpoints/ sides of the story on gas stoves and other in-home air pollutants.

Besides, as a content creator, I am expanding my post’s searchability in order to be more easily found. (It also increases the risk of my research being plagiarised by students who are too lazy to do their own work.)

Keep in mind that Vlogers are NOT journalists who have researched all the facts without bias. How many times have you heard similar claims to “gas stoves being banned or the government is coming to for your stove” by a Chicken Little vlogger and they were wrong?

Some “NEWS” Programs are Educated and Biased Opinions. Stop accepting every content personality for face value – do your own research to more fully understand the subject BEFORE you repeat their words as facts on social media. Or at least learn how to quote the source. (Tucker Carlson said, “__________”.)

BTW: You probably already knew that Fox fired Tucker Carlson – and YIKES! Isn’t there a boatload of speculation on that news?


After all of this content, it is your turn.

Leave a comment below. Please note that all comments are moderated.

Gas companies won’t be the only ones left bearing the cost of old energy infrastructure. Ratepayers have in turn invested in the current pipelines, which will become stranded assets if everything electrifies.

“… under the name of decarbonization, who is left holding the bag of the things that are already in the ground?” said Michael Colvin, director of California Energy for the Environmental Defense Fund.

… full electrification, the affordability component…

…cautioned …as more people leave the gas grid, the same fixed infrastructure costs will be spread across a smaller number of customers, raising prices for everyone left.

“We don’t want to have low-income communities the only ones left paying for the natural gas – these are already folks who pay a disproportionate amount of their income for energy and we don’t want to make it worse,” said Bartholomy.




  1. › news › 2022Gas stoves and mythical health risks – Washington Times

    Feb 16, 2022 · The release announcing the study was blunt: “Stanford scientists find the climate and health impacts of natural gas stoves are greater than previously thought.”. The study spawned countless …
    •  Daniel Tormey
  2. › are-gas-stoves-dangerousAre Gas Stoves Dangerous? This Recent Harvard Study Suggests …

    Jan 11, 2023 · The study looked at the makeup of natural gas along with how much stoves are leaking when not in use. Brett Tyron The study also found that about one in 20 stoves (5%) had gas leakage when not in …
  3. › 2023/01/13 › 1149135773What you need to know about gas stoves and health risks : NPR

    Gas stoves have been in the news as the Consumer Product Safety Commission researches emissions and health effects. NPR Climate Desk’s Jeff Brady sorts the misinformation from the facts.

  4. › article › 13773028-are-gasAre Gas Stoves Dangerous? Experts Weigh in if You Need to …

    Jan 11, 2023 · Here’s what we can conclude about gas stoves: Using one — particularly without ventilating … — has a real effect on indoor air quality. And that air plays a similar role to outdoor air when it comes to developing or exacerbating pulmonary disease, Dr. Moore says.
Search for related to how long have gas stoves been recalled for dangers

Recalling faulty products is nothing new in the U.S. and other countries nor has the banning of an unsafe product always been a political agenda.

Faulty product parts can possibly be fixed without trashing the entire unit.

You can do it. Search for RECALLED items then share that news on social media for the safety of others. There are all kinds of products in family homes that may not be safe: children’s clothing, toys, chair, dressers to knobs on gas stoves.

A recall could be issued by the FDA, the CDC, or the CPSC

Do you recall what the difference is between and RECALL and a BAN?


CDC and Food Safety | CDC


CDC estimates that each year 1 in 6 Americans get sick from contaminated food or beverages and 3,000 die from foodborne illness.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates that foodborne illnesses …

Here is News You Can Use…

Did you know that the front page of No Non-cents Nanna has direct links to the latest recalls from CPSC? Just remember my blog name has Nanna with 3 n’s in the word, Nanna.


The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (USCPSC, CPSC, or commission) is an independent agency of the United States government.

The CPSC seeks to promot… Wikipedia

While CPSC doesn’t test, certify or recommend products or brands for safety, they do tell consumers what safety features to look for, and cooperates with manufacturers in announcing recalls.l Manufacturers recall products that present a significant risk to consumers. Reasons include defects as well as violations of CPSC standards. Consumer Product Safety Commission CPSC History – US Recall News

The fact that products are recalled and recalls are announced testifies to the success of the agency’s effectiveness.

Still, some household fixtures and consumer products pose dangers; lead levels are often found to be too high; fire retardant exposure puts children at risk; and choking hazards are still a major cause of toy recalls.

Recalls don’t always mean those products are no longer useful.

Usually, the recommendation is to stop using the product and to dispose of it, but it may be exchangeable, or simply need a replacement part.


Do the statements in the quotes above help you to better understand or to be able to explain by a recall is not the same thing as a ban?

Were you aware of all the different government agencies that have product rules and safety regulations?

Keep this contact information handy

How can you find out what has been recalled? Check this out below.

Sites such as US Recall News publish articles about current recalls as well as updates to previous ones.

For instance, have you ever wondered if it’s safe, yet, to buy previously recalled brands of pet food?

Sites such as also offer subscriptions that will send news of recalls by email to you on a regular basis.

For safety information related to other types of products, such as automobiles, food, and pharmaceuticals. Other Federal consumer links are found at

You may also contact the CPSC directly at (301) 504-7923 or at their toll-free hotline (800/638-2772)

More critical thinking:

  • Health and Safety concerns over any product that burns something include far more than leaking valves on gas ovens. Let’s expand our knowledge about something else that lights a room or you put under a fondue pot to warm cheese or chocolate to dip food into other than gas.

  1. Have you considered how safe or unsafe burning candles might be?
  2. Do scented candles have dangerous toxic chemicals?
  3. Are scented candles actually bad for You?
  4. Are scented candles making your home toxic?
  5. Are you considering other sources of light, heat, or cooking?
Nov 9, 2021 · …scented candles do produce various vapors and particles that can be unsafe to inhale at high doses, research suggests that with typical use, the dose you get is far below what is…
  1. › entry › scented-candles-toxic The Big Problem With Scented Candles | HuffPost Life

    Jun 16, 2015 · … According to Anne Steinemann, an environmental pollutants expert who is a professor of civil engineering and the chair of sustainable cities at the University of Melbourne, certain candles may emit numerous types of potentially hazardous chemicals, such as benzene and toluene. They can cause damage to the brain, lung and central nervous system, as well as cause developmental difficulties.
  2. › scented-candle-dangersScented Candle Dangers – Whole Home Scenting

    Jul 13, 2021 · A scented candle may be a relatively small source of VOCs compared to all the others polluting the atmosphere, both inside and outside your home, on a daily basis. However, longer exposure to scented candles at close proximity over the course of many years may cause cancer or other negative health effects over time.
  3. › fire-safety-candlesFire Safety & Candles – National Candle Association

    • Before Lighting: Before burning, always trim the wick to ¼ inch. You can use a wick trimmer, nail clippers, or scissors. Long or crooked wicks can cause uneven burning, dripping or flaring.
    • Burn candles in a well-ventilated room: Avoid drafts, vents or air currents. This will help prevent rapid or uneven burning, sooting, and excessive dripping.
    • While Burning: Never leave a candle unattended. Never burn a candle on or near anything that can catch fire. Keep burning candles away from furniture, drapes, bedding, carpets, books, paper, flammable decorations, etc.
    • When Extinguishing a Candle: Use a candle snuffer to extinguish a candle. It’s the safest way to prevent hot wax from splattering. Never use water to extinguish a candle.

It may seem that I am picking on YouTubers – the truth is I am. I believe we all need to be responsible for the content we share with people who are looking for answers. There are valuable reasons why our government regulates so many products that we use – for our own safety – not to control our lives.

I have another specific issue of concern. I have seen some people suggest all kinds of homemade candle wick alternatives that may not be such a good idea. Beware for your family’s health and safety.

Indirect Methods to Determine the Risk of Damage to the Health of Firefighters and Children Due to Exposure to Smoke Emission from Burning Wood/Coal in a Controlled EnvironmentAbstract 

People are constantly exposed to particulate matter and chemicals released during fires. However, there are still few studies on gas and particulate emissions related to exposure to burning firewood and charcoal during forest fires, making it difficult to understand the effects on the […] Read more.


CPSC Must Make Rules Around Safety Of Gas Stoves To Protect Consumers

Limiting nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) in the air protects human health and the environment.

What is NO2 and how does it affect the environment?

  • NO 2 forms when fossil fuels such as coal, oil, gas or diesel are burned at high temperatures.
  • NO 2 and other nitrogen oxides in the outdoor air contribute to particle pollution and to the chemical reactions that make ozone.
  • It is one of six widespread air pollutants that have national air quality standards to limit them in the outdoor air.

Nitrogen Dioxide | American Lung Association
  1. › no2-pollution › setting-and-reviewingSetting and Reviewing Standards to Control NO2 Pollution

    Feb 27, 2022 · National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for NO 2 specify maximum amounts of NO 2 to be present in outdoor air.
    See primary NAAQS for NO 2 for an in-depth explanation of the current NO 2 primary (health-based) standards, including Federal Register citations and fact sheets.
    See secondary NAAQS for NO 2 for an in-depth explanation of the current NO 2 secondary (welfare-based) standard and EPA’s most recent joint …
  2. › en › nitrogen-dioxide-no2Air Pollution Nitrogen Dioxide – GreenFacts

    • What is Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)? Nitrogen dioxide is part of a group of gaseous air pollutants produced as a result of road traffic and other fossil fuel combustion processes.
    • How does Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) affect human health? See also our Digest on Respiratory Diseases in Children. 2.1 Studies on human populations indicate that long-term exposure to NO2 levels currently observed in Europe may decrease lung function and increase the risk of respiratory symptoms such as acute bronchitis and cough and phlegm, particularly in children.
    • How are we exposed to Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)?
    • 3.1 In Europe, NO2 air pollution is mainly caused by motor vehicles and, in some places, by energy production.
    • Should current NO2 guidelines be reconsidered?
    • 4.1 No significant reductions in ambient NO2 concentrations have been witnessed….it is not known how such reductions could affect public health.
  3. › clean-air › outdoorsNitrogen Dioxide | American Lung AssociationNov 17, 2022 ·

    *NO 2 forms when fossil fuels such as coal, oil, gas or diesel are burned at high temperatures. *NO 2 and other nitrogen oxides in the outdoor air contribute to particle pollution and… › Recalls › 2021Camp Chef Recalls Portable Gas Stoves Due to Fire Hazard

Disclaimer: The following block quote comes directly from the CDC website. Under the Fair Use Act, I am copying and Pasting for Informational Purposes that include Safety and Education. I, Malika Bourne, the No Non-cents Nanna and not the author of the content in the quote re How Can I Prevent CO Poisoning.

The information presented in this blog post is as-is presented in good faith to be accurate today. Use at your own risk. 


I felt that it is important to include as much about health and safety related to how Americans cook food and heat their homes or are looking for less expensive alternatives that might be self-sustaining.

I want you and your family to be prepared for emergencies and be safe as possible. 


How can I prevent CO poisoning?


  • Make sure appliances are installed and operated according to the manufacturer’s instructions and local building codes. Most appliances should be installed by qualified professionals. Have the heating system professionally inspected and serviced annually to ensure proper operation. The inspector should also check chimneys and flues for blockages, corrosion, partial and complete disconnections, and loose connections.
  • Never service fuel-burning appliances without proper knowledge, skill and tools. Always refer to the owners manual when performing minor adjustments or servicing fuel-burning equipment.
  • Never operate a portable generator or any other gasoline engine-powered tool either in or near an enclosed space such as a garage, house, or other building. Even with open doors and windows, these spaces can trap CO and allow it to quickly build to lethal levels.
  • Install a CO alarm that meets the requirements of the current UL 2034 safety standard. A CO alarm can provide some added protection, but it is no substitute for proper use and upkeep of appliances that can produce CO. Install battery-operated CO alarms or CO alarms with battery backup on every level of the home and outside sleeping areas. Interconnected CO alarms are best; when one sounds, they all sound. Make sure the alarm cannot be covered up by furniture or draperies.
  • Never use portable fuel-burning camping equipment inside a home, garage, vehicle or tent unless it is specifically designed for use in an enclosed space and provides instructions for safe use in an enclosed area.
  • Never burn charcoal inside a home, garage, vehicle, or tent.
  • Never leave a car running in an attached garage, even with the garage door open.
  • Never use gas appliances such as ranges, ovens, or clothes dryers to heat your home.
  • Never operate unvented fuel-burning appliances in any room where people are sleeping.
  • Do not cover the bottom of natural gas or propane ovens with aluminum foil. Doing so blocks the combustion air flow through the appliance and can produce CO.
  • During home renovations, ensure that appliance vents and chimneys are not blocked by tarps or debris. Make sure appliances are in proper working order when renovations are complete.

In conclusion



I hope you learned something new and of value from this post.

There is no doubt that we are living in uncertain times. No matter what happens in our future I believe that knowledge is power.

This Malika Bourne, the No Non-cents Nanna encouraging you to make good choices.

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