Should You Trust Home Caregivers Who Work Fast?

Can you trust health care workers to do their job? What happens when you do not trust a health-care-giver who is very nice and get the work done very fast? Only in a perfect world can you trust a stranger. No employee is perfect- not even me.  When a family with a disabled person needs extra ordinary care-taking life is stressful enough – then hire a kind acting stranger who  seem to have all the necessary skills to help out – but, they are only there for the pay check and all the extras they can rip off. This  post will address some issues with health-care  employees that willfully cross the line of neglect and fraud, from my per-spective. Trust in God, but lock your door… For the last 6 1/2 years we have had some very good people in and out of our home to care for my adult son who – BAM! – got hit […]

Are we There Yet?-Traveling with Kids

The most common question children will ask when traveling is “ARE WE THERE YET?” This post will share some of our old fashioned traveling games and some newer ideas from cheap to very nice and neat and more modern… Granny tips for traveling with kids …plus my travel picks from the fun products I just […]

What’s the Big Deal About Sensory Play for Kids?

What’s the Big Deal about Sensory Play? Don’t you need flash cards and expensive toys to be able to enroll your future rocket scientist in the right college when they are 2 years old? (I may or may not be exaggerating.) If you ask a dozen people on your block to explain Sensory Play chances […]

5 Reasons Why Children Need A Toy to Hug

My personal story… Why I believe children need to have a toy to hug goes back to when… …I was very young I could not sleep. I was often cold and hungry. My parents worked very hard and had little time for the non-sense of a little girl who constantly begged for input. So I […]

How to Play the Waiting Game with Kids

Parents want a solution: “How often have you sat too long in a waiting room with bored kids?” Who knows how often I played the Waiting Game with my children and grandchildren over the decades? Mom, Dad, Grandma, I want to share my solution to a common problem with you in this blog post, so […]

101 Things for Sensory Play

What is big deal and why is sensory play important to how children learn? And, what is a Busy Bag or a Busy Box? This post will explain along with 100 things to use for sensory play to put collections of bags and boxes for children to play and learn. We all can name the 5 […]

Learning About Pets at Home and School

Pets are cute and a cuddly and offers children opportunities to learn responsibility and to calm themselves. Most children dream about having a pet of their very own. My post today will pull together a few of my favorite on line resources for pet lesson plans and free printable work sheets. I will also give […]

6 More Things You Never Thought About the Flu

To help you be better informed on more things you may have never thought of regarding influenza I put together 6 more basic answers to question on Influenza and more. The Flu is not on most people minds too often, uless you are trying to not catch it from other people. I took the liberty […]