Words of Wisdom from Heart Felt Play Store Child Model
This old No Non-cents Nanna always believed people are more important than things.
To my surprise this week I got a life lesson from my youngest grand child, known as Sophie-Do-it, the young model for my Heart Felt Play Store.
I was excited to have my grand daughter stay over night. I also was in dire need of her giving me her honest and un-rehearsed opinion on the store’s new products. while I captured photos of her reactions for my NO BUDGET videos.
Note: I grab my camera phone to shoot un-rehearsed whether or not her hair is combed.
The six year old and I were out walking the dog and chatting. I asked her how she felt about taking over my on-line store when I got too old. What she said flabbergasted me.
After the dog did her “job’ Sophie and I returned inside. I sat her down then turned the camera asking her to repeat her words of wisdom. Note: I had said NOTHING about money, only being a store owner one day.
Sophie-Do-It has her life’s priorities in order for sure. She captured the heart of Heart Felt Play Store‘s philosophy.
This post was published by Malika Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna encouraging you to make good choices.
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