Primark Recalls Children’s Bamboo Plates Due to Risk of Lead and Chemical Exposure Hazards

This is a No Non-cents Nanna Public Service Announcement to alert parents of young children who may have these Bamboo Plates in their home to stop using them.

The CPSC has issued a recall on Primark Recalls Children’s Bamboo Plates Due to the Risk of Lead and Chemical Exposure Hazards |

Recalled Primark “Winnie the Pooh” bamboo plate
Recalled Primark “Bear” bamboo plate
Recalled Primark “Bunny” bamboo plate
Recalled Primark “Rainbow’ bamboo plate
These are child-appealing designs have the presence of toxic chemicals

Brief details are quoted below:


Primark Recalls Children’s Bamboo Plates Due to Risk of Lead and Chemical Exposure Hazards |

The recalled children’s bamboo plates have elevated levels of lead and formaldehyde. Both lead and formaldehyde are toxic if ingested by children and can cause adverse health effects.

Recalled Primark “Winnie the Pooh” bamboo plate,
Recalled Primark “Bear” bamboo plate,
Recalled Primark “Bunny” bamboo plate,
Recalled Primark “Rainbow’ bamboo plate

The image is not my property. It is available for Fair Use on the CPSC website Primark Recalls Children’s Bamboo Plates Due to Risk of Lead and Chemical Exposure Hazards

Name of Product:
Children’s Bamboo Plates
The recalled children’s bamboo plates have elevated levels of lead and formaldehyde. Both lead and formaldehyde are toxic if ingested by children and can cause adverse health effects.
Recall Date:
March 02, 2023
About 1,665

Recalled Primark “Winnie the Pooh” bamboo plate
Recalled Primark “Bear” bamboo plate
Recalled Primark “Bunny” bamboo plate
Recalled Primark “Rainbow’ bamboo plate

Disclaimer: No non-cents Nanna content creator Malika Bourne is in no way associated with this product or the #CPSC #recall. This is for informational purposes only as a public service announcement.

Your assistance is needed in alerting the families of children who have these toxin-laden plates in their homes.

You can LIKE and share to help WARN of the #ChemicalExposure Risk.

Thank you,


General FYI:

Federal law prohibits any person from selling products subject to a Commission ordered recall or a voluntary recall undertaken in consultation with the CPSC.

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