Six year Old Learns Nanna’s Business

This weekend my youngest grand daughter and I accomplished a new goal for our e-commerce store that involves a new learning experience. Sophie-Do-It models for our all the time. But, today, the 6 year old got more involved in processing a customer’s order. Heart Felt Play Store, the on-line shop is approaching it’s 2nd 3rd year in business. I’ve […]

6 Skills a Kid Can Learn from a Bag of Bugs

Why would a kids want to play with a busy bag of bugs when he/she can play a video game a parent may ask? Early childhood educators and pediatric specialists know that the more simple, basic sensory ways a child’s the brain can be stimuate the greater the future learning capacity will be This post […]

Before You Buy the Take Your Dog Anywhere Card Read this First

When ever people see our Amber service-dog-in-training even strangers are quick to give us unsolictited advice. “You gotta get registered to get that card so you can take your dog any where. The card is even laminated!” My son’s response is “Bullshit! There is no legal registration for service dogs. Have you read what the […]

3 Easy Peasy DIY Costume

Moms and Dad’s before you break the bank taking the kids to the creepy seasonal Halloween store… there is an affordable way to to costume the kids and have fun learning experience, too even if you are not too crafty.   The image above show DIY masks Heart Felt Play Store had on display locally. […]

You Don’t Need a Pair of Angel Wings

For all those people on the other side of the counter or on the other end of the phone line. THANKS for being a sweet angel in disguise. You help me through an incredible amount of stress with your kind words and friendly smile. You helped me keep my head above water when I was […]

3 Ways to Have More Fun Learning New Facts

It is back to school time and we want our kids to have a successful school year. If the facts are a chore learning can be a bore. But, we can encourage learning the facts above and beyond the bare bones minimum with 3 fun ideas. We know this fact: the more senses involved when […]

A Word About Toy Safety from Heart Felt Play Store

Products are being RECALLED because children are injured or DIE. Please be aware that NOT every item you will getting delivered this holiday season may be safe-nor expect a RECALL notice from all the FREE SHIPPING SELLERS selling cheaper good manufactured by who knows is anyone’s guess in an Asian country with no strict safety […]

Top 3 Tips for Getting Organized from Perfectly Organized by Francesca

One day, I was a collecting my witts and digging through the pile of things-to-do-today on my table ..huff and puff…and posting a new product on my store…breathe…when Francesca Villardi and I re-connected on-line, again, after a few years. She is a professional organizer doing business under Perfectly Organized by Francesca Francesca has skills, I quite honestly, […]