Felt Dinosuars are Alive and Well: Finger Plays and Games
Dinosuars names may be so hard to pronouce and spell, unless you are a kid.
Children are inspired to when they play with dinosuar stuff like these dinosaur skeletons.
This post shares a few simple games and finger plays PLUS Dinosaur DIg Pinterest boards which has the links to over 1,000 dinosaur ideas.
Hot Lava Game:
Tell kid to get dressed in their dinosaur socks to escape the “hot lava” . Most dawdelers will dress faster than pre-historic dinosaurs ever moved so they can get into the game.
Dinosaur Trees:
This old No Non-cents Nanna has always found the fact that kid who who won’t eat brocoli until someone says that dinosaurs eat brocoli.
Then brocoli becomes a favorite food.
Go figure.
Hatch your own 2″ plastic dinosaur toy from a pretend prehistoric plastic egg hunt game.
No Non-cents Nanna’s Heart Felt Play Store, before closing had an enormous Dinosaur Collection – sorry- Nanna closed the store upon retirement. Images seem on this post are from Heart Felt Play Store. You can purchase many of these toys form Oriental Trading.

Dinosaur eggs are perfect party favor at a dinosaur parties. Dino eggs make great scavenger hunts games, too.
Lyrics to Dinosaur Finger Plays:
Five Enormous Dinosaurs
Five enormous dinosaurs, letting out a roar,
One went away and then there were four.
Four enormous dinosaurs, munching on a tree,
One went away and then there were three.
Three enormous dinosaurs didn’t know what to do,
One went away and then there were two.
Two enormous dinosaurs having lots of fun,
One went away and then there was one.
One enormous dinosaur afraid to be a hero,
He (she) went away and then there were zero.
Dinosaur Masks add to the Dinosaur Dramtic Play Experience.
( This finger play ends with the word zero which is as important a number as 1, 2, or 3…)
Dinosaurs Stomp!
Dinosaurs lived long ago.
Some walked (stomp in place)
Some swam (pretend to swim)
Some flew, you know! (flap arms at sides)
Some were big (hold hands high)
Some were small (hold hands low)
Some were gigantic–(stretch arms out wide)
V-e-r-y tall! (stretch arms up high)
This is great for using large motor muscles in a fun way for kids.
Note from No Non-cents Nanna:
Pre-school kids couldn’t wait to do the DINOSAUR unit in my classes.
- We would dig of bones in the sand box.
- Make dinosaur hats with long long long tails on our backs.
- We always made a paper mache’ volcano on the dinosaur land….
- Share dinosaur tattoos for job well done.
I involved the kids in the process of building a volcano starting with tearing up newspaper.
On the last day I promised that the volcano would erupt in Dinosaur Land.
My secret ingredients were vinegar and baking soda.( You know about that chemical reaction, right?)
One child got to pour baking soda into the volcano with great anticipation, but nothing happened.
…and there sits the vinegar looking like water…without fan fare and a heavy sigh I allow someone to pour “it” into the volcano…
FIZ. FIZ. FIZ!!!!!
The kids scream with delight as I looked so shocked when I ask, “What did you DO_O_O_O?!”
My dinosuar unit was alway so much fun when I taught pre-school.
Now, it’s your turn:
Share the lyrics to your favorite dinosuar finger play.
Are you following No Non-cents Nanna on Pinterest, yet? I have a Pinteresting collection of dinosuar fun.
Dinosaur Dig on Pinterest. Check out what’s new! Click HERE!
Edited and updated 11/30/2019
I am Malika Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna encouraging you to make good choices!
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