Top 3 Tips for Getting Organized from Perfectly Organized by Francesca
One day, I was a collecting my witts and digging through the pile of things-to-do-today on my table ..huff and puff…and posting a new product on my store…breathe…when Francesca Villardi and I re-connected on-line, again, after a few years. She is a professional organizer doing business under Perfectly Organized by Francesca
Francesca has skills, I quite honestly, am lacking in-UGH! ( I recently moved and still have areas of our home to put away.) I asked my good networking friend if she would be a guest blogger on No Non-cents Nanna to help my followers start theri back to school organizing.
Oh, I’m not fooling you, I need some good advice myself! That is my dining table below.

HELP me! I need to get organzied! Junk mail: bills; pool noodle; dog treats; dog toys; laundry detergent and quarters; calendar; pens; spirals…I have a new CHALLENGE!..OH LOOK! COUPONS!
I’m embarrased to show you what my dining room table looked like this morning…and where is my orange juice?
I collected all that STUFF last night that is waiting for me to-do-today!
I would rather be writing or crafting…(excuse me the servcie-dog-in-training is begging to go out to go out to see the lawn mower go by )…(excuse-another phone solicitor)…..working on this blog post…YIKES! I’m committed to getting organzied in this one area so I can take a picture of the table as I progress.
With the kids going back to school, who will take a 10 day organizing challenge with me?
Take a picture of your challenged area..then lets get started together!
Below are 3 helpful tips from Perfectly Organized by Francesca.
Top 3 Tips For Getting Organized according to Perfectly Organized by Francesca
1. If you have to do more than one step to put it away, chances are your not going to do it.
2. If you come home and put your mail on the counter and now its turned into one big mess, put a small trash can there and a pretty basket, As soon as you bring the mail in go through it quickly and throw out the garbage, then put the bills that need to be paid in the basket.
3. Everything in its place is not just a saying its a way of life, think about how you want your home to feel, is it a safe haven away from the world? Or does it make you feel anxious and like your drowning or overwhelmed by all your stuff? You must decided how you want to live and then make a change. If it is too overwhelming then think about hiring a professional organizer, our job is to help you part with the stuff you no longer need and to make a system that is easy for you to keep up with.
Your home should rise up to meet you, make the change today.
Let me help you get your life “Perfectly Organized”Check out my daily blog @treadmilltreats
Http://www.treadmilltreats.comPerfectly Organized by Francesca
954 600 0426
Next challenge to to conquer the un-necessary interruptions!
No Non-cents Nanna is looking for a guest blogger who is an expert on time organizaiont..HELP!
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