
Developmental MIlestones Should Not Include Praying for the Death of Pastors Abandoned Ex-wives

In a previous post titled “Normal Child Growth & Development was “Demonic,” Said the Shepherds in The Walk of JRS Church of the Living Word” I promised to write and publish specific details on why that particular cult got child rearing all wrong. Are ages and stages of transforming from infancy to toddlerhood and early […]

Normal Child Growth & Development was “Demonic” Said the Shepherds in The Walk of JRS Church of the Living Word

This post titled Normal Child Growth & Development was “Demonic” Said the Shepherds in JRS The Walk is a subsection of No Non-cents Nanna blogs by author Malika Bourne. (Online author’s legal pen name.)    From the years 1972 to 1983, as a member of The Church of the Living Word cult, I offered my […]