Gifts for Young Children: Keep It Simple Silly!

With the holiday gift buying season upon us there is a temptation to buy bigger and better than young children really need.

Malika Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna advises parents and grandparents to KISS!


Keep gifts for kids in a healthy balance.

Keep gifts for kids in a healthy balance.


Sure, all parents have the natural fantasy to give our children more than we had when were grewing up.

Yes, we grandparents want to be the BEST grand parents EVER!

But, remember the words in the Beatle;s song,Can’t Buy Me Love!

Take a look at this old photo of my most adorable grand son wearing ear warmers with a stuffed Santa and then some. A bit much,don’t you think, when all he needs is to keep his ears warm?

Please don't over do your holiday gift giving like this escisessivie ear warmer.

Please don’t over do your holiday gift giving like this excisessiviely silly ear warmer.


The same holds true with all of the current technological gizmos on the American market. Children learn far more from figuring out the process of problem solving themself versus having everything done for them by the push of a button or brand name or a registered cahrter image.


What are the best gifts for growing kids, then?

Consider these points:

  • YOU and your time interacting.
  • Memory makers
  •  Imagination stimulatiors.
  • Encourages problem solving.

Often times a 2 or 3 year old will play with the box longer than a toy that does it all for them.

My 5 top gift picks for kids:

  1. YOU and your time interacitng with child.
  2. Play date jsut for fun.
  3. Books to read.
  4.  Music to move with.
  5. Crafts in organized boxes that encoruages a new small motor skill.


What YOUR top picks in gifts for kids?

I’m Malik Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna encouraging you to “Make good choices.”

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