Gifts for Young Children: Keep It Simple Silly!

With the holiday gift buying season upon us there is a temptation to buy bigger and better than young children really need. Malika Bourne the No Non-cents Nanna advises parents and grandparents to KISS! KEEP IT SIMPLE!   Sure, all parents have the natural fantasy to give our children more than we had when were […]

UGLY Sweaters and Crafts Galore in Colorado Springs

Today’s Craft Show organized by Broad WAY Productions ( November 14, 2015) was so much FUN! I wore my home made UGLY Sweater for an UGLY Sweater contest and felt s-o-o good about looking tacky as I sold my felt Chritmas Trees and more at one of the beautiful rooms at the Hilton Garden Inn […]

Felt Doll Photo Shoot

Before I tie the last few bows on the cello bags with my hand crafted felt dolls “we” did a photo shoot! “We”, the felt dolls with fleece filled doll pillows and flannel doll blankets will be displaying at the November 14, 2015 Craft Show at the Hilton Garden Inn; 2035 Aerotech, Colorado Springs.   […]

Beware of Trick or Treat Choking Hazards!

Now that Trick or Treat night has left most young families with bags of candy and other treats begging to be eaten…some of which may be choking hazards…   …this old No Non-cents Nanna has to ask this: Would you know how to save a choking person? When I was 14 years old I witnessed […]

Do Not like Your Life? Change It: Rearrange It.

At times life can be like a box of puzzle pieces:puzzling!   We have many choices when we are so mixed up the pieces don’t fit right.  Whine and complain.  Stay passive or silent. Blame someone else for the problem Wait for someone (enabler)to fix it for us Problem solve to do something different.   In the […]

The Hand Writing on the Wall, the Doll, the Legs…

Learning to “write” is an exciting adventure for most children. If you are the parent of a 3 to 6 year old be FORE WARNED! Even very well supervised and best behaved child will practice every chance they get on anything and everything available; walls; dolls; legs and more… If they get a hankering to […]

Making Breakfast Sensory Play from Felt: Tracing Shapes

There is some very nice sensory play items on the commercial market. But, I prefer to make my own felt shapes versus purchasing manufactured products. This multi-part post will show you how to get started making economical felt shapes for pre-school children and younger grade school children.   Making felt items for kids to experience […]

Pre-Schoolers Learning to Sew Dolls Clothes part 2

This post is a continuation of Pre-Schoolers Learning to Sew Dolls Clothes and can be adapted to other learning experiences. This old No Non-cents Nanna knows when children are given the opportunity,along with the adults patience, they can do many things on the road to eventual independence.   What parts can a 4 year old ‘sew”? Pick […]