No Non-cents Nanna on Making Good Choices
Life is about making choices that may keep us constant; improve our lives or make things more difficult.
The controversial handling of the contagious virus beginning in 2020 is now forcing us to make choices we never had planned to make. And that seems to be the beginning of the unsettling consequence that we face today on March 4, 2023.
No one chose to get infected with a novel virus. But, there are ways to reduce the catching many bugs.
No one chooses to have a hurricane or a drought. But…
*…you can choose to do some pre-planning for the typical weather events common in the region you live.
We cannot control the weather.
We CAN control our reactions.
We CAN plan ahead for bad weather.
We may have to reschedule appointments.
We may have to buy groceries weeks before we need them.

Some regulatory mandates were not personal choices that were supposed to “control the spread of COVID-19.” Some people adapted well. Others have been, shall I understate, ‘less than gracious’.
*Something you CAN do is visit the CDC website to learn more about different communicable and non-communicable disease spread.
Click on the link below then bookmark it for your future reference. No Non-cents Nanna is working on more updated posts on health and wellness that you will find useful.
How Infections Spread | Infection Control | CDC
The outcome has led to critical changes in employment and a massive impact on future employment, retirement, inflation, and food insecurity.
It is time to STOP the BLAME GAME and finger-pointing which do no good. Individuals, families, and businesses will all have to choose to adapt to what resources they have to work with. This is less than ideal when considering what we were used to in the United States.
Many families are feeling stress over little assurance that they can continue working their current job for the foreseeable future. Though have no choice but to work a job that may or may not provide a livable wage. The opportunities available are getting slimmer due to the economic downturn and employer bankruptcies and closures.
Check out these articles:
9 Future of Work Trends For 2023 (
20 Jobs With the Most Job Security in 2023 |
Americans’ Top Reasons for Job Insecurity, and What to Do About Them | The Motley Fool
Unfortunately, not everyone who was aware they were contagious made good choices to self-isolate by staying home. Thus vulnerable folks were affected by a chain reaction of the emotional tsunami of grief, uncertainty, and distrust of the American government. To survive, we must focus on how to move forward in 2023.

So, we are where we are with children struggling to catch up on their education after staying home from school.
Meanwhile, parents are still uncertain of how the bills will get paid. Job security may be tenuous.
You and I already know that life is about choices. However, we “cannot change anyone else’s choices/ actions/ behaviors. We can only control/ change/ adapt our own reactions.” No Non-cents Nanna quote.
As parents, grandparents, teachers, friends, and neighbors it is our job to help each other, especially our children to stay calm. We all have a job to do to help one another by doing our best to manage what we have to work with: a very good choice.
Food Insecurity
Under the Fair Use Act below I have copied and pasted directly from the source’s website.
The temporary boost to SNAP benefits put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic, known as emergency allotments, ended nationwide after the February 2023 issuance. More details can be found below, on the FNS blog (also available in Spanish), and in the Recent Changes to SNAP Benefits infographic. This page will be updated as additional information and resources become available.
For additional support, contact USDA’s Hunger Hotline.
The Hunger Hotline connects callers with emergency food providers in their community, government assistance programs, and various social services.
1-866-3-HUNGRY(1-866-348-6479) or 1-877-8-HAMBRE (1-877-842-6273) for Spanish.
Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET.
We may not like having to stay at home from school or work. We will have emotions that we would rather not choose to have. We may need to rethink our priorities. The global economy is not feeling too healthy right now.
The clickable links below may be helpful to you, parents to book mark and read after completing this No Non-cents Nana post.
United states predictions for 2023 | Quantumrun
What’s The Future Of Remote Work In 2023? (
The like below is a pretty good synopsis of current events as of March 4, 2023. I cannot attest to the accuracy of what we think of as FACTS we are finding out are FIBS. There are many inconsistencies in reports. March 4, 2023, I am trying to edit changes on this 2 and half-year old post to be vague enough to be evergreen’.
*I advise you to NOT DWELL on what we cannot change.
*Hope for the best. Plan/ prepare for the worst.
Russian minister’s claim Ukraine war ‘launched against us’ met with laughter | Russia | The Guardian
Parents will have to sit down to tell their children that we CAN still do many things to do though our choices are now limited.
We CAN make the best of this situation.
What are some choices we can make while we wait out any potential crisis?
- chose to wash our hands when we should
- choose to be kind
- choose to start a new habit
- choose to keep up healthy routines
- choose to communicate effectively
- choose to keep learning new things every day
- choose to listen to and follow directions to stay safe.
There is no better time to talk to our children about community helpers.
- Do you know how and when to use 911?
- Do you know how to find resources by calling 211?
Call 211 for Essential Community Services | United Way 211
See more precise helpful phone numbers below.
“In times of crisis, a timeless quote from the late Fred Rogers tends to emerge again and again on social media: “Look for the helpers.”
His mother reminded him to find these people in times of tragedy and anxiety, and it continues to ring true because of the man who made the comment.
“You can always find people who are helping,” he said. Fred Rogers died in 2003.”
I hope this post will get you, Mom and Dad started with some kind of solutions to feeling overwhelmed. Remember to focus on what you CAN do one step at a time. That with helping your children to feel safe and more secure. Consistency in routine will help every family member’s mental health and wellness.
Disclaimer: This No Non-cents Nanna post is not meant to be legal or medical advice. It was written by Malika Bourne to be for educational information only. I have written this post in good faith to the best of my ability for you to consider and chose what is best for you and your family.
I am Malika Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna encouraging you to Make Good Choices.
#parents #parentingtips #health #safety #talkingtochildren #currentevents #preparedeness #planning #prepping #jobinsecurity #foodinsecurity #communityresources #safetyresources #MakingGoodChoices
#FutureOf 2023 #Talk2Kids
Call 211 for Essential Community Services | United Way 211
- 211 is available for free to anyone and conversations are confidential.
- 311: Available in many major cities, dialing 311 will connect you to your city government who can answer questions about trash, public safety, and other city services.
Toll-Free Hotlines
New to the U.S.? | United Way 211
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 (if you or a loved one is considering harming themselves or experiencing emotional distress)
- National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888 (if you or someone you care about has been brought to the United States against their will or is being held against their will)
- National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673 (if you or someone you care about has experienced sexual assault or harassment and needs support, assistance, and advice)
- National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 (if you or someone you care about has or is experiencing domestic or relationship-based violence and needs support, advice, and connections to a safe place)
Check out this recently updated post by No Non-cents Nanna.
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