Do Chickens Have Lips and More Silly Things Kids Can Learn About Farm Animals
Raise your hand if you know whether a chicken has lips or not!
Now, that I have your attention, I will tell you why I asked that sily question.
I’m working on Farm Activities posts and publishing fun things for dramatic play like dog and pig noses on No Non-cents Nanna’s Heart Felt Play Store Farm Theme Collection. I’m sorry, I do not sell chicken lips.
…to share some fun ways to help kids learn ( you teach) kids about where our food comes from before it reaches the grocery store. This post has a few silly questions about farm animals to get us started.
And the answer is “NO“. Chickens do NOT have lips. They are toothless,too.
As you ask your small children these questions, record their answers on paper or video just for fun to embarrass them when they are teens.
More Non-cents Questions to Ask Kids about Farm Animals:
- If the mommy cow’s name is Mommy Cow and the baby cow is name Baby Cow, what is the Daddy Cow’s name?
- If a white cow gives white milk, what color of cow gives chocolate milk?
- Why did the pig roll in the mud before it crossed the road?
- What Beauty Shop do sheep go to to get their hair fixed?
- If cows have calves, chicken have chicks, horses have foals, what do you call a goat’s baby.
- What do you call a male/ boy goat?
- The largest bird on the farm is a _____. The male bird is called ____?

Why did the pig cross the road? It’s a joke! Need apig nose and pair of ears? Heart Felt Play Store
Where can you purchash pig nose and ears or a cow face bandana for on the farm/ barnyard party favors or dresss-up?
Glad you asked. Heart Felt Play Store. Click HERE for products in alphabetical order.
Click HERE to view the catalog with the first of many FARM theme related products for kids and more.
Old Farm Girl Answers:
- Female/ mommy cattle are called COWS. Baby male cattle CALVES are called male calves and female calves are called female CALVES. There is NO DADDY COW! Male cattle are called BULLS, unless you give the male cattle the name “Daddy Cow”. But, it is NOT a cow.
- Dairy cows , mother cows, all give white milk no matter the color of the cow. People add chocolate, coloring and flavoring to white milk to make chocolate milk.
- Crossing the road is irrelvant. Pigs actually are pretty smart and they like to be clean. So, why do they roll in the mud? They do not sweat like people do. Sweat cools us off. Therefore, pigs need to roll n the mud (water and dirt) too cool off.
- Ha-ha! Sheep have fleece called wool, not hair. The Sheep Shearers shear that fleece off in one piece. Keeps sheep cooler in summer. That wool can matt pretty bad-worse than tangles in your hair.The wool is then cleaned and combed and spun into yarn to be woven into wool cloth. (It itches some people, but it help keep people warm.)
- A KID. No, kidding, baby goats are called kids.The mommy goat are called a NANNY GOAT..
- The Male/ boy, daddy goat is called a BILLY GOAT.
- The male/ turkey is called TOM TURKEY.
Do you know the FACTS of LIFE?
Heart Felt Play Store has sticker for that question: Click HERE to purchase.
When kids ask about the Facts of Life they only want the basics on their age level… so chill out parents! Every living thing starts with a seed.
Start teaching the facts with stickers on the Life Cycle of the Plant; the Life Cycle of the Butterfly; Life Cycle of the Chicken; Life cycle of the Frog.
For more fun facts about FARM ANIMALS click on the links below.
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I’m Malika Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna encouraging you to make good choices.
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Check out these related posts Parts 1 and 3 of 4:
Working on Farm Theme for Kids Activities: behind the scenes sneak peak
No Non-cent Nanna’s Heart Felt Play Store Spring Cleaning to Stocking Stuffers
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