Go Buggy with Summer Bug Theme

 Bugs are in for the Summer!

BUG theme for kids’ summer learning fun is being updated just for you.

“What is summertime without bugs? Parents and teachers now is the time to hatch imaginary insects in our kids’ learning experiences with buggy things.

Our ecological system needs bugs, so let’s make the most of it by studying bugs with the kids this summer.

In No Non-cents Nanna’s memory as an early childhood educator and Pediatric nurse next to dinosaurs, bugs were always very popular with the kids as things to talk about or themed rewards.”

 More & More BUGS of the fun kind once infested Heart Felt Play Store.


Future entomologists will have a hard time choosing just one cute foam bug mask from he set of 6 unique designs.

Bug Party Favor Bags:



BUG Temporary Tattoos:



Bug Stickers:



Bug Headband: there’s a bug in your hair:

Cap with a bug in it:


Let’s get more & more creative and crafty!

No non-cents Nanna expresses her sincere apology for any inconvenience. Heart Felt Play Store closed permanently in 2018. There are no longer products for sale. However, No Non-cents Nanna is working hard to update this page.



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