The Key Smooth Baby Sitting Transitions shared by No Non-cents Nanna
Summer vacation is almost over for school age children. Transitioning from summer time play to getting up for school in the morning may be a challenge in some families.
Whether you are a baby-sitter; older sibling; parent; or teacher No Non-cents Nanna has a secret key that will help you.

The secret key to undesrstanding misbehavio rin chidlren is to hold the key to smooth transitioning from one activity to another. Image copy right 2014 Malika Bourne all rights reserved.
The key is to understand that transitioning from one activity to another is hard for some kids, but disaterously worse for others.
Yes, you can nip a big problem behavior in the bud while keeping the kids safe when you are in charge.
Remember, when you are in charge you are not the “friend”. But, that does not mean you can’t be pleasant as you expect cooperation.. so, be pleasant!
Children and grown ups alike all appreciate knowing what is expected of them. So, use your words to tell the kids what you expect before you transition to another activity or task.
Baby-sitting Secrets for Smooth Transitions
Baby Sitters, do you want to know the secrets about how to smoothly transition from one activity to another?
Quote from my archived blog:
- Many children have a difficult time stopping one activity to go on to the next thing.
- Transitioning is most often the culprit in misbehavior.
- Knowing this and how to smoothly stop one thing then go on to another thing is being two steps ahead in the game.
- Give a five minute warning that things will change.
- Sing a song or chat.
- Be prepared to smoothly flow into the next activity by having clothes or books laid out.
- Be prepared to firmely state, “this is not a choice” when there are no options.
Below are some ideas of things you, the babysitter, might pleasantly say or chant in a sing-songy way when you give the 5 minute warning of a change.
- Ding, ding, ding. You have five more minutes to play before clean up time.”
- “Clean up, clean up. Everybody clean up then I’ll read a bedtime story.”
- “Way to go, little gizmo. I have three books picked out. Which would you like to have me read to you first?”
- “This is the last book before you brush you teeth.”
- “When you finish your bedtime story what do you do? Brush your teeth, brush your teeth, brush your teeth.” Sound like a “choo choo train” in rhythm, saying, “brush your teeth”, on the way to brush your teeth.
- Would you like to walk like a dinosaur ro waddle like a duck on your way to bed? (Choices help a chidl to feel like they do have some power and control.)
- Would you like me to rub your back or patt your back?
Begin a new shool year routine before beditme to lay out clothes; pack lunches; back packs; gym shoes etc the night before–and before they lay their heads on the pillow.
A 10 year old may not still want to her good Night Moon as a bed time story. My now grown children loved chapter books and Shel Silverstein to read.
Have you talked about what relaxing music your child might like to listen to? ( Put the tech stuff away before bed time.)
Have you tired spritzing some lavender on the pillow as a cue to relax at bed time?
What other fun ways have you tried successfully with kids while transtitiong from one activity to another?
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