Nice Church Ladies Don’t Talk About Their Sex Lives or the Porn Under the Bed-PG

Nice Christian Ladies Don’t Talk About Their Sex Lives – rather I might say lack of marital sex with their husbands- maybe they should. Therefore, this post will share a collection of articles on how the foundation’s Christian churches are being shaken by scandals exposed by the #MeToo movement. *

While I am being shockingly blunt, nice Sunday-go-to-meeting Christian women have kept their secrets – all alone- that their dynamic husbands whom everybody at church loves have stacks of pornography under the bed. And it was not supposed to happen at my church. 

This has to be said. No, it is not OK that your husband, father of your children, youth pastor…has pictures of nude people in sensual poses hidden under the bed or in your garage for your sons to find.


Little Nancy visited a Catholic School – I thought it was safe. I thought Sunday School was safe. #metoo

It did not have a photo of an inappropriate magazine – nor do I want one. So used an old photo of little me visiting with a Nun at a Catholic School. Why not? We all made assumptions, didn’t we? (This post is part of a series on exposing sexual abuse in The Church of the Living Word Cult.)

I think the use of pornography may play a significant role in the damaging of young souls more than we will ever know. Not to infer that husbands who look at porn in secret are out molesting. ( I apologize for being crude. It is hard to find a nice way to say this.)

I have learned by reading and talking to many women that their mate’s use of hard-core porn – results in the lack of “love-making” as god intended. Looking at young naked women is demeaning to women and harmful to relationships and does alter the brain significantly.

Child porn is a crime that no adult should possess, EVER! No matter who your spouse is or his job report it to the police as fast as you can. Brace yourself because he may be acting out his fantasy on a child.

Having porn under your bed for a Sunday afternoon “read” may or may not be the case in your home if you are having marital issues. Having your Christian husband lose interest in his wife may or may not apply to your marriage. It could be hormones or depression – consult your family doctor.

Or the “it is guy thing that I like to look at naked women or men” is NOT mentally healthy for either partner. No one can live up to the fantasies in real life- that is a scientific fact. It certainly distracts from your spirituality whether you are Christian or not. No, you do not ever have to “be submitted to your husband” in the way a dirty magazine or an x rated video depicts.

If it does not apply- that is good to hear- but perhaps one of your friends is having some problems it would be helpful to know some facts so nice ladies can talk about such things. “Nice ladies” do not talk about such things.

I am going to break down the basics.

Trigger Warning! Graphic content is not cognitively suitable for minor children.

Every Christian should take the time to be informed on the facts about sexual abuse in the church.


Stop falling for lies.

Submission in Christianity does not doom you to having to cover for his/her lies. NOWHERE in the New Testament does it command you to be an enabler to an abuser.

You cannot change anyone else’s behavior – you CAN change your responses to their lies.

Get the facts on sexual abuse to STOP it Now. There are many kinds of abuse. all are harmful.

This post is for those Christian ladies and gentlemen who are too uncomfortable or not sure of the words to search for when wondering why their Christian marriage is not all that intimate. It has taken me years to be able to feel comfortable spelling out graphic content (I was even an RN) even when quoting another author’s post. But, I know that there are families who are struggling to find answers, but, do not know where to start.

This post contains links to a variety of professionally written articles from Christian and other sources. This post is not intended to be a substitute for seeking help from a licensed social worker or therapist.


  • Well, Sister, it’s time to “gird your loins with truth.”

But, WHY have I broken all the taboos?

  • Plugging your ears won’t do anything to stop the crime of sexual abuse in the one place we wrongly believed our children would always be a safe haven – the church.
  • I can hear in my head my mother’s breathing a sigh of relief saying, “Thank god, I home-school my children and they are in church every day.”

I’m sorry to say that I am going to burst that bubble further down on this page.

The truth has finally come out in exposing the cover-ups in every Christian denomination – everyone seems to be shocked that the nicest guy- who by the way ignores his wife in the marital bed – has been accused of molesting children or raping minors in the congregation.

  • STOP assuming that your church is so “chosen of God” that bad things don’t happen in our church group.
  • Learning the facts will NOT send you to Hell. Facts will help to save lives.

Until recently, not much has been published on the subject of Christian Men and Porn in anything nice ladies can pick up and read and not feel ashamed.


Because too many nice families have been forced to keep dirty little secrets for far too long – causing 1,000s upon 1,000’s if not millions of children’s lives have be altered by the heinous crimes of the most charismatic men in the church.

  • The children did NOTHING wrong.
  • For that matter, minors cannot consent.


Minor children can NOT consent to sexual abuse no matter what the alleged predator claims.

  • The fact that your husband is impotent is NOT a defense.

Wake up with the facts, Sisters. He is addicted to the fantasy that will never exist in reality.

*Disclaimer: Please note this post is not meant to take the place of professional therapy. It is solely for eye-opening educational purposes. It is a start.



Current as of June 2019

In the past 20 years, about 400 Southern Baptist church leaders and volunteers … allegations of sexual misconduct, according to our investigation.

  1.  pastors.
  2. Deacons.
  3. Ministers.
  4. Youth pastors.
  5. Sunday school and Christian school teachers.
  6. Church program volunteers. 

They left behind more than 700 victims.

…preached abstinence … urged teens to sign a contract … save themselves for marriage …targeted underaged girls at the church … intimate text messages … physical contact.

… youth pastors across the country … with little oversight or formal training, used their church positions to groom and sexually abuse children … the Houston Chronicle and San Antonio Express-News reveals.

…behind the scenes … flirtations, using cellphones and laptops to message…girls…

…girls as young as 12 … graphic details about “temptations.” … sexual fantasies … masturbated online, displaying himself via social media webcams … describing his activities in texts … urged to send their own explicit images…

Click HERE to read the Houston Chronicle article.


When I quoted a few lines from Houston Chronicle above I deliberately used the … hoping that you would fill in the blank with your own group’s name. Sexual misconduct is not limited to the Baptists, the Catholics, or any Evangelical church…in fact, Christian youth groups have been an open invitation for child molesters, sexual misconduct, and pedophiles for generations.


the action by a pedophile of preparing a child for a meeting, especially via an Internet chat room, with the intention of committing a sexual offense.
“online grooming has become a growing cause for concern”

RELATED: How can Southern Baptist churches and parents help prevent sexual abuse?


One Scenario of Abuse

Walk in the Light: A Pastoral Response to Child Sexual Abuse, 1995

…preadolescent and younger children … a “special” game … no one else is “privileged” to share …the sex abuser is in a position of authority over the child, someone the child loves and trusts.

…may try to explain their actions … may tell a preadolescent youth … “This is your sex education.” … “This will help you feel better.” Children do not understand what is happening and often go along willingly … at first.

… “This is our secret, just between you and me.” Sometimes there is a threat of punishment or injury to others if the child tells anyone. … feelings of shame and guilt … too terrified to seek help. … “family secret” to the outside world is unthinkable.

Click HERE to read the entire article **

** This 1995 article has a lot of good information. However, I do no, personally, endorse all of the religious based conclusions.


Child grooming – Wikipedia

Child grooming is befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child, and …. The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre defines “local grooming” as follows: Localised grooming is a form of sexual exploitation …

A careful grace: Accountability for sex offenders in the church

Many churches are faced with a terribly difficult dilemma of what to do when a sex offender wants to become part of the church community.
…most churches have little to no understanding of the many complex issueschurches often make decisions that result in great harm to the children and abuse survivors in the congregation.
  • Child pornography is nothing less than the recording of the sexual abuse of children – each picture is a crime scene, a depiction of real children’s molestation.
…extreme, sadistic, and violent abuse against children.
Viewing child abuse images is not a victimless crime .
  • …Being a good steward in church includes stewarding risky conduct.
  •  not place a convicted sex offender in a place of temptation…
…recognizing that true repentance is demonstrated by embracing accountability and a lifetime process of authentic transformation.
*** Click HERE to read entire article
***In my opinion this is a very graciously worded article and full of kindness. However, I caution the reader to not be naive about opening their arms to someone who is a known sexual offender.
It is a fact that more men are addicted to porn than women are.
Something I have personally heard than read those wives of child molesters says is,
” My husband could not have molested a child – he loves children. Besides he is impotent. We have not had intimate relationships in years.”
That may have been a big clue right there that needed professional counseling, not just prayer repentance as a cop-out.

12 observations after reading The Porn Phenomenon


How would you define “pornography?”

Why do people choose to access pornography?

What effect do you think pornography has on you personally? On your church? In your country?

How would you define “pornography?”

Why do people choose to access pornography?

What affect do you think pornography has on you personally? On your church? On your country?

…this study might not be helpful for everyone to read. At times, it gives TMI (too much information), which could stir up sinful curiosity in your heart.

… Chapter 4 … how pornography affects the mind and intimacy within relationships. 

… findings of this study is how deadly pornography is to real relationships.

  • …Cambridge University study … porn addicts resembled drug addicts …“wanting it more” but not “liking it more.”
  • The urge to escalate use … desensitization to “regular” porn …increased appetite for more deviant and cruel images / scenarios.
  • …vicious cycle … dissatisfaction and dysfunction with intimacy in real relationships … marriage. …“one partner comes to sex looking for self-fulfillment … the other hopes for intimate connection”

…When sexual experience is separated from love … cannot ultimately be satisfied or sustained.

1 in 5 youth pastors (21 percent) and 1 in 7 senior pastors (14 percent) admitted they currently use porn” 

Finding a church member who has not been directly affected by pornography is like finding a unicorn.

Click HERE to read the entire article



Here’s How Our Culture Is Grooming Our Daughters For Porn…/our-culture-is-grooming-our-daughters-for-po…
Aug 10, 2017 – Whether your daughter is seven years old or seventeen, our culture is grooming her for an appetite for pornography. If you have a daughter or …

For some, home schooling is not about learning. It’s about hiding child …Oct 8, 2018 – Colorado’s lax oversight for home-schooled children removes one common … abuse had removed the children from school, claiming they planned to home … to assure that instruction was occurring, or to verify a child’s safety.

The vast majority of parents home schooling nearly 2 million children in the United States do it with good intentions and good results.

Click HERE to read

Are abusive parents hiding behind Iowa’s home-school laws?
Jan 21, 2017 – Two recent cases of child deaths have this in common: Both were … on home-schooled children to assure their safety and education needs are … Knox said she believes children placed into home schooling after a child abuse . Click HERE to read.
The two articles above are more about physical abuse. I am NOT knocking Home-School at all.
One of the common issues in religious groups (that may have cult tendencies ) is that the children are isolated.
Below is a book by by Vennie Kocsis a mentor and good friend of mine. Vennie’s book cult child tells about the abuse children suffer in a cult, The Move, which was recently in a People’s Magazine expose’

Cult Child by Vennie Kocsis

Available for your Kindle on Amazon – click HERE.


taken far into the Alaska tundra to live at a compound monitored by armed men and surrounded by miles of woods. Under the guise of Sam Fife’s violent teachings the children become victims of physical, mental and sexual abuse. Sila’s life consists of fighting to maintain just a glimmer of her own humanity, dreaming that her father will find her and save them. Click HERE


Best practices for supporting and educating students who have … – NEA
Sexual abuse can happen to children of all ages, cultures, and socioeconomic …. Make a safety plan with the student, parents, and guidance counselor. … violence at home to understand that violence is an inappropriate strategy at school. Click HERE to read article 

Religious Justifications for Child Sexual Abuse in Cults and Alternative Religions

Stephen A. Kent

University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

religious-coloured justifications that pedophiles have used to excuse child sexual abuse in cults and alternative religions operating in the West. These ideologies are a) Western scriptural patriarchalism; b) Western patriarchal incest; c) patriarchalism and polygamous child brides; d) millenarianism; e) antinomianism; f) sex as the means to salvation; g) sex as salvation; and h) levelling all forms of sex as equally fallen. By anchoring abuse within theologically based justifications that are readily available in one or more cultic or alternative religious groups, we gain insight into how sexual exploitation becomes legitimized within societal subgroups. Under leaders’ directions, these subgroups receive theologies that enable forms of child sexual abuse to seem normative because they appear to have divine justification or support. Click HERE to read.


For informational purposes:

What you should know about women and pornography


The neurochemical effect of pornography


….pornography, two dominant chemicals released:

  1. phenylethylamine (PEA) and adrenaline.
  2. Fused together, these two chemicals forge an intoxicating sensation that overpowers the pleasure of both oxytocin and endorphins.

The neurochemical climax released during pornographic ecstasy mirrors the brain activity of a person on crack cocaine.

In Pulling Back the Shades: Erotica, Intimacy, and the Longing of a Woman’s Heart, Juli Slattery, and Dannah K. Gresh state, “The problem is that PEA and adrenaline will only reappear as sexual experiences continue to be new, exciting, and sometimes even dangerous.”

“…sexual compulsion can cause a physical, anatomic change in the brain, the hallmark of brain addiction.”[1] …” filter created during pornography gradually alters…

William M. Struthers stated in Wired for Intimacy, “Pornography is the consumption of sexual poison that becomes part of the fabric of the mind.”

… watching pornography … curiosity, loneliness, boredom, rejection, stress, dissatisfaction, curiosity, comfort, connection, or to escape from reality. ...seduces with promises …

Biblically, the purpose of sex is to serve your lover selflessly in marriage as Christ loved the church. “

Click HERE to read the entire article


6 Reasons Why Sexual Predators Target Churches

Christians Are Naïve

Some sexual offenders state it outright—they go after churches because Christians tend to be naïve.

Anna Salter says, “If children can be silenced and the average person is easy to fool, many offenders report that religious people are even easier to fool than most people.”

Reju says, “Christian are, generally speaking, trusting folks. Child abusers recognize this fact and want to take full advantage of it.”

He quotes a former prosecutor who lays it out: “For a variety of reasons, we naively tend to automatically lower our guard when we are amongst professing Christians.

This same naïveté is why offenders flock to the faith community; no other environment provides them such quick and easy access to children without fear of raising concerns.”

Christians Are Ignorant of the Problem

Christians —ignorant of the problem of abuse and the extent of the problem within faith communities. … consider it unlikely or impossible that abuse could happen within their church … fail … ignore warnings … disregard reports. Reju says, “Many Christians don’t know how to distinguish likability and trustworthiness.”

…believe children are lying and are more prone to take an adult’s word. Sexual predators know that…

… always looking for help with children’s ministry and often are facing shortages of volunteers, sexual offenders know that…

…quick and easy access to children…

…taught to submit to authority, but not always warned that there are situations in which authority can and must be defied…

…Church offers religious roles or language that abusers can manipulate to accomplish their ugly purposes. …

Click HERE to read entire article


Over the decades I have been to many churches. Being a divorced woman makes Christian women uncomfortable.
all too often I had been informed that “My husband and I are working on our Christian marriage.”
At the time I was never quite sure what “Christian marriage” meant, really especially since I was there to worship, not steal husbands. I faithfully volunteered to teach their kids in Sunday School, so why did I feel offended by the remarks of women feeling they had to protect the boundaries around their husbands?
But, then one Sunday while I was buying our usual Sunday donuts for my daughter a clerk at the 7 – 11 pointed something out to me.
Coffee, Donuts, and Porn on a Sunday Morn
I noticed that the coffee and donuts run before their church was always a big rush and a long line to check out. I started leaving for our pre-church donuts about 10 minutes early to avoid the crowd of flirty men proudly displaying their church roles on plastic name tags.
The convenience store clerk said, ” Watch for about 10 minutes. Daddy takes coffee to his wives and donuts for the kiddos.”
I naively said, “That’s sweet. It’s a fun family routine to get donuts on Sunday. Nice hubby. “
” NO, you don’t quite get it, yet. The wife and kids of the church elder or deacon always waited in the cars with the motors running. The husband comes in making passes at the female clerks. Then Daddy will carry out a big box of donuts, 2 cups of coffee and a brown paper bag under his arm. He drives off the church all smiles and charming.”
The clerk told me that she was so confused about why men so proudly took their families to church; held a church office and picked up their Sunday afternoon porn – and nobody seems to have a problem with that. I do not want anything to do with the church now.”
Please, do NOT believe for a minute that dirty magazines are only for the articles.
I admit, I did find a problem with the hypocrisy hurtful to me as a nice Christian lady, who happened to be divorced – no bodies business to pass judgment on me – I did not want to pass judgment on anyone else for buying porn every Sunday. I was thinking that it was not my problem – little did I realize…
Disclaimer: this post is for infomraitonal putposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for credible psycho therapy/ medical professional treatment.
Now, about 20 years later I finally pulled together that there may have been more of a problem than the need to work on a “Christian marriage”. What is the real issue that Christian men ‘need” porn”?
  • the problem may not have been the lack of submission of the wife.
  • the problem may not have been the wife not satisfying the husband’s God-given needs.
  • the problem may not have been the pastor allowing divorced women with their children from “broken homes” into the church.

I am not writing this post to pass judgment on any one-not my place. My purpose is to tell you nice Christian men and women to, please, open your eyes so that you may see, “Not everyone who cries Lord, Lord” can be trusted to have behavior behind closed doors that match the words that come out of the mouth.


Do my words above make sense after reading at least the quotes I posted?

  • You will not go to Hell for questioning your gut feelings.
  • Your children are not going to Hell because they don’t want to go to a youth activity with a certain adult man. Listen to what they have to say. They may have a very good reason.



Great Resources:


New Books On Spiritual And Sexual Abuse

Multiple bloggers share, educating and supporting those who have been in unhealthy churches.
Please visit
For exceptional insight on spiritual abuse and resources for healing.
Below are a few of the new books on spiritual abuse that have recently been published. If you click on the blue links you will go to their page to find more resources and book synopsis right for you.
Free: From Legalism to Grace Breaking Out of the United Pentecostal Church by Jennifer Brewer is available in Kindle and paperback.
You don’t have to be in a cult to have a child predator in your church or youth activity even in public or private school. But, the general facts about sexual abuse an act of power and control can be present in any home no matter your belief system.
It happens that churches 100’s leaders in churches that abuse are in the news right now, and will be for a while longer as more people who were victimized come forward.
If you think your child may be abused or you want to learn more about how to prevent this heinous crime from happening to your children you may find these resources valuable.
Have you read Vennie Kossis blog on spiritual abuse? Click HERE


Non-religious groups such as pyramid type organizations, sales seminars, some life coaching programs, meditative/hypnosis organizations, non-religious youth boarding facilities, and/or metaphysical groups which are not worship based, for example, can exude abusive, controlling and manipulative behaviors that mentally and physically damage an individual.

Both cults and non-religious dangerous groups have many characteristics in common. They both tend to have a classist system, demand members to adhere to their rites, rituals, rules and expectations, practice shunning anyone who either refuses to comply by excommunication or firing them, public humiliation, and poly abusive behaviors.

Click HERE to learn more facts


Thanks for taking the time to begin to become better informed on how pornography may play a part in the sexual abuse of our loved ones you.


Be sure to thank the authors of the resources I encourage you to read.


This blog is not intended to be legal advice or a place of professional therapy. I do hope that my blogs are eye-openers that begin your journey of learning the facts about sexual abuse – it is more preventive than you can imagine.

I am Malika Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna saying make a good choice. Please feel free to share on social media.


How Did Christian Tabernacle of Washington, Iowa Go from Christian Church to Cult? Part one


Living Word Cult -Video Collection – part 3 Christian Church to Cult

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