You CAN Report Faulty Products – How to Find Resources

Can any American report unsafe food, toys, or furniture? Yes, you can report an unsafe product. But, how do know what words to search for when wanting to know what foods have been recalled for the failure of a manufacturer to list an allergen such as peanuts or soy?

This post is overflowing with contact information and descriptions of what various Government agencies do.

Don’t wait for someone else to let the proper people know that a chair or TV tips over or how to make a product in your home safer.

It is painless and easy to call the right place once you know the name of the government agency.


How do I figure out what government agency to complain to? No Non-cents Nanna makes it easy for you.



Problem: What if you do not know the name of the US government agency?

Solution: I make it easy for you.

I broke it down and then made clickable links with a short description of what that place does. (If I did make it easy – please let me know in the comments and share the information.)

Yes, you can also contact the product manufacturer IF that company is in the US. If not, get some help to do it.

This post is overflowing with contact information and descriptions of what various Government agencies do.

This post will first focus on the Consumer Protection Agency the CPSC.

Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Trade Commission

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Food and Drug Administration

U.S. Government Recalls

Environmental Protection Agency

Jurisdiction Based on State

U.S. Coast Guard

U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board

If you are new to clickable links – did you see the blue or purple words that are underlined? Touch that and tap with your finger, mouse, or cursor. When you do so, you will go directly to that website.

If you cannot remember or need a contact reference quickly you can always call 211 in the US. That is it – just 3 numbers.

I was inspired to do this post to quickly pull this post together how to contact what agency when there are recalls or unsafe products:


@Appalachia’s Homestead with Patara – YouTube



First Amendment -Religion…
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech…


What if I am afraid to call strangers in the US government about a problem?


Not to worry.

I the No Non-cents Nanna know that many people mistrust big agencies and the government in general.

As a long-time educator with a degree in nursing, I have a passion to help others. There is no judgment on my part towards those who feel nervous to step out of their comfort zone. (I dislike bad/ inaccurate fear-monger misinformation with a passion as well.)

In the block quote at the bottom is a link called NO FEAR ACT

For those who are still shy, let me know in the comments and I will try to hold your hand as we walk through preparing for the process, if necessary. Please be aware that my time is limited and I do not put up with “nonsense.”


Note: The Block Quote below is copied and pasted from the CPSC website without asking for permission. I am sharing this quick reference for informational purposes only and to make it easy for you to find what you need to know when you don’t know the name of an agency.

Disclaimer: Malika Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna has no connection to any government agency whatsoever. I share for the purpose of educating prepared parents/ families.


Report unsafe products

Your report will let CPSC and other Americans know you found a dangerous product.

Report an Unsafe Product (for incident reporting)

Protect your family and your fellow Americans by reporting unsafe products to CPSC.

Your report could help save lives. It is FAST and Simple to Report your unsafe product online to CPSC in 4 easy steps.

 Protect Others

Your report will let other consumers know about dangerous products and help CPSC decide if it should take action – recall the product, fine the manufacturer, or create regulation.

 Remain Confidential

Your personal information will remain confidential throughout the reporting process and will not be shared without your permission. If you give us permission to publish your report, it may become searchable from the Search page on

If you do not give us permission to publish your report, the safety information may still be made public by CPSC. Whether you give us permission to publish your report or not, your name and contact information will not be released.

 What to report collects reports for thousands of types of consumer products such as toys, electronics, furniture, and appliances. For a list of items that should NOT be reported to CPSC, click here.

Other Ways to File a Report

You can file an unsafe product report online, over the phone, through email, or by regular mail.

 By Phone

Call CPSC’s Hotline Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET

Hotline: (800) 638-2772

Teletypewriter: (301) 595-7054

Fax (toll-free): (855) 221-6466


The Consumer Product Safety Commission has jurisdiction over many types of consumer products, from coffee makers, to toys, to lawn mowers, to fireworks.

… some types of consumer products are covered by other Federal agencies.

  • automobiles, trucks and motorcycles are within the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation;
  •  food, drugs (except for child resistant-packaging for these products),
  • cosmetics are covered by the Food and Drug Administration.
  • Such product types and certain situations are presented below, along with links to the appropriate Federal agencies; some other Federal consumer links are provided as well.



Federal Trade Commission

  • Dissatisfaction with Business Practices

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

  • Automobiles
  • Trucks
  • Motorcycles
  • Tires
  • Car Seats

Food and Drug Administration

  • Cosmetics
  • Drugs
  • Foods
  • Medical Devices
  • Veterinary Medicines
  • Electronic Product Radiation
  • Tobacco / Tobacco Products

Environmental Protection Agency

  • Pesticides,Fungicides…

Jurisdiction Based on State

  • Amusement Rides

Occupational Safety & Health Administration

  • Industrial/Commercial Products/Farm


Need to Call the White House?

Get Involved

Write or call the White House

Join the Biden-Harris Administration

Apply to be a White House Fellow

Internship Opportunities at the White House

Send a text message to President Biden, or contact the White House. Click on this link for the process to text The White House

Message and data rates may apply.
Reply HELP for help or STOP to cancel.

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

….to be continued on 2nd page – not be available until after 8 pm CST March 7, 2023


How to find my elected officials in the US, my state, or my town:

Yes, you can complain to elected officials: In an upcoming No Non-cents Nanna will give share some tips for you.

WebMay 30, 2019 ·

  • How to Contact Your Elected Officials


    Federal Elected Officials

    State Elected Officials

    Local Elected Officials

    • Locate your mayor by name, city, or population size.
    • Find your county executive (the head of the executive branch of government in your county) by map search or your ZIP Code. The county executive may be an elected or an appointed position.
    • Get contact information for your city, county, and town officials.



For an overly detailed update on SNAP visit Update On Iowa’s Proposed SNAP Restrictions: Everything You Never Asked About Supplemental Nutrition Benefits. – No Non-cents Nanna

Note: the above post is up to date as of March 4. Malika will continue to update. Please be sure to leave a comment if you need further references not included or not updated yet. I’ll do my best with limited time.

thank you for your patient understanding. I do want to help you and make research easy for you.


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