Not So Creepy Pirate Dress-up Clothes
Learning about pirates can be a fun way to learn. Pirate costumes for Halloween don’t have to be creepy. Heart Felt Play Store inventory is growing fall of 2017. Pirate treaures are being updated soon…

Perfect for a pirate party for the kids: a Treasue map; gold coins, the skull and cross bone plastic priate flag, jewels and more… May be sold in money saving collection or in bundles..or may be sold out.Heart Felt Play Store owner, Mlaika Bourne what treasure ye seek.
Playing pirate does not have to be creeepy nor cut some one with sword. Pirate parties can be fun.
Kids can count fake gold coins: walk the plank ( a balance beam): or go on a treasure hunt for fun party favors.
Check out my Pirates ARG! Pinterest board for swashbuckling ideas for the kids.
These pirate dress-up clothes are a steal of a deal from Heart Felt Play Store. (Editor note: Heart Felt Play Store is no longer local. But, is expanding on-line via Shopify. Edited March 1, and August 11, 2017)
All kids dress-up clothes, including pirate hats and shirts, can be worn as CHEAP Halloween costumes then stashed in the dress-up clothes boxes for play every day of the year if the kids want a Pirate Party BE WARNED! Stock is limited and not for children under age 3.
Note: this pretty in pink package is no longer available as is, but, the pink pirate hat, eye patches, skull bracelete and pirate ring are a plently for the moment.
The exact pirate package is no longer available from Heart Felt Play Store at this time. How ever, if you land lubbers hurry to Heart Felt Play store online Pirates, Castles and Hidden Treasures you will discover one- of-a-kind pirate package deals with: with pirate hats, pirate eye patches, treasure maps, gold coins, carboard treasure chests and more treasure loot waiting for you to discover in the Heart Felt Play Store.
Feel free to ask what for what treasure you seek. Leave a comment and I will get back to you.
(Edited March 1, 2017)
Pirates and Hidden Treasure Collections on Heart Felt Play Store for more pirate products periodically. Feel free to start a conversaiton about what tresures ye seek by using the contact form on Heart Felt Play Store. Be sure to start saving your own COOL BEANS!, too.
What can you with a sailors message in a bottle?
Pirate hats for the boys and mermaid tails for the girls will make a great pirate party in Colorado Springs.
But, hurry! all of Heart Felt Play Store’s original designs must make way for the new creations seasonal whims. Updated designs coming soon. buy now, save money for your kids dress-up boxes.
See post on Mermaid Tail aprons.
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