Learning About Pets at Home and School

Pets are cute and a cuddly and offers children opportunities to learn responsibility and to calm themselves. Most children dream about having a pet of their very own.

My post today will pull together a few of my favorite on line resources for pet lesson plans and free printable work sheets. I will also give you my very favorite resource of where to buy pretend pet products without buying a live pet for the class room.

Ask your students to bring in a photo of their pet or a parent’s pet when they were a child. (This is a picture of my son and his dogs in 1982.)

The subject of pets is a wonderful attention-getting tool for kids to learn science, math, reading, writing. A Pet Party themes is fun learning experience for the kids.

Look Who’s in the Dog House Now

Let’s face it, the school supply stores have very nice products,but, what typical teacher has the budget to buy everything they really want for the class room?

They don’t…so they made do as best as they can with inspirations for other teachers. Why not consider asking your child’s teacher for her wish List of fun things for your child’s classroom from maybe Dollar Tree?

What? Great-Grandpa had a pet in the olden days?

Even great grandparents had pets in the olden days when they were young. Encourage children to talk with you or their grandparents, aunt or uncles about the pets they grew up with.

  • Kids need more sensory learning than a just a work sheet that won’t cost teachers or home school parents an arm and a leg.

Helping children learn about pets resource list

Free Resources for Lesson Plans About PETS

Role playing a spotted dog with black puppy.

Animal / Pet Finger Puppets…

Cats and Dogs finger puppets. Small enough to carry in your purse for the kids. Available at Oriental Trading.

Finger puppets and small platic animals are fun to use for finger plays; sorting and counting.

Dividing up a set of finger puppets for 2 to 3 children to share turns leading a song or chant about an animal at circle time helps build confidence.

Images in this edited blog were sold on No Non-cents Nanna’s eCommerce store Heart Felt Play Store. Nanna retired p the store is closed. Many products shown may be purchased thru’ Orienntal Trading.

On-line Resources by Early Childhood Teachers

Where Do Pets Live?

Some pets live in our homes and sleep with us in our beds.

Some pets live in a cage, Other pets may sleep in the barn.

Barn party favor box.

Isn’t this Barn Party Favor box adorable? Perfect addition to a barn yard party. Oriental Trading sell these.

If teachers would like to use this cardboard box in the class room…you know the trick to preserve it don’t you?…Laminate!

Barnyard critters small stuffed animals Not published on Heart Felt Play Store catalog, yet.. Image of plush pets not available at this time

Plush Animals

Stuffed animals are perfect for children to learn about pets and other animals.

Below are just a few resources who share important reasons a soft toy with a friendly face is beneficial to children’s learning experience.

Note: I do not own the copy right to the images in the links above they are well worth viewing.

Pictures of Pets and Pet Theme Parties and Play

Puppy dog temporary tattoos Click HERE

Puppy dog note pads Click HERE

Puppy dog party favor dog collar bracelets Click HERE

For wonderful picture of pets check out Martha Stewart’ Pinterest board titled PETS Click HERE

The perfect Pet Party in Pictures Click HERE

Role Play About Pets

Children imitate what they see the grown up do. They explore their small world by role playing. Teachers call dressing-up and role playing dramatic play.

Whether at home or at school children love to pretend they are different people in their lives, community helpers and even animals.

My grand daughter really enjoys pretending to a dog or a cat. Our family ‘dog’ is sorting bugs in the image.

Hound dog ears and nose are easy to to mail gift. Wrap each part of the dog in colorful tissue paper and apply a fun sticker before the items is slipped into an envelop or a box.

  • Now days there are oodles of resources for free lesson plans…that is so cool! I shared a comparatively small list above.
  • But, the challenge is to find resources to support the sensory needs out side of running off work sheets remains a challenge unless you want to buy a gross of the many things on your wish list. – My solution was to start up an e-commerce store where I can break up learning tools into smaller units. Sorry, but, No Non-cents Nanna’s Heart Felt Play Stored closed when I retired. I chose to not re-do all of my images that i used on this blog post.

But, way back when I was working in early childhood education as 2nd job, I was at the library weekly to find resources for ideas on kid’s favorite learning themes.

Then I scrambled to find objects that the children could touch and feel. I paid for supplies out of my own pocket because I was passionate about teaching.

Children feel more confident when they can “care for” a stuffed animal

When I worked at my nursing jobs I open had some little toy in my pocket to distract my little patients from some not so favorite procedure.

Since I knew so many fun kids songs I open sang to my Pediatric patients about animals.

I am getting older and I’m a SAHM of a disabled adult child. I missed all the aspects of preparing for a fun theme then offering my lessons to the children.

So I started a little e-commerce shop from scratch. I add product little bit by little bit on a shoe string budget. I photographed all of my images- some were great and some were so-so. Heart Felt Play Store closed before Christmas in 2018 due to a medical emergency. I decided to retire.

Pet Party Favors

Fuzzy grey car ears headbands for a trending fashion statement for girls

Every girl want to be a cat sometime.

“Every body wants to be a cat….”

One of my older grand children…no names revealed…was obsessed with the movie The Aristocats. She love to sing the song, “Every body wants to be a cat….”

One day she tried to convince me she was a real cat.

She meowed instead of words.

She crouched on the floor on all fours like a cat.

She licked her ‘paws” to clean her face.

She was imitating something important to her. I played along with her fantasy.

When it was time for lunch I poured milk in one bowl and fish crackers in another bowl. Then I set the 2 bowls on the floor.

Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty…here Kitty, Kitty!” I called.

The cat-girl pounced as much like a kitten as she could. to her surprise her cat lunch was exactly where a cat’s lunch should be.

Our Kitty-Cat-for-a-day licked her paws to clean her face. Then she dipped her face into the bowl trying to lap up milk and put fish crackers in her mouth like a cat.

“Meow. Meow, Meow.”

I patted our cat on the head and scratched behind her ears. ” Nice Kitty. Now eat your cat food or you will be hungry.”

“Meow…Meow…Nanna, do I have to be a cat anymore? I want to a girl or ballerina, now.”


 Thanks for stopping by. And as I always say, ” Make good choices, every body.”

Malika Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna

The End

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