
Go Buggy with Summer Bug Theme

 Bugs are in for the Summer! BUG theme for kids’ summer learning fun is being updated just for you. “What is summertime without bugs? Parents and teachers now is the time to hatch imaginary insects in our kids’ learning experiences with buggy things. Our ecological system needs bugs, so let’s make the most of it […]

The Hand Writing on the Wall, the Doll, the Legs…

Learning to “write” is an exciting adventure for most children. If you are the parent of a 3 to 6 year old be FORE WARNED! Even very well supervised and best behaved child will practice every chance they get on anything and everything available; walls; dolls; legs and more… If they get a hankering to […]

No Non-cents Nanna’s Brings Babysitting Tricks of Trade out of Moth Balls

This old No Non-cents Nanna know we all have to start somewhere when learning how to care for small children. As a teen age babysitter my big survival tool was all the Tricks and TREATS had in my MAGIC BAG. Now I’m getting old with 6 grandkids- those tricks still work.     How would […]