Post Thanks Giving Turkey Burn in Colorado Springs
Hey, Colorado Springs join us in burning our “turkey wings: at the after Thanks Giving Turkey Day fun at the D & R TURKEY BURN Sunday November 29th from 3 pm to 5pm.
We will be exercising our wings and buttered buns at the Colorado Springs City Auditorium, 221 East Kiowa.
clockat 3:00pm – 5:00pm
Next Week · 43°F / 15°F Partly Cloudy
pin221 E Kiowa St, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903
- Participates at the event will be invited to exercise for fun.
- 25 crafters/ vendors will be there with holiday gift giving inspiration.
- You can’t miss me. I will be a big turkey ( really) handing out my free felt samples in left over bags along with registration forms for a random drawing for a felt fortress. See below.

Felt fortress hand made by No Non-cents Nanna. Register with the Big Turkey, Malika Bourne, at the Turkey Burn November 29th City Auditorium, Colorado Springs for a random drawing to win this fort. Restriciton apply. -see post for more details and contact info.
For more information on Malika Bourne’s random Drawing for this felt fort feel free to contact me,
Malika Bourne at 719-291-4914.
No purchase necessary.
This is for attendees of the November 29th Turky Burn held at the City Auditorium, 221 E. Kiowa, Colorado Springs.
To be eligable for Malika Bourne’s FREE Fortress you must complete my registration form at the event. I will draw the winners name at the close of the event. Odds of winning depend on the number who register. Malika Bourne reserves the right to restrict to only one entry per family. No cash value.
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