Should You Trust Home Caregivers Who Work Fast?
Can you trust health care workers to do their job? What happens when you do not trust a health-care-giver who is very nice and get the work done very fast? Only in a perfect world can you trust a stranger. No employee is perfect- not even me. When a family with a disabled person needs extra ordinary care-taking life is stressful enough – then hire a kind acting stranger who seem to have all the necessary skills to help out – but, they are only there for the pay check and all the extras they can rip off. This post will address some issues with health-care employees that willfully cross the line of neglect and fraud, from my per-spective. Trust in God, but lock your door… For the last 6 1/2 years we have had some very good people in and out of our home to care for my adult son who – BAM! – got hit […]